Source code for scqubits.core.circuit

# This file is part of scqubits: a Python package for superconducting qubits,
# Quantum 5, 583 (2021).
#    Copyright (c) 2019 and later, Jens Koch and Peter Groszkowski
#    All rights reserved.
#    This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
#    LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

import re
import warnings
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union, Callable

import numpy as np
import sympy as sm
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.axes import Axes
from matplotlib.figure import Figure
from numpy import ndarray
from sympy import latex

    from IPython.display import Latex, display
except ImportError:
    _HAS_IPYTHON = False
    _HAS_IPYTHON = True

import scqubits.core.discretization as discretization
import scqubits.core.central_dispatch as dispatch
import scqubits.core.qubit_base as base
import scqubits.io_utils.fileio_serializers as serializers

from scqubits import settings
from scqubits.core.circuit_utils import (
from scqubits.core.symbolic_circuit import Branch, SymbolicCircuit
from scqubits.utils.misc import (

from scqubits.core.circuit_routines import CircuitRoutines
from scqubits.core.circuit_noise import NoisyCircuit

[docs]class Subsystem( CircuitRoutines, base.QubitBaseClass, serializers.Serializable, dispatch.DispatchClient, NoisyCircuit, ): """ Defines a subsystem for a circuit, which can further be used recursively to define subsystems within subsystem. Parameters ---------- parent: Subsystem the instance under which the new subsystem is defined. ext_basis: str The basis that should be used for extended variables hamiltonian_symbolic: sm.Expr The symbolic expression which defines the Hamiltonian for the new subsystem system_hierarchy: Optional[List], optional Defines the hierarchy of the new subsystem, is set to None when hierarchical diagonalization is not required. by default None subsystem_trunc_dims: Optional[List], optional Defines the truncated dimensions for the subsystems inside the current subsystem, is set to None when hierarchical diagonalization is not required, by default `None` truncated_dim: Optional[int], optional sets the truncated dimension for the current subsystem, set to 10 by default. """ def __init__( self, parent: "Subsystem", hamiltonian_symbolic: sm.Expr, ext_basis: Union[str, List], system_hierarchy: Optional[List] = None, subsystem_trunc_dims: Optional[List] = None, truncated_dim: Optional[int] = 10, evals_method: Union[Callable, str, None] = None, evals_method_options: Union[dict, None] = None, esys_method: Union[Callable, str, None] = None, esys_method_options: Union[dict, None] = None, ): # switch used in protecting the class from erroneous addition of new attributes object.__setattr__(self, "_frozen", False) base.QubitBaseClass.__init__( self, id_str=None, evals_method=evals_method, evals_method_options=evals_method_options, esys_method=esys_method, esys_method_options=esys_method_options, ) self.system_hierarchy = system_hierarchy self.truncated_dim = truncated_dim self.subsystem_trunc_dims = subsystem_trunc_dims self.is_child = True self.parent = parent self.hamiltonian_symbolic = hamiltonian_symbolic self._default_grid_phi = self.parent._default_grid_phi self.junction_potential = None self._H_LC_str_harmonic = None # attribute to keep track if the symbolic Hamiltonian needs to be updated self._make_property( "_user_changed_parameter", False, "update_user_changed_parameter", use_central_dispatch=False, ) self.ext_basis = ext_basis self._find_and_set_sym_attrs() self.dynamic_var_indices: List[int] = flatten_list_recursive( [self.system_hierarchy] ) parent_cutoffs_dict = self.parent.cutoffs_dict() cutoffs: List[int] = [ parent_cutoffs_dict[var_index] for var_index in self.dynamic_var_indices ] self.var_categories: Dict[str, List[int]] = {} for var_type in self.parent.var_categories: self.var_categories[var_type] = [ var_index for var_index in self.parent.var_categories[var_type] if var_index in self.dynamic_var_indices ] self.cutoff_names: List[str] = [] for var_type in self.var_categories.keys(): if var_type == "periodic": for var_index in self.var_categories["periodic"]: self.cutoff_names.append(f"cutoff_n_{var_index}") if var_type == "extended": for var_index in self.var_categories["extended"]: self.cutoff_names.append(f"cutoff_ext_{var_index}") self.discretized_phi_range: Dict[int, Tuple[float]] = { idx: self.parent.discretized_phi_range[idx] for idx in self.parent.discretized_phi_range if idx in self.dynamic_var_indices } # storing the potential terms separately self.potential_symbolic = self.generate_sym_potential() self.hierarchical_diagonalization: bool = ( system_hierarchy != [] and number_of_lists_in_list(system_hierarchy) > 0 ) if len(self.dynamic_var_indices) == 1: self.type_of_matrices = "dense" else: self.type_of_matrices = "sparse" # needs to be included to make sure that plot_evals_vs_paramvals works self._init_params = [] # attributes for purely harmonic self.normal_mode_freqs = [] self._configure() self._frozen = True def _find_and_set_sym_attrs(self): """ Finds the symbolic and other circuit params from the symbolic Hamiltonian, and sets the attribs external_fluxes, offset_charges and symbolic_params. Only works when _frozen is set to False, or the above attribs are already set. """ self.external_fluxes = [ var for var in self.parent.external_fluxes if var in self.hamiltonian_symbolic.free_symbols ] self.offset_charges = [ var for var in self.parent.offset_charges if var in self.hamiltonian_symbolic.free_symbols ] self.free_charges = [ var for var in self.parent.free_charges if var in self.hamiltonian_symbolic.free_symbols ] self.symbolic_params = { var: self.parent.symbolic_params[var] for var in self.parent.symbolic_params if var in self.hamiltonian_symbolic.free_symbols } def _configure(self) -> None: """ Function which is used to initiate the subsystem instance. """ self._frozen = False for idx, param in enumerate(self.symbolic_params): self._make_property(, getattr(self.parent,, "update_param_vars" ) # getting attributes from parent for flux in self.external_fluxes: self._make_property(, getattr(self.parent,, "update_external_flux_or_charge", ) for charge_var in self.offset_charges + self.free_charges: self._make_property(, getattr(self.parent,, "update_external_flux_or_charge", ) for cutoff_str in self.cutoff_names: self._make_property( cutoff_str, getattr(self.parent, cutoff_str), "update_cutoffs" ) # if subsystem hamiltonian is purely harmonic if ( self._is_expression_purely_harmonic(self.hamiltonian_symbolic) and self.ext_basis == "harmonic" ): self.is_purely_harmonic = True self._annihilation_operator_in_eigenbasis = None else: self.is_purely_harmonic = False # Creating the attributes for purely harmonic circuits if ( isinstance(self, Circuit) and self.parent.is_purely_harmonic ): # assuming that the parent has only extended variables and are ordered # starting from 1, 2, 3, ... self.is_purely_harmonic = self.parent.is_purely_harmonic self.normal_mode_freqs = self.parent.normal_mode_freqs[ [var_idx - 1 for var_idx in self.var_categories["extended"]] ] if self.hierarchical_diagonalization: # attribute to note updated subsystem indices self.affected_subsystem_indices = [] self._hamiltonian_sym_for_numerics = self.hamiltonian_symbolic.copy() self.generate_subsystems() self.ext_basis = self.get_ext_basis() self.update_interactions() self._check_truncation_indices() self.affected_subsystem_indices = list(range(len(self.subsystems))) else: self.generate_hamiltonian_sym_for_numerics() if self.is_purely_harmonic and self.ext_basis == "harmonic": self._diagonalize_purely_harmonic_hamiltonian() self._set_vars() self.operators_by_name = self.set_operators() if self.hierarchical_diagonalization: self._out_of_sync = False # for use with CentralDispatch dispatch.CENTRAL_DISPATCH.register("CIRCUIT_UPDATE", self) self._frozen = True
[docs]class Circuit( CircuitRoutines, base.QubitBaseClass, serializers.Serializable, dispatch.DispatchClient, NoisyCircuit, ): """ Class for analysis of custom superconducting circuits. Parameters ---------- input_string: str String describing the number of nodes and branches connecting then along with their parameters from_file: bool Set to True by default, when a file name should be provided to `input_string`, else the circuit graph description in YAML should be provided as a string. basis_completion: str either "heuristic" or "canonical", defines the matrix used for completing the transformation matrix. Sometimes used to change the variable transformation to result in a simpler symbolic Hamiltonian, by default "heuristic" ext_basis: str can be "discretized" or "harmonic" which chooses whether to use discretized phi or harmonic oscillator basis for extended variables, by default "discretized" use_dynamic_flux_grouping: bool set to False by default. Indicates if the flux allocation is done by assuming that flux is time dependent. When set to True, it disables the option to change the closure branches. initiate_sym_calc: bool attribute to initiate Circuit instance, by default `True` truncated_dim: Optional[int] truncated dimension if the user wants to use this circuit instance in HilbertSpace, by default `None` """ def __init__( self, input_string: Optional[str] = None, from_file: bool = True, basis_completion="heuristic", ext_basis: str = "discretized", use_dynamic_flux_grouping: bool = False, generate_noise_methods: bool = False, initiate_sym_calc: bool = True, truncated_dim: int = 10, symbolic_param_dict: Dict[str, float] = None, symbolic_hamiltonian: sm.Expr = None, evals_method: Union[Callable, str, None] = None, evals_method_options: Union[dict, None] = None, esys_method: Union[Callable, str, None] = None, esys_method_options: Union[dict, None] = None, ): # switch used in protecting the class from erroneous addition of new attributes object.__setattr__(self, "_frozen", False) base.QubitBaseClass.__init__( self, id_str=None, evals_method=evals_method, evals_method_options=evals_method_options, esys_method=esys_method, esys_method_options=esys_method_options, ) if symbolic_hamiltonian and input_string: raise Exception( "Circuit instance cannot be initialized with both input_string and symbolic_hamiltonian." ) if input_string: self.from_yaml( input_string=input_string, from_file=from_file, basis_completion=basis_completion, ext_basis=ext_basis, use_dynamic_flux_grouping=use_dynamic_flux_grouping, generate_noise_methods=generate_noise_methods, initiate_sym_calc=initiate_sym_calc, truncated_dim=truncated_dim, ) else: if use_dynamic_flux_grouping or generate_noise_methods: raise Exception( "Circuit instance initialized using symbolic Hamiltonian cannot be configured with closure_branches, use_dynamic_flux_grouping, transformation_matrix or generate_noise_methods." ) self.from_symbolic_hamiltonian( symbolic_hamiltonian=symbolic_hamiltonian, symbolic_param_dict=symbolic_param_dict, initiate_sym_calc=initiate_sym_calc, truncated_dim=truncated_dim, ext_basis=ext_basis, ) def from_symbolic_hamiltonian( self, symbolic_hamiltonian: sm.Expr, symbolic_param_dict: Dict[str, float], initiate_sym_calc: bool, truncated_dim: int, ext_basis: str, ): self.hamiltonian_symbolic = symbolic_hamiltonian self.symbolic_params = {} for param_str in symbolic_param_dict: if "ng" in param_str or "Φ" in param_str: continue self.symbolic_params[sm.symbols(param_str)] = symbolic_param_dict[param_str] sm.init_printing(pretty_print=False, order="none") self.is_child = False self.ext_basis = ext_basis self.truncated_dim: int = truncated_dim self.system_hierarchy: list = None self.subsystem_trunc_dims: list = None self.operators_by_name = None self.discretized_phi_range: Dict[int, Tuple[float, float]] = {} self.cutoff_names: List[str] = [] # setting default grids for plotting self._default_grid_phi: discretization.Grid1d = discretization.Grid1d( -6 * np.pi, 6 * np.pi, 200 ) self.type_of_matrices: str = ( "sparse" # type of matrices used to construct the operators ) # needs to be included to make sure that plot_evals_vs_paramvals works self._init_params = [] self._out_of_sync = False # for use with CentralDispatch self._make_property( "_user_changed_parameter", False, "update_user_changed_parameter", use_central_dispatch=False, ) if initiate_sym_calc: self.configure() self._frozen = True dispatch.CENTRAL_DISPATCH.register("CIRCUIT_UPDATE", self)
[docs] def from_yaml( self, input_string: str, from_file: bool = True, basis_completion="heuristic", ext_basis: str = "discretized", use_dynamic_flux_grouping: bool = False, generate_noise_methods: bool = False, initiate_sym_calc: bool = True, truncated_dim: int = None, ): """ Wrapper to Circuit __init__ to create a class instance. This is deprecated and will not be supported in future releases. Parameters ---------- input_string: String describing the number of nodes and branches connecting then along with their parameters from_file: Set to True by default, when a file name should be provided to `input_string`, else the circuit graph description in YAML should be provided as a string. basis_completion: either "heuristic" or "canonical", defines the matrix used for completing the transformation matrix. Sometimes used to change the variable transformation to result in a simpler symbolic Hamiltonian, by default "heuristic" ext_basis: can be "discretized" or "harmonic" which chooses whether to use discretized phi or harmonic oscillator basis for extended variables, by default "discretized" initiate_sym_calc: attribute to initiate Circuit instance, by default `True` truncated_dim: truncated dimension if the user wants to use this circuit instance in HilbertSpace, by default `None` use_dynamic_flux_grouping: bool set to False by default. Indicates if the flux allocation is done by assuming that flux is time dependent. When set to True, it disables the option to change the closure branches. """ if basis_completion not in ["heuristic", "canonical"]: raise Exception( "Invalid choice for basis_completion: must be 'heuristic' or " "'canonical'." ) symbolic_circuit = SymbolicCircuit.from_yaml( input_string, from_file=from_file, basis_completion=basis_completion, initiate_sym_calc=True, use_dynamic_flux_grouping=use_dynamic_flux_grouping, ) sm.init_printing(pretty_print=False, order="none") self.is_child = False self.symbolic_circuit: SymbolicCircuit = symbolic_circuit self.ext_basis = ext_basis self.hierarchical_diagonalization: bool = False self.truncated_dim: int = truncated_dim self.system_hierarchy: list = None self.subsystem_trunc_dims: list = None self.operators_by_name = None self.discretized_phi_range: Dict[int, Tuple[float, float]] = {} self.cutoff_names: List[str] = [] # setting default grids for plotting self._default_grid_phi: discretization.Grid1d = discretization.Grid1d( -6 * np.pi, 6 * np.pi, 200 ) self.type_of_matrices: str = ( "sparse" # type of matrices used to construct the operators ) # copying all the required attributes required_attributes = [ "branches", "closure_branches", "external_fluxes", "ground_node", "hamiltonian_symbolic", "input_string", "is_grounded", "lagrangian_node_vars", "lagrangian_symbolic", "nodes", "offset_charges", "free_charges", "potential_symbolic", "potential_node_vars", "symbolic_params", "transformation_matrix", "var_categories", ] for attr in required_attributes: setattr(self, attr, getattr(self.symbolic_circuit, attr)) # needs to be included to make sure that plot_evals_vs_paramvals works self._init_params = [] self._out_of_sync = False # for use with CentralDispatch self._make_property( "_user_changed_parameter", False, "update_user_changed_parameter", use_central_dispatch=False, ) if initiate_sym_calc: self.configure() if generate_noise_methods: self.generate_noise_methods() self._frozen = True dispatch.CENTRAL_DISPATCH.register("CIRCUIT_UPDATE", self)
def _find_branch( self, node_id_1: int, node_id_2: int, branch_type: str, branch_params: dict ): for branch in self.symbolic_circuit.branches: branch_node_ids = [node.index for node in branch.nodes] branch_params_circ = branch.parameters.copy() for param in branch_params_circ: if isinstance(branch_params_circ[param], sm.Symbol): branch_params_circ[param] = branch_params_circ[param].name if node_id_1 not in branch_node_ids or node_id_2 not in branch_node_ids: continue if branch.type != branch_type: continue if branch_params != branch_params_circ: continue return branch return None
[docs] @staticmethod def default_params() -> Dict[str, Any]: return {}
def _clear_unnecessary_attribs(self): """ Clear all the attributes which are not part of the circuit description """ necessary_attrib_names = ( self.cutoff_names + [ for flux_symbol in self.external_fluxes] + [ for charge_symbol in self.offset_charges + self.free_charges ] + ["cutoff_names"] ) attrib_keys = list(self.__dict__.keys()).copy() for attrib in attrib_keys: if attrib[1:] not in necessary_attrib_names: if ( "cutoff_n_" in attrib or "Φ" in attrib or "cutoff_ext_" in attrib or attrib[1:3] == "ng" ): delattr(self, attrib)
[docs] def configure( self, transformation_matrix: Optional[ndarray] = None, system_hierarchy: Optional[list] = None, subsystem_trunc_dims: Optional[list] = None, closure_branches: Optional[List[Branch]] = None, ext_basis: Optional[str] = None, use_dynamic_flux_grouping: Optional[bool] = None, generate_noise_methods: bool = False, ): """ Method which re-initializes a circuit instance to update, hierarchical diagonalization parameters or closure branches or the variable transformation used to describe the circuit. Parameters ---------- transformation_matrix: A user defined variable transformation which has the dimensions of the number nodes (not counting the ground node), by default `None` system_hierarchy: A list of lists which is provided by the user to define subsystems, by default `None` subsystem_trunc_dims: dict object which can be generated for a specific system_hierarchy using the method `truncation_template`, by default `None` closure_branches: List of branches where external flux variables will be specified, by default `None` which then chooses closure branches by an internally generated spanning tree. For this option, Circuit should be initialized with `use_dynamic_flux_grouping` set to False. ext_basis: can be "discretized" or "harmonic" which chooses whether to use discretized phi or harmonic oscillator basis for extended variables, by default `None` use_dynamic_flux_grouping: set to False by default. Indicates if the flux allocation is done by assuming that flux is time dependent. When set to True, it disables the option to change the closure branches. generate_noise_methods: set to False by default. Indicates if the noise methods should be generated for the circuit instance. Raises ------ Exception When system_hierarchy is set and subsystem_trunc_dims is not set. Exception When closure_branches is set and the Circuit instance is initialized with the setting `use_dynamic_flux_grouping=True`. """ old_system_hierarchy = self.system_hierarchy old_subsystem_trunc_dims = self.subsystem_trunc_dims old_ext_basis = self.ext_basis if hasattr(self, "symbolic_circuit"): old_transformation_matrix = self.transformation_matrix old_use_dynamic_flux_grouping = ( self.symbolic_circuit.use_dynamic_flux_grouping ) old_closure_branches = ( self.closure_branches if not old_use_dynamic_flux_grouping else None ) old_generate_noise_methods = hasattr(self, "_noise_methods_generated") try: if hasattr(self, "symbolic_circuit"): self._configure( transformation_matrix=transformation_matrix, system_hierarchy=system_hierarchy, subsystem_trunc_dims=subsystem_trunc_dims, closure_branches=closure_branches, ext_basis=ext_basis, use_dynamic_flux_grouping=use_dynamic_flux_grouping, generate_noise_methods=generate_noise_methods, ) else: if ( closure_branches is not None or use_dynamic_flux_grouping or generate_noise_methods ): raise Exception( "Circuit instance initialized using symbolic Hamiltonian cannot be configured with closure_branches, use_dynamic_flux_grouping, transformation_matrix or generate_noise_methods." ) self._configure_sym_hamiltonian( system_hierarchy=system_hierarchy, subsystem_trunc_dims=subsystem_trunc_dims, ext_basis=ext_basis, ) except: # resetting the necessary attributes self.system_hierarchy = old_system_hierarchy self.subsystem_trunc_dims = old_subsystem_trunc_dims if hasattr(self, "symbolic_circuit"): self.transformation_matrix = old_transformation_matrix self.closure_branches = old_closure_branches # Calling configure if hasattr(self, "symbolic_circuit"): self._configure( transformation_matrix=old_transformation_matrix, system_hierarchy=old_system_hierarchy, subsystem_trunc_dims=old_subsystem_trunc_dims, closure_branches=old_closure_branches, ext_basis=old_ext_basis, use_dynamic_flux_grouping=old_use_dynamic_flux_grouping, generate_noise_methods=old_generate_noise_methods, ) else: self._configure_sym_hamiltonian( system_hierarchy=old_system_hierarchy, subsystem_trunc_dims=old_subsystem_trunc_dims, ext_basis=old_ext_basis, ) raise Exception("Configure failed due to incorrect parameters.")
def _read_symbolic_hamiltonian( self, symbolic_hamiltonian: sm.Expr ) -> Tuple[List[sm.Expr], List[sm.Expr], List[sm.Expr], Dict[str, List[int]]]: free_symbols = symbolic_hamiltonian.free_symbols external_fluxes = [] offset_charges = [] free_charges = [] var_categories = {"periodic": [], "extended": [], "free": [], "frozen": []} for var_sym in free_symbols: if re.match(r"^ng\d+$", offset_charges.append(var_sym) elif re.match(r"^Qf\d+$", free_charges.append(var_sym) elif re.match(r"^Φ\d+$", external_fluxes.append(var_sym) elif re.match(r"^n\d+$", var_index = get_trailing_number( var_categories["periodic"].append(var_index) elif re.match(r"^Q\d+$", var_index = get_trailing_number( var_categories["extended"].append(var_index) var_categories = { category: sorted(var_categories[category]) for category in var_categories } return external_fluxes, offset_charges, free_charges, var_categories def _configure_sym_hamiltonian( self, system_hierarchy: Optional[list] = None, subsystem_trunc_dims: Optional[list] = None, ext_basis: Optional[str] = None, ): """ Method which re-initializes a circuit instance to update, hierarchical diagonalization parameters or closure branches or the variable transformation used to describe the circuit. Parameters ---------- system_hierarchy: A list of lists which is provided by the user to define subsystems, by default `None` subsystem_trunc_dims: dict object which can be generated for a specific system_hierarchy using the method `truncation_template`, by default `None` ext_basis: can be "discretized" or "harmonic" which chooses whether to use discretized phi or harmonic oscillator basis for extended variables, by default `None` Raises ------ Exception when system_hierarchy is set and subsystem_trunc_dims is not set. """ self._frozen = False system_hierarchy = system_hierarchy or self.system_hierarchy subsystem_trunc_dims = subsystem_trunc_dims or self.subsystem_trunc_dims self.ext_basis = ext_basis or self.ext_basis self.hierarchical_diagonalization = ( True if system_hierarchy is not None else False ) self.is_purely_harmonic = self._is_expression_purely_harmonic( self.hamiltonian_symbolic ) ( self.external_fluxes, self.offset_charges, self.free_charges, self.var_categories, ) = self._read_symbolic_hamiltonian(self.hamiltonian_symbolic) # initiating the class properties self.cutoff_names = [] for var_type in self.var_categories.keys(): if var_type == "periodic": for idx, var_index in enumerate(self.var_categories["periodic"]): if not hasattr(self, f"_cutoff_n_{var_index}"): self._make_property( f"cutoff_n_{var_index}", 5, "update_cutoffs" ) self.cutoff_names.append(f"cutoff_n_{var_index}") if var_type == "extended": for idx, var_index in enumerate(self.var_categories["extended"]): if not hasattr(self, f"_cutoff_ext_{var_index}"): self._make_property( f"cutoff_ext_{var_index}", 30, "update_cutoffs" ) self.cutoff_names.append(f"cutoff_ext_{var_index}") self.dynamic_var_indices = ( self.var_categories["periodic"] + self.var_categories["extended"] ) # default values for the parameters for idx, param in enumerate(self.symbolic_params): if not hasattr(self, self._make_property(, self.symbolic_params[param], "update_param_vars" ) # setting the ranges for flux ranges used for discrete phi vars for var_index in self.var_categories["extended"]: if var_index not in self.discretized_phi_range: self.discretized_phi_range[var_index] = (-6 * np.pi, 6 * np.pi) # external flux vars for flux in self.external_fluxes: # setting the default to zero external flux if not hasattr(self, self._make_property(, 0.0, "update_external_flux_or_charge") # offset charges for charge_var in self.offset_charges + self.free_charges: # default to zero offset charge if not hasattr(self, self._make_property(, 0.0, "update_external_flux_or_charge" ) self.potential_symbolic = self.generate_sym_potential() # changing the matrix type if necessary if len(flatten_list(self.var_categories.values())) == 1: self.type_of_matrices = "dense" if system_hierarchy is not None: self.hierarchical_diagonalization = ( system_hierarchy != [] and number_of_lists_in_list(system_hierarchy) > 0 ) if not self.hierarchical_diagonalization: if self.is_purely_harmonic and not ext_basis: if self.ext_basis != "harmonic": warnings.warn( "Purely harmonic circuits need ext_basis to be set to 'harmonic'" ) self.ext_basis = "harmonic" self.ext_basis = ext_basis or self.ext_basis self.generate_hamiltonian_sym_for_numerics() if self.is_purely_harmonic and self.ext_basis == "harmonic": # using the default methods self.evals_method = None self.evals_method_options = None self._annihilation_operator_in_eigenbasis = None self._diagonalize_purely_harmonic_hamiltonian() self._set_vars() # setting the attribute vars to store operator symbols self.operators_by_name = self.set_operators() else: # list for updating necessary subsystems when calling build hilbertspace self.affected_subsystem_indices = [] self.operators_by_name = None self.system_hierarchy = system_hierarchy if subsystem_trunc_dims is None: raise Exception( "The truncated dimensions attribute for hierarchical " "diagonalization is not set." ) self.subsystem_trunc_dims = subsystem_trunc_dims if ext_basis: self.ext_basis = ext_basis self.generate_hamiltonian_sym_for_numerics() self.generate_subsystems() self.ext_basis = ( self.get_ext_basis() ) # update the ext_basis after generating subsystems self._set_vars() # setting the attribute vars to store operator symbols self._check_truncation_indices() self.operators_by_name = self.set_operators() self.affected_subsystem_indices = list(range(len(self.subsystems))) self.update_interactions() # clear unnecessary attribs self._clear_unnecessary_attribs() self._frozen = True self.update() def _configure( self, transformation_matrix: Optional[ndarray] = None, system_hierarchy: Optional[list] = None, subsystem_trunc_dims: Optional[list] = None, closure_branches: Optional[List[Branch]] = None, ext_basis: Optional[str] = None, use_dynamic_flux_grouping: Optional[bool] = None, generate_noise_methods: bool = False, ): """ Method which re-initializes a circuit instance to update, hierarchical diagonalization parameters or closure branches or the variable transformation used to describe the circuit. Parameters ---------- transformation_matrix: A user defined variable transformation which has the dimensions of the number nodes (not counting the ground node), by default `None` system_hierarchy: A list of lists which is provided by the user to define subsystems, by default `None` subsystem_trunc_dims: dict object which can be generated for a specific system_hierarchy using the method `truncation_template`, by default `None` closure_branches: List of branches where external flux variables will be specified, by default `None` which then chooses closure branches by an internally generated spanning tree. ext_basis: can be "discretized" or "harmonic" which chooses whether to use discretized, or can be a list of lists of lists, when hierarchical diagonalization is used. use_dynamic_flux_grouping: set to False by default. Indicates if the flux allocation is done by assuming that flux is time dependent. When set to True, it disables the option to change the closure branches. generate_noise_methods: set to False by default. Indicates if the noise methods should be generated for the circuit instance. Raises ------ Exception when system_hierarchy is set and subsystem_trunc_dims is not set. """ self._frozen = False # reinitiate the symbolic circuit when the transformation matrix and closure branches are provided if ( transformation_matrix is not None or closure_branches is not None or use_dynamic_flux_grouping is not None ): self.symbolic_circuit.configure( transformation_matrix=transformation_matrix, closure_branches=closure_branches, use_dynamic_flux_grouping=use_dynamic_flux_grouping, ) system_hierarchy = system_hierarchy or self.system_hierarchy subsystem_trunc_dims = subsystem_trunc_dims or self.subsystem_trunc_dims closure_branches = closure_branches or self.closure_branches if transformation_matrix is None: if hasattr( self, "transformation_matrix" ): # checking to see if configure is being called outside of init transformation_matrix = self.transformation_matrix self.hierarchical_diagonalization = ( True if system_hierarchy is not None else False ) # copying all the required attributes required_attributes = [ "branches", "closure_branches", "external_fluxes", "ground_node", "hamiltonian_symbolic", "input_string", "is_grounded", "lagrangian_node_vars", "lagrangian_symbolic", "nodes", "offset_charges", "free_charges", "potential_symbolic", "potential_node_vars", "symbolic_params", "transformation_matrix", "var_categories", "is_purely_harmonic", ] for attr in required_attributes: setattr(self, attr, getattr(self.symbolic_circuit, attr)) # initiating the class properties self.cutoff_names = [] for var_type in self.var_categories.keys(): if var_type == "periodic": for idx, var_index in enumerate(self.var_categories["periodic"]): if not hasattr(self, f"_cutoff_n_{var_index}"): self._make_property( f"cutoff_n_{var_index}", 5, "update_cutoffs" ) self.cutoff_names.append(f"cutoff_n_{var_index}") if var_type == "extended": for idx, var_index in enumerate(self.var_categories["extended"]): if not hasattr(self, f"_cutoff_ext_{var_index}"): self._make_property( f"cutoff_ext_{var_index}", 30, "update_cutoffs" ) self.cutoff_names.append(f"cutoff_ext_{var_index}") self.dynamic_var_indices = ( self.var_categories["periodic"] + self.var_categories["extended"] ) # default values for the parameters for idx, param in enumerate(self.symbolic_params): if not hasattr(self, self._make_property(, self.symbolic_params[param], "update_param_vars" ) # setting the ranges for flux ranges used for discrete phi vars for var_index in self.var_categories["extended"]: if var_index not in self.discretized_phi_range: self.discretized_phi_range[var_index] = (-6 * np.pi, 6 * np.pi) # external flux vars for flux in self.external_fluxes: # setting the default to zero external flux if not hasattr(self, self._make_property(, 0.0, "update_external_flux_or_charge") # offset and free charges for charge_var in self.offset_charges + self.free_charges: # default to zero offset charge if not hasattr(self, self._make_property(, 0.0, "update_external_flux_or_charge" ) # changing the matrix type if necessary if ( len((self.var_categories["extended"] + self.var_categories["periodic"])) == 1 ): self.type_of_matrices = "dense" self.hamiltonian_symbolic = self.symbolic_circuit.hamiltonian_symbolic # if the flux is static, remove the linear terms from the potential if not self.symbolic_circuit.use_dynamic_flux_grouping: self.hamiltonian_symbolic = self._shift_harmonic_oscillator_potential( self.hamiltonian_symbolic ) self.potential_symbolic = self._shift_harmonic_oscillator_potential( self.potential_symbolic.expand() ) if system_hierarchy is not None: self.hierarchical_diagonalization = ( system_hierarchy != [] and number_of_lists_in_list(system_hierarchy) > 0 ) if not self.hierarchical_diagonalization: if self.is_purely_harmonic and not ext_basis: self.normal_mode_freqs = self.symbolic_circuit.normal_mode_freqs if self.ext_basis != "harmonic": warnings.warn( "Purely harmonic circuits need ext_basis to be set to 'harmonic'" ) self.ext_basis = "harmonic" self.generate_hamiltonian_sym_for_numerics() self.ext_basis = ext_basis or self.ext_basis if self.is_purely_harmonic and self.ext_basis == "harmonic": # using the default methods self.evals_method = None self.evals_method_options = None self._annihilation_operator_in_eigenbasis = None self._diagonalize_purely_harmonic_hamiltonian() else: # list for updating necessary subsystems when calling build hilbertspace self.affected_subsystem_indices = [] self.operators_by_name = None self.system_hierarchy = system_hierarchy if subsystem_trunc_dims is None: raise Exception( "The truncated dimensions attribute for hierarchical " "diagonalization is not set." ) self.subsystem_trunc_dims = subsystem_trunc_dims self.generate_hamiltonian_sym_for_numerics() self.ext_basis = ext_basis or self.ext_basis self.generate_subsystems() self.ext_basis = self.get_ext_basis() self.update_interactions() self._check_truncation_indices() self.affected_subsystem_indices = list(range(len(self.subsystems))) self._set_vars() # setting the attribute vars to store operator symbols self.operators_by_name = self.set_operators() # clear unnecessary attribs self._clear_unnecessary_attribs() if generate_noise_methods: self.generate_noise_methods() self._frozen = True self.update()
[docs] def supported_noise_channels(self) -> List[str]: """Return a list of supported noise channels""" if not hasattr(self, "_noise_methods_generated"): raise Exception( "Noise methods are not generated, please use configure() with generate_noise_methods=True to generate them." ) return [ method_name for method_name in self.__dict__ if "tphi_1_over_f" in method_name or "t1_" in method_name ]
[docs] def effective_noise_channels(self): if not hasattr(self, "_noise_methods_generated"): raise Exception( "Noise methods are not generated, please use configure() with generate_noise_methods=True to generate them." ) return [ method_name for method_name in self.supported_noise_channels() if not is_string_float(method_name[-1]) ]
[docs] def variable_transformation(self, new_vars_to_node_vars=True) -> None: """ Prints the variable transformation used in this circuit """ trans_mat = self.transformation_matrix if new_vars_to_node_vars: trans_mat = np.linalg.inv(trans_mat) theta_vars = [ sm.symbols(f{index}") for index in range( 1, len(self.symbolic_circuit.nodes) - self.is_grounded + 1 ) ] node_vars = [ sm.symbols(f{index}") for index in range( 1, len(self.symbolic_circuit.nodes) - self.is_grounded + 1 ) ] var_eqns = [] for idx, node_var in enumerate(node_vars): if not new_vars_to_node_vars: var_eqns.append( sm.Eq(node_vars[idx], np.sum(trans_mat[idx, :] * theta_vars)) ) else: var_eqns.append( sm.Eq(theta_vars[idx], np.sum(trans_mat[idx, :] * node_vars)) ) if _HAS_IPYTHON: self.print_expr_in_latex(var_eqns) else: print(var_eqns)
[docs] def sym_lagrangian( self, vars_type: str = "node", print_latex: bool = False, return_expr: bool = False, ) -> Union[sm.Expr, None]: """ Method that gives a user readable symbolic Lagrangian for the current instance Parameters ---------- vars_type: "node" or "new", fixes the kind of lagrangian requested, by default "node" print_latex: if set to True, the expression is additionally printed as LaTeX code return_expr: if set to True, all printing is suppressed and the function will silently return the sympy expression """ if vars_type == "node": lagrangian = self.lagrangian_node_vars # replace v\theta with \theta_dot for var_index in range( 1, 1 + len(self.symbolic_circuit.nodes) - self.is_grounded ): lagrangian = lagrangian.replace( sm.symbols(f"vφ{var_index}"), sm.symbols("\\dot{φ_" + str(var_index) + "}"), ) # break down the lagrangian into kinetic and potential part, and rejoin # with evaluate=False to force the kinetic terms together and appear first sym_lagrangian_PE_node_vars = self.potential_node_vars for external_flux in self.external_fluxes: sym_lagrangian_PE_node_vars = sym_lagrangian_PE_node_vars.replace( external_flux, sm.symbols( "(2π" + "Φ_{" + str(get_trailing_number(str(external_flux))) + "})" ), ) lagrangian = sm.Add( (self._make_expr_human_readable(lagrangian + self.potential_node_vars)), (self._make_expr_human_readable(-sym_lagrangian_PE_node_vars)), evaluate=False, ) elif vars_type == "new": lagrangian = self.lagrangian_symbolic # replace v\theta with \theta_dot for var_index in self.dynamic_var_indices: lagrangian = lagrangian.replace( sm.symbols(f"vθ{var_index}"), sm.symbols("\\dot{θ_" + str(var_index) + "}"), ) # break down the lagrangian into kinetic and potential part, and rejoin # with evaluate=False to force the kinetic terms together and appear first sym_lagrangian_PE_new = self.potential_symbolic.expand() for external_flux in self.external_fluxes: sym_lagrangian_PE_new = sym_lagrangian_PE_new.replace( external_flux, sm.symbols( "(2π" + "Φ_{" + str(get_trailing_number(str(external_flux))) + "})" ), ) lagrangian = sm.Add( ( self._make_expr_human_readable( lagrangian + self.potential_symbolic.expand() ) ), (self._make_expr_human_readable(-sym_lagrangian_PE_new)), evaluate=False, ) if return_expr: return lagrangian if print_latex: print(latex(lagrangian)) if _HAS_IPYTHON: self.print_expr_in_latex(lagrangian) else: print(lagrangian)
[docs] def sym_external_fluxes(self) -> Dict[sm.Expr, Tuple["Branch", List["Branch"]]]: """ Method returns a dictionary of Human readable external fluxes with associated branches and loops (represented as lists of branches) for the current instance Returns ------- A dictionary of Human readable external fluxes with their associated branches and loops """ return { self._make_expr_human_readable(self.external_fluxes[ibranch]): ( self.closure_branches[ibranch], self.symbolic_circuit._find_loop(self.closure_branches[ibranch]), ) for ibranch in range(len(self.external_fluxes)) }
[docs] def oscillator_list(self, osc_index_list: List[int]): """ If hierarchical diagonalization is used, specify subsystems that corresponds to single-mode oscillators, if there is any. The attributes `_osc_subsys_list` and `osc_subsys_list` of the `hilbert_space` attribute of the Circuit instance will be assigned accordingly, enabling the correct identification of harmonic modes for the dispersive regime analysis in ParameterSweep. Parameters ---------- osc_index_list: a list of indices of subsystems that are single-mode harmonic oscillators """ # identify if each nominated subsystem indeed have a single harmonic oscillator osc_subsys_list = [] for subsystem_index in osc_index_list: subsystem = self.subsystems[subsystem_index] if not subsystem.is_purely_harmonic: raise Exception( f"the subsystem {subsystem_index} is not purely harmonic" ) elif len(subsystem.var_categories["extended"]) != 1: raise Exception( f"the subsystem has more than one harmonic oscillator mode" ) else: osc_subsys_list.append(subsystem) self.hilbert_space._osc_subsys_list = osc_subsys_list
[docs] def qubit_list(self, qbt_index_list: List[int]): """ If hierarchical diagonalization is used, specify subsystems that corresponds to single-mode oscillators, if there is any. The attributes `_osc_subsys_list` and `osc_subsys_list` of the `hilbert_space` attribute of the Circuit instance will be assigned accordingly, enabling the correct identification of harmonic modes for the dispersive regime analysis in ParameterSweep. Parameters ---------- qbt_index_list: a list of indices of subsystems that are single-mode harmonic oscillators """ # identify if each naminated subsystem indeed have a single harmonic oscillator qbt_subsys_list = [] for subsystem_index in qbt_index_list: subsystem = self.subsystems[subsystem_index] qbt_subsys_list.append(subsystem) self.hilbert_space._qbt_subsys_list = qbt_subsys_list