Source code for scqubits.core.discretization

# This file is part of scqubits: a Python package for superconducting qubits,
# Quantum 5, 583 (2021).
#    Copyright (c) 2019 and later, Jens Koch and Peter Groszkowski
#    All rights reserved.
#    This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
#    LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

from typing import Any, Dict, List, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np

from numpy import ndarray
from scipy import sparse
from scipy.sparse import csc_matrix

import scqubits.core.central_dispatch as dispatch
import scqubits.core.descriptors as descriptors
import scqubits.io_utils.fileio_serializers as serializers
import scqubits.settings as settings
import scqubits.utils.misc as utils

FIRST_STENCIL_COEFFS: Dict[int, List[float]] = {
    3: [-1 / 2, 0.0, 1 / 2],
    5: [1 / 12, -2 / 3, 0.0, 2 / 3, -1 / 12],
    7: [-1 / 60, 3 / 20, -3 / 4, 0.0, 3 / 4, -3 / 20, 1 / 60],
    9: [1 / 280, -4 / 105, 1 / 5, -4 / 5, 0.0, 4 / 5, -1 / 5, 4 / 105, -1 / 280],

SECOND_STENCIL_COEFFS: Dict[int, List[float]] = {
    3: [1, -2, 1],
    5: [-1 / 12, 4 / 3, -5 / 2, 4 / 3, -1 / 12],
    7: [1 / 90, -3 / 20, 3 / 2, -49 / 18, 3 / 2, -3 / 20, 1 / 90],
    9: [-1 / 560, 8 / 315, -1 / 5, 8 / 5, -205 / 72, 8 / 5, -1 / 5, 8 / 315, -1 / 560],

[docs]def band_matrix( band_coeffs: Union[List[float], List[complex], ndarray], band_offsets: Union[List[int], ndarray], dim: int, dtype: Any = None, has_corners: bool = False, ) -> csc_matrix: """ Returns a dim x dim sparse matrix with constant diagonals of values `band_coeffs[ 0]`, `band_coeffs[1]`, ... along the (off-)diagonals specified by the offsets `band_offsets[0]`, `band_offsets[1]`, ... The `has_corners` option allows generation of band matrices with corner elements, in which lower off-diagonals wrap into the top right corner and upper off-diagonals wrap into the bottom left corner. Parameters ---------- band_coeffs: each element of band_coeffs is a number to be assigned as a constant to the (off-)diagonals band_offsets: offsets specifying the positions of the (off-)diagonals dim: dimension of the matrix dim: (linear) dimension of the matrix dtype: if not specified, dtype is inferred from the dtype of `band_vecs` has_corners: if set to True, the off diagonals are wrapped into the opposing corners of the matrix """ ones_vector = np.ones(dim) vectors = [ones_vector * number for number in band_coeffs] matrix = sparse.dia_matrix((vectors, band_offsets), shape=(dim, dim), dtype=dtype) if not has_corners: return matrix.tocsc() for index, offset in enumerate(band_offsets): if offset < 0: corner_offset = dim + offset corner_band = vectors[index] corner_band = corner_band[offset:] elif offset > 0: corner_offset = -dim + offset corner_band = vectors[index][:-offset] corner_band = corner_band[-offset:] else: # when offset == 0 continue matrix.setdiag(corner_band, k=corner_offset) return matrix.tocsc()
[docs]class Grid1d(dispatch.DispatchClient, serializers.Serializable): """Data structure and methods for setting up discretized 1d coordinate grid, generating corresponding derivative matrices. Parameters ---------- min_val: minimum value of the discretized variable max_val: maximum value of the discretized variable pt_count: number of grid points """ min_val = descriptors.WatchedProperty(float, "GRID_UPDATE") max_val = descriptors.WatchedProperty(float, "GRID_UPDATE") pt_count = descriptors.WatchedProperty(int, "GRID_UPDATE") def __init__(self, min_val: float, max_val: float, pt_count: int) -> None: self.min_val = min_val self.max_val = max_val self.pt_count = pt_count def __repr__(self) -> str: init_dict = self.get_initdata() return type(self).__name__ + f"({init_dict!r})" def __str__(self) -> str: output = "Grid1d -----[ " for param_name, param_val in sorted( utils.drop_private_keys(self.__dict__).items() ): output += f"{param_name}: {param_val}, " output = output[:-3] + " ]" return output def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool: if not isinstance(other, type(self)): return False return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ def __hash__(self): return super().__hash__()
[docs] def get_initdata(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Returns dict appropriate for creating/initializing a new Grid1d object. Returns ------- dict """ return self.__dict__
[docs] def grid_spacing(self) -> float: """ Returns ------- spacing between neighboring grid points """ return (self.max_val - self.min_val) / (self.pt_count - 1)
[docs] def make_linspace(self) -> ndarray: """Returns a numpy array of the grid points Returns ------- ndarray """ return np.linspace(self.min_val, self.max_val, self.pt_count)
[docs] def first_derivative_matrix( self, prefactor: Union[float, complex] = 1.0, periodic: bool = False ) -> csc_matrix: """Generate sparse matrix for first derivative of the form :math:`\\partial_{x_i}`. Uses STENCIL setting to construct the matrix with a multi-point stencil. Parameters ---------- prefactor: prefactor of the derivative matrix (default value: 1.0) periodic: set to True if variable is a periodic variable Returns ------- sparse matrix in `dia` format """ if isinstance(prefactor, complex): dtp = np.complex_ else: dtp = np.float_ delta_x = self.grid_spacing() matrix_diagonals = [ coefficient * prefactor / delta_x for coefficient in FIRST_STENCIL_COEFFS[settings.STENCIL] ] offset = [i - (settings.STENCIL - 1) // 2 for i in range(settings.STENCIL)] derivative_matrix = band_matrix( matrix_diagonals, offset, self.pt_count, dtype=dtp, has_corners=periodic ) return derivative_matrix.tocsc()
[docs] def second_derivative_matrix( self, prefactor: Union[float, complex] = 1.0, periodic: bool = False ) -> csc_matrix: """Generate sparse matrix for second derivative of the form :math:`\\partial^2_{x_i}`. Uses STENCIL setting to construct the matrix with a multi-point stencil. Parameters ---------- prefactor: optional prefactor of the derivative matrix (default value = 1.0) periodic: set to True if variable is a periodic variable (default value = False) Returns ------- sparse matrix in `dia` format """ if isinstance(prefactor, complex): dtp = np.complex_ else: dtp = np.float_ delta_x = self.grid_spacing() matrix_diagonals = [ coefficient * prefactor / delta_x**2 for coefficient in SECOND_STENCIL_COEFFS[settings.STENCIL] ] offset = [i - (settings.STENCIL - 1) // 2 for i in range(settings.STENCIL)] derivative_matrix = band_matrix( matrix_diagonals, offset, self.pt_count, dtype=dtp, has_corners=periodic ) return derivative_matrix.tocsc()
[docs]class GridSpec(dispatch.DispatchClient, serializers.Serializable): """Class for specifying a general discretized coordinate grid (arbitrary dimensions). Parameters ---------- minmaxpts_array: array of with entries [minvalue, maxvalue, number of points] """ min_vals = descriptors.WatchedProperty(ndarray, "GRID_UPDATE") max_vals = descriptors.WatchedProperty(ndarray, "GRID_UPDATE") var_count = descriptors.WatchedProperty(int, "GRID_UPDATE") pt_counts = descriptors.WatchedProperty(ndarray, "GRID_UPDATE") def __init__(self, minmaxpts_array: ndarray) -> None: self.min_vals = minmaxpts_array[:, 0] self.max_vals = minmaxpts_array[:, 1] self.var_count = len(self.min_vals) self.pt_counts = minmaxpts_array[:, 2].astype(int) # used as int indices def __str__(self) -> str: output = " GridSpec ......" for param_name, param_val in sorted(self.__dict__.items()): output += f"\n{param_name}\t: {param_val}" return output
[docs] def unwrap(self) -> Tuple[ndarray, ndarray, Union[List[int], ndarray], int]: """Auxiliary routine that yields a tuple of the parameters specifying the grid.""" return self.min_vals, self.max_vals, self.pt_counts, self.var_count