Source code for scqubits.core.circuit_noise

# This file is part of scqubits: a Python package for superconducting qubits,
# Quantum 5, 583 (2021).
#    Copyright (c) 2019 and later, Jens Koch and Peter Groszkowski
#    All rights reserved.
#    This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
#    LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

from abc import ABC
import operator as builtin_op
import functools
from numpy import ndarray
import numpy as np
import qutip as qt
import scipy as sp
import re
import copy

from scqubits.core.noise import NOISE_PARAMS, NoisySystem, calc_therm_ratio
from scqubits.core.circuit_utils import get_trailing_number, keep_terms_for_subsystem
from scqubits.utils.misc import is_string_float, Qobj_to_scipy_csc_matrix
import scqubits.core.units as units

from types import MethodType
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import sympy as sm

from scqubits.core.symbolic_circuit import Branch

[docs]class NoisyCircuit(NoisySystem, ABC): @staticmethod def Q_from_branch(branch): key = "Q_" + ("ind" if branch.type == "L" else "cap") if key in branch.aux_params.keys(): Q_str = branch.aux_params[key] if not is_string_float(Q_str): def Q_func(omega, T): return eval(Q_str) return Q_func else: return float(Q_str) return None
[docs] def generate_methods_d_hamiltonian_d(self): """ Generate methods which return the derivative of the Hamiltonian with respect to offset charges, external fluxes and junction energies. """ ext_flux_1_over_f_methods = {} ng_1_over_f_methods = {} cc_1_over_f_methods = {} for param_sym in self.external_fluxes + self.offset_charges: def param_derivative(self, param_sym=param_sym): parent_instance = self.return_parent_circuit() hamiltonian = parent_instance.fetch_symbolic_hamiltonian() hamiltonian = parent_instance._hamiltonian_sym_for_numerics hamiltonian = hamiltonian.subs("I", 1) all_sym_parameters = ( list(parent_instance.symbolic_params.keys()) + parent_instance.external_fluxes + parent_instance.offset_charges ) diff_sym_expr = hamiltonian.diff(param_sym) # substitute all symbolic params for param in all_sym_parameters: diff_sym_expr = diff_sym_expr.subs( param, getattr(parent_instance, ) # evaluate the expression return parent_instance._evaluate_symbolic_expr(diff_sym_expr) if param_sym in self.external_fluxes: ext_flux_1_over_f_methods[ f"d_hamiltonian_d_flux{get_trailing_number(}" ] = param_derivative elif param_sym in self.offset_charges: ng_1_over_f_methods[ f"d_hamiltonian_d_ng{get_trailing_number(}" ] = param_derivative ## cc noise methods junction_branches = [branch for branch in self.branches if "JJ" in branch.type] for idx, branch in enumerate(junction_branches): def param_derivative(self, branch=branch): return -self.junction_related_evaluation(branch, calc="dhdEJ") cc_1_over_f_methods[f"d_hamiltonian_d_EJ{branch.id_str}"] = param_derivative noise_helper_methods = { **ext_flux_1_over_f_methods, **ng_1_over_f_methods, **cc_1_over_f_methods, } self.noise_helper_methods = noise_helper_methods for method_name in noise_helper_methods: setattr( self, method_name, MethodType(noise_helper_methods[method_name], self) )
def _transform_expr_to_new_variables( self, expr_node_vars: sm.Expr, substitute_symbol: Optional[str] = None ): transformation_mat = self.transformation_matrix expr_node_vars = expr_node_vars.expand() num_vars = len(self.symbolic_circuit.nodes) - (1 if self.is_grounded else 0) new_vars = [sm.symbols(f{index}") for index in range(1, 1 + num_vars)] old_vars = [sm.symbols(f{index}") for index in range(1, 1 + num_vars)] transformed_expr = for idx, var in enumerate(old_vars): expr_node_vars = expr_node_vars.subs(var, transformed_expr[idx]) if substitute_symbol: for var in expr_node_vars.free_symbols: expr_node_vars = expr_node_vars.subs( var, sm.symbols(f"{substitute_symbol}{get_trailing_number(}"), ) return expr_node_vars def junction_related_evaluation(self, branch_junction: Branch, calc="dhdEJ"): parent_instance = self.return_parent_circuit() hamiltonian = parent_instance.fetch_symbolic_hamiltonian() hamiltonian = parent_instance._hamiltonian_sym_for_numerics for sym in parent_instance.offset_charges + list( parent_instance.symbolic_params.keys() ): hamiltonian = hamiltonian.subs(sym, getattr(parent_instance, hamiltonian = hamiltonian.subs("I", 1) branch_cos_node_expr = sm.cos( sm.symbols(f{branch_junction.nodes[0].index}") - sm.symbols(f{branch_junction.nodes[1].index}") ) branch_cos_node_expr = branch_cos_node_expr.subs( "φ0", 0 ) # setting ground node to zero. branch_cos_expr = parent_instance._transform_expr_to_new_variables( branch_cos_node_expr ) expr_dict = hamiltonian.as_coefficients_dict() for term, coefficient in expr_dict.items(): term_without_ext_flux = copy.copy(term) for flux in parent_instance.external_fluxes: term_without_ext_flux = term_without_ext_flux.subs(flux, 0) if term_without_ext_flux == branch_cos_expr: break # substitute external flux for flux in parent_instance.external_fluxes: term = term.subs(flux, getattr(parent_instance, if calc == "sin_phi_qp": term = term.subs(sm.cos, sm.sin) term = term.subs(term.args[0], term.args[0] / 2) # evaluate the expression return parent_instance._evaluate_symbolic_expr(term)
[docs] def generate_tphi_1_over_f_methods(self): """Generate methods tphi_1_over_f_{noise_type}{index} methods for noise_type=['cc', 'ng', 'flux']; individual noise sources differentiated using index.""" # calculating the rates from each of the flux sources junction_branches = [branch for branch in self.branches if "JJ" in branch.type] methods_noise_rates_from_flux = {} methods_noise_rates_from_ng = {} methods_noise_rates_from_cc = {} for param_sym in self.external_fluxes + self.offset_charges + junction_branches: if param_sym in self.external_fluxes: diff_func_name = "d_hamiltonian_d_flux" noise_type = "flux" elif param_sym in self.offset_charges: diff_func_name = "d_hamiltonian_d_ng" noise_type = "ng" if param_sym in junction_branches: diff_func_name = "d_hamiltonian_d_EJ" noise_type = "cc" if isinstance(param_sym, sm.Expr): trailing_number = get_trailing_number( noise_op_func = getattr(self, f"{diff_func_name}{trailing_number}") elif param_sym in junction_branches: trailing_number = param_sym.id_str noise_op_func = getattr(self, f"{diff_func_name}{trailing_number}") def tphi_1_over_f_func( self=self, A_noise: float = NOISE_PARAMS[f"A_{noise_type}"], i: int = 0, j: int = 1, esys: Tuple[ndarray, ndarray] = None, get_rate: bool = False, noise_op_func=noise_op_func, **kwargs, ) -> float: r""" Calculate the 1/f dephasing time (or rate) due to critical current noise of junction associated with Josephson energy :math:`EJ3`. Parameters ---------- A_noise: noise strength i: state index that along with j defines a qubit j: state index that along with i defines a qubit esys: evals, evecs tuple get_rate: get rate or time Returns ------- decoherence time in units of :math:`2\pi ({\rm system\,\,units})`, or rate in inverse units. """ noise_op = noise_op_func() if isinstance(noise_op, qt.Qobj): noise_op = Qobj_to_scipy_csc_matrix(noise_op) return self.tphi_1_over_f( A_noise=A_noise, i=i, j=j, noise_op=noise_op, esys=esys, get_rate=get_rate, **kwargs, ) if param_sym in self.external_fluxes: methods_noise_rates_from_flux[ f"tphi_1_over_f_flux{trailing_number}" ] = tphi_1_over_f_func elif param_sym in self.offset_charges: methods_noise_rates_from_ng[f"tphi_1_over_f_ng{trailing_number}"] = ( tphi_1_over_f_func ) elif param_sym in junction_branches: methods_noise_rates_from_cc[f"tphi_1_over_f_cc{trailing_number}"] = ( tphi_1_over_f_func ) noise_methods = { **methods_noise_rates_from_flux, **methods_noise_rates_from_ng, **methods_noise_rates_from_cc, } for method_name in noise_methods: setattr(self, method_name, MethodType(noise_methods[method_name], self))
def generate_overall_tphi_cc(self): if not any([re.match(r"tphi_1_over_f_cc\d+$", method) for method in dir(self)]): return None def tphi_1_over_f_cc( self=self, A_noise: float = NOISE_PARAMS["A_cc"], i: int = 0, j: int = 1, esys: Tuple[ndarray, ndarray] = None, get_rate: bool = False, **kwargs, ) -> float: tphi_times = [] for branch in [brnch for brnch in self.branches if "JJ" in brnch.type]: tphi_times.append( getattr(self, f"tphi_1_over_f_cc{branch.id_str}")( A_noise=A_noise, i=i, j=j, esys=esys, **kwargs ) ) total_rate = sum([1 / tphi for tphi in tphi_times]) if get_rate: return total_rate return 1 / total_rate if total_rate != 0 else np.inf setattr(self, "tphi_1_over_f_cc", MethodType(tphi_1_over_f_cc, self)) def generate_overall_tphi_flux(self): if not any( [re.match(r"tphi_1_over_f_flux\d+$", method) for method in dir(self)] ): return None def tphi_1_over_f_flux( self=self, A_noise: float = NOISE_PARAMS["A_flux"], i: int = 0, j: int = 1, esys: Tuple[ndarray, ndarray] = None, get_rate: bool = False, **kwargs, ) -> float: tphi_times = [] for flux_sym in self.external_fluxes: tphi_times.append( getattr( self, f"tphi_1_over_f_flux{get_trailing_number(}" )( A_noise=A_noise, i=i, j=j, esys=esys, ) ) total_rate = sum([1 / tphi for tphi in tphi_times]) if get_rate: return total_rate return 1 / total_rate if total_rate != 0 else np.inf setattr(self, "tphi_1_over_f_flux", MethodType(tphi_1_over_f_flux, self)) def generate_overall_tphi_ng(self): if not any([re.match(r"tphi_1_over_f_ng\d+$", method) for method in dir(self)]): return None def tphi_1_over_f_ng( self=self, A_noise: float = NOISE_PARAMS["A_ng"], i: int = 0, j: int = 1, esys: Tuple[ndarray, ndarray] = None, get_rate: bool = False, **kwargs, ) -> float: tphi_times = [] for flux_sym in self.offset_charges: tphi_times.append( getattr( self, f"tphi_1_over_f_ng{get_trailing_number(}" )( A_noise=A_noise, i=i, j=j, esys=esys, ) ) total_rate = sum([1 / tphi for tphi in tphi_times]) if get_rate: return total_rate return 1 / total_rate if total_rate != 0 else np.inf setattr(self, "tphi_1_over_f_ng", MethodType(tphi_1_over_f_ng, self))
[docs] def generate_t1_flux_bias_line_methods(self): """ Generate methods for flux bias line t1 coherence times. """ flux_bias_line_methods = {} for flux_sym in self.external_fluxes: trailing_number = get_trailing_number( noise_op_method = getattr(self, f"d_hamiltonian_d_flux{trailing_number}") def flux_bias_noise( self=self, i: int = 1, j: int = 0, M: float = NOISE_PARAMS["M"], Z: Union[complex, float, Callable] = NOISE_PARAMS["R_0"], T: float = NOISE_PARAMS["T"], total: bool = True, esys: Tuple[ndarray, ndarray] = None, get_rate: bool = False, noise_op_method=noise_op_method, ): return NoisySystem.t1_flux_bias_line( self=self, i=i, j=j, M=M, Z=Z, T=T, total=total, esys=esys, get_rate=get_rate, noise_op_method=noise_op_method, ) flux_bias_line_methods[f"t1_flux_bias_line{trailing_number}"] = ( flux_bias_noise ) for method_name in flux_bias_line_methods: setattr( self, method_name, MethodType(flux_bias_line_methods[method_name], self) )
def generate_t1_methods(self): t1_capacitive_methods = {} t1_inductive_methods = {} t1_charge_impedance_methods = {} t1_quasiparticle_tunneling_methods = {} for branch in self.branches: if branch.type == "L": t1_inductive_methods[f"t1_inductive{branch.id_str}"] = ( self.wrapper_t1_inductive_capacitive(branch) ) else: t1_capacitive_methods[f"t1_capacitive{branch.id_str}"] = ( self.wrapper_t1_inductive_capacitive(branch) ) # # quasiparticle noise # if "JJ" in branch.type: # t1_quasiparticle_tunneling_methods[ # f"t1_quasiparticle_tunneling{branch.id_str}" # ] = self.wrapper_t1_quasiparticle_tunneling(branch) # quasiparticle noise methods are not included yet noise_methods = { **t1_capacitive_methods, **t1_inductive_methods, **t1_charge_impedance_methods, } for method_name in noise_methods: setattr(self, method_name, MethodType(noise_methods[method_name], self)) # self._data.update(t1_quasiparticle_tunneling_methods) def wrapper_t1_quasiparticle_tunneling(self, branch: Branch): def t1_quasiparticle_tunneling( self=self, i: int = 1, j: int = 0, Y_qp: Union[float, Callable] = None, x_qp: float = NOISE_PARAMS["x_qp"], T: float = NOISE_PARAMS["T"], Delta: float = NOISE_PARAMS["Delta"], total: bool = True, esys: Tuple[ndarray, ndarray] = None, get_rate: bool = False, ) -> float: return NoisySystem.t1_quasiparticle_tunneling( self=self, i=i, j=j, Y_qp=Y_qp, x_qp=x_qp, T=T, Delta=Delta, total=total, esys=esys, get_rate=get_rate, noise_op=self.junction_related_evaluation(branch, calc="sin_phi_qp"), ) return t1_quasiparticle_tunneling def wrapper_t1_charge_impedance(self, branch: Branch): def t1_charge_impedance( self, i: int = 1, j: int = 0, Z: Union[float, Callable] = NOISE_PARAMS["R_0"], T: float = NOISE_PARAMS["T"], total: bool = True, esys: Tuple[ndarray, ndarray] = None, get_rate: bool = False, branch=branch, ) -> float: parent_circuit = self.return_parent_circuit() branch_var_expr = parent_circuit.symbolic_circuit._branch_sym_expr( branch, return_charge=False if branch.type == "L" else True ) if branch.type != "L": branch_param = ( branch.parameters["EC"] if branch.type == "C" else branch.parameters["ECJ"] ) else: branch_param = branch.parameters["EL"] if isinstance(branch_param, sm.Expr): branch_param = getattr(parent_circuit, return NoisySystem.t1_charge_impedance( self=self, i=i, j=j, Z=Z, T=T, total=total, esys=esys, get_rate=get_rate, noise_op=parent_circuit._evaluate_symbolic_expr(branch_var_expr), ) return t1_charge_impedance def wrapper_t1_inductive_capacitive( self, branch: Branch, ): if branch.type != "L": def t1_method( self, i: int = 1, j: int = 0, Q_cap: Union[float, Callable] = None, T: float = NOISE_PARAMS["T"], total: bool = True, esys: Tuple[ndarray, ndarray] = None, get_rate: bool = False, branch: Branch = branch, ) -> float: parent_circuit = self.return_parent_circuit() branch_charge_expr = parent_circuit.symbolic_circuit._branch_sym_expr( branch, return_charge=True ) branch_param = ( branch.parameters["EC"] if branch.type == "C" else branch.parameters["ECJ"] ) if isinstance(branch_param, sm.Expr): branch_param = getattr(parent_circuit, return NoisySystem.t1_capacitive( self=self, i=i, j=j, Q_cap=Q_cap or self.Q_from_branch(branch), T=T, total=total, esys=esys, get_rate=get_rate, noise_op=parent_circuit._evaluate_symbolic_expr(branch_charge_expr), branch_params=branch_param, ) else: def t1_method( self, i: int = 1, j: int = 0, Q_ind: Union[float, Callable] = None, T: float = NOISE_PARAMS["T"], total: bool = True, esys: Tuple[ndarray, ndarray] = None, get_rate: bool = False, branch: Branch = branch, ) -> float: parent_circuit = self.return_parent_circuit() branch_var_expr = parent_circuit.symbolic_circuit._branch_sym_expr( branch ) branch_param = branch.parameters["EL"] if isinstance(branch_param, sm.Expr): branch_param = getattr(parent_circuit, return NoisySystem.t1_inductive( self=self, i=i, j=j, Q_ind=Q_ind or self.Q_from_branch(branch), T=T, total=total, esys=esys, get_rate=get_rate, noise_op=parent_circuit._evaluate_symbolic_expr(branch_var_expr), branch_params=branch_param, ) return t1_method def generate_overall_t1_quasiparticle_tunneling(self): if not any( [ re.match(r"t1_quasiparticle_tunneling\d+$", method) for method in dir(self) ] ): return None if self.is_purely_harmonic: return None def t1_quasiparticle_tunneling( self=self, i: int = 1, j: int = 0, Y_qp: Union[float, Callable] = None, x_qp: float = NOISE_PARAMS["x_qp"], T: float = NOISE_PARAMS["T"], Delta: float = NOISE_PARAMS["Delta"], total: bool = True, esys: Tuple[ndarray, ndarray] = None, get_rate: bool = False, ) -> float: t1_times = [] for branch in [b for b in self.branches if "JJ" in b.type]: t1_times.append( getattr(self, f"t1_quasiparticle_tunneling{branch.id_str}")( i=i, j=j, Y_qp=Y_qp, x_qp=x_qp, T=T, Delta=Delta, total=total, esys=esys, ) ) total_rate = sum([1 / t1 for t1 in t1_times]) if get_rate: return total_rate return 1 / total_rate if total_rate != 0 else np.inf setattr( self, "t1_quasiparticle_tunneling", MethodType(t1_quasiparticle_tunneling, self), ) def generate_overall_t1_inductive(self): if not any([re.match(r"t1_inductive\d+$", method) for method in dir(self)]): return None def t1_method( self, i: int = 1, j: int = 0, Q_ind: Union[float, Callable] = None, T: float = NOISE_PARAMS["T"], total: bool = True, esys: Tuple[ndarray, ndarray] = None, get_rate: bool = False, ) -> float: t1_times = [] parent_circuit = self.return_parent_circuit() for branch in [b for b in parent_circuit.branches if b.type == "L"]: t1_times.append( getattr(parent_circuit, f"t1_inductive{branch.id_str}")( i=i, j=j, Q_ind=Q_ind or self.Q_from_branch(branch), T=T, total=total, esys=esys, ) ) total_rate = sum([1 / t1 for t1 in t1_times]) if get_rate: return total_rate return 1 / total_rate if total_rate != 0 else np.inf setattr(self, "t1_inductive", MethodType(t1_method, self)) def generate_overall_t1_capacitive(self): if not any([re.match(r"t1_capacitive\d+$", method) for method in dir(self)]): return None def t1_method( self, i: int = 1, j: int = 0, Q_cap: Union[float, Callable] = None, T: float = NOISE_PARAMS["T"], total: bool = True, esys: Tuple[ndarray, ndarray] = None, get_rate: bool = False, ) -> float: t1_times = [] parent_circuit = self.return_parent_circuit() for branch in [b for b in parent_circuit.branches if b.type != "L"]: t1_times.append( getattr(parent_circuit, f"t1_capacitive{branch.id_str}")( i=i, j=j, Q_cap=Q_cap or self.Q_from_branch(branch), T=T, total=total, esys=esys, ) ) total_rate = sum([1 / t1 for t1 in t1_times]) if get_rate: return total_rate return 1 / total_rate if total_rate != 0 else np.inf setattr(self, "t1_capacitive", MethodType(t1_method, self)) def generate_overall_t1_charge_impedance(self): if not any( [re.match(r"t1_charge_impedance\d+$", method) for method in dir(self)] ): return None def t1_method( self=self, i: int = 1, j: int = 0, Z: Union[float, Callable] = NOISE_PARAMS["R_0"], T: float = NOISE_PARAMS["T"], total: bool = True, esys: Tuple[ndarray, ndarray] = None, get_rate: bool = False, ) -> float: t1_times = [] parent_circuit = self.return_parent_circuit() for branch in [b for b in parent_circuit.branches if b.type != "L"]: t1_times.append( getattr(parent_circuit, f"t1_charge_impedance{branch.id_str}")( i=i, j=j, Z=Z, T=T, total=total, esys=esys, ) ) total_rate = sum([1 / t1 for t1 in t1_times]) if get_rate: return total_rate return 1 / total_rate if total_rate != 0 else np.inf setattr(self, "t1_charge_impedance", MethodType(t1_method, self)) def generate_overall_t1_flux_bias_line(self): if not any( [re.match(r"t1_flux_bias_line\d+$", method) for method in dir(self)] ): return None def t1_flux_bias_line( self=self, i: int = 1, j: int = 0, M: float = NOISE_PARAMS["M"], Z: Union[complex, float, Callable] = NOISE_PARAMS["R_0"], T: float = NOISE_PARAMS["T"], total: bool = True, esys: Tuple[ndarray, ndarray] = None, get_rate: bool = False, ) -> float: t1_times = [] for external_flux_sym in self.external_fluxes: t1_times.append( getattr( self, f"t1_flux_bias_line{get_trailing_number(}", )( i=i, j=j, M=M, Z=Z, T=T, total=total, esys=esys, ) ) total_rate = sum([1 / t1 for t1 in t1_times]) if get_rate: return total_rate return 1 / total_rate if total_rate != 0 else np.inf setattr(self, "t1_flux_bias_line", MethodType(t1_flux_bias_line, self)) def generate_noise_methods(self): self._frozen = False self.generate_methods_d_hamiltonian_d() self.generate_tphi_1_over_f_methods() self.generate_t1_flux_bias_line_methods() self.generate_t1_methods() self.generate_overall_tphi_cc() self.generate_overall_tphi_flux() self.generate_overall_tphi_ng() self.generate_overall_t1_capacitive() self.generate_overall_t1_charge_impedance() self.generate_overall_t1_inductive() self.generate_overall_t1_flux_bias_line() self.generate_overall_t1_quasiparticle_tunneling() self._noise_methods_generated = True self._frozen = True