Source code for scqubits.core.hilbert_space

# This file is part of scqubits: a Python package for superconducting qubits,
# Quantum 5, 583 (2021).
#    Copyright (c) 2019 and later, Jens Koch and Peter Groszkowski
#    All rights reserved.
#    This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
#    LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

from __future__ import annotations

import functools
import importlib
import re

from typing import (

import numpy as np
import qutip as qt

from numpy import ndarray
from scipy.sparse import csc_matrix, dia_matrix

import scqubits.core.central_dispatch as dispatch
import scqubits.core.descriptors as descriptors
import scqubits.core.diag as diag
import scqubits.core.oscillator as osc
import scqubits.core.spec_lookup as spec_lookup
import as storage
import scqubits.io_utils.fileio_qutip
import scqubits.io_utils.fileio_serializers as serializers
import scqubits.settings as settings
import scqubits.ui.hspace_widget
import scqubits.utils.cpu_switch as cpu_switch
import scqubits.utils.misc as utils
import scqubits.utils.spectrum_utils as spec_utils

from scqubits.core.namedslots_array import NamedSlotsNdarray, Parameters
from import SpectrumData
from scqubits.io_utils.fileio_qutip import QutipEigenstates

if settings.IN_IPYTHON:
    from tqdm.notebook import tqdm
    from tqdm import tqdm

    from scqubits.io_utils.fileio import IOData

from scqubits.utils.typedefs import OscillatorList, QuantumSys, QubitList
from scqubits.core.qubit_base import QubitBaseClass

[docs]def has_duplicate_id_str(subsystem_list: List[QuantumSys]): id_str_list = [obj.id_str for obj in subsystem_list] id_str_set = set(obj.id_str for obj in subsystem_list) return len(id_str_set) != len(id_str_list)
[docs]class InteractionTerm(dispatch.DispatchClient, serializers.Serializable): """ Class for specifying a term in the interaction Hamiltonian of a composite Hilbert space, and constructing the Hamiltonian in qutip.Qobj format. The expected form of the interaction term is of two possible types: 1. V = g A B C ..., where A, B, C... are Hermitian operators in subsystems in subsystem_list, 2. V = g A B C... + h.c., where A, B, C... may be non-Hermitian Parameters ---------- g_strength: coefficient parametrizing the interaction strength. operator_list: list of tuples (subsys_index, operator) add_hc: If set to True, the interaction Hamiltonian is of type 2, and the Hermitian conjugate is added. """ g_strength = descriptors.WatchedProperty(complex, "INTERACTIONTERM_UPDATE") operator_list = descriptors.WatchedProperty( List[Tuple[int, Union[ndarray, csc_matrix, Callable]]], "INTERACTIONTERM_UPDATE" ) # Each item in the operator_list is a tuple (subsys_index, operator) add_hc = descriptors.WatchedProperty(bool, "INTERACTIONTERM_UPDATE") def __init__( self, g_strength: Union[float, complex], operator_list: List[Tuple[int, Union[ndarray, csc_matrix, Callable]]], add_hc: bool = False, ) -> None: self.g_strength = g_strength self.operator_list = operator_list self.add_hc = add_hc def __repr__(self) -> str: init_dict = {name: getattr(self, name) for name in self._init_params} return type(self).__name__ + f"(**{init_dict!r})" def __str__(self) -> str: indent_length = 25 name_prepend = "InteractionTerm".ljust(indent_length, "-") + "|\n" output = "" for param_name in self._init_params: param_content = getattr(self, param_name).__repr__() param_content = param_content.strip("\n") if len(param_content) > 50: param_content = param_content[:50] param_content += " ..." output += "{0}| {1}: {2}\n".format( " " * indent_length, str(param_name), param_content ) return name_prepend + output
[docs] def hamiltonian( self, subsystem_list: List[QuantumSys], bare_esys: Optional[Dict[int, ndarray]] = None, ) -> qt.Qobj: """ Returns the full Hamiltonian of the interacting quantum system described by the HilbertSpace object Parameters ---------- subsystem_list: list of all quantum systems in HilbertSpace calling ``hamiltonian``, needed for identity wrapping bare_esys: optionally, the bare eigensystems for each subsystem can be provided to speed up computation; these are provided in dict form via <subsys>: esys) Returns ------- Hamiltonian in `qutip.Qobj` format """ hamiltonian = cast(qt.Qobj, self.g_strength) id_wrapped_ops = self.id_wrap_all_ops( self.operator_list, subsystem_list, bare_esys=bare_esys ) for op in id_wrapped_ops: hamiltonian *= op if self.add_hc: hamiltonian += hamiltonian.dag() return hamiltonian
[docs] @staticmethod def id_wrap_all_ops( operator_list: List[Tuple[int, Union[ndarray, csc_matrix, Callable]]], subsystem_list: List[QuantumSys], bare_esys: Optional[Dict[int, ndarray]] = None, ) -> List[qt.Qobj]: """ Returns a list of identity-wrapped operators, one for each operator in operator_list. Note: at this point, any callable operator is actually evaluated. Parameters ---------- operator_list: list of tuples (subsys_index, operator) subsystem_list: list of all quantum systems in HilbertSpace calling ``hamiltonian``, needed for identity wrapping bare_esys: optionally, the bare eigensystems for each subsystem can be provided to speed up computation; these are provided in dict form via <subsys>: esys) Returns ------- list of identity-wrapped operators """ id_wrapped_operators = [] for subsys_index, operator in operator_list: if bare_esys is not None and subsys_index in bare_esys: esys = bare_esys[subsys_index] evecs = esys[1] else: esys = None evecs = None if callable(operator): try: operator = operator(energy_esys=esys) except TypeError: operator = operator() op_in_eigenbasis = bool(esys) else: op_in_eigenbasis = False id_wrapped_operators.append( spec_utils.identity_wrap( operator, subsystem_list[subsys_index], subsystem_list, evecs=evecs, op_in_eigenbasis=op_in_eigenbasis, ) ) return id_wrapped_operators
[docs]class InteractionTermStr(dispatch.DispatchClient, serializers.Serializable): """ Class for specifying a term in the interaction Hamiltonian of a composite Hilbert space, and constructing the Hamiltonian in qutip.Qobj format. The form of the interaction is defined using the expr string. Each operator must be hermitian, unless add_hc = True in which case each operator my be non-hermitian. Acceptable functions inside of expr string include: cos(), sin(), dag(), conj(), exp(), sqrt(), trans(), cosm(), sinm(), expm(), and sqrtm() along with other operators allowed in Python expressions. Parameters ---------- expr: string that defines the interaction. operator_list: list of tuples of operator names, operators, and subsystem indices eg. {name: (operator, subsystem)}. add_hc: If set to True, the interaction Hamiltonian is of type 2, and the Hermitian conjugate is added. """ expr = descriptors.WatchedProperty(str, "INTERACTIONTERM_UPDATE") operator_list = descriptors.WatchedProperty( List[Tuple[int, str, Union[ndarray, csc_matrix, dia_matrix]]], "INTERACTIONTERM_UPDATE", ) add_hc = descriptors.WatchedProperty(bool, "INTERACTIONTERM_UPDATE") def __init__( self, expr: str, operator_list: List[Tuple[int, str, Union[ndarray, csc_matrix, dia_matrix]]], id_wrapped_operator_list: Optional[List[Tuple[str, callable]]] = None, const: Optional[Dict[str, Union[float, complex, QubitBaseClass]]] = None, add_hc: bool = False, ) -> None: self.qutip_dict = { "cosm(": "Qobj.cosm(", "expm(": "Qobj.expm(", "sinm(": "Qobj.sinm(", "sqrtm(": "Qobj.sqrtm(", "cos(": "Qobj.cosm(", "exp(": "Qobj.expm(", "sin(": "Qobj.sinm(", "sqrt(": "Qobj.sqrtm(", } self.expr = expr self.operator_list = operator_list self.id_wrapped_operator_list = id_wrapped_operator_list or [] self.const = const or {} self.add_hc = add_hc def __repr__(self) -> str: init_dict = {name: getattr(self, name) for name in self._init_params} return type(self).__name__ + f"(**{init_dict!r})" def __str__(self) -> str: indent_length = 25 name_prepend = "InteractionTermStr".ljust(indent_length, "-") + "|\n" output = "" for param_name in self._init_params: param_content = getattr(self, param_name).__repr__() param_content = param_content.strip("\n") if len(param_content) > 50: param_content = param_content[:50] param_content += " ..." output += "{0}| {1}: {2}\n".format( " " * indent_length, str(param_name), param_content ) return name_prepend + output def parse_qutip_functions(self, string: str) -> str: for item, value in self.qutip_dict.items(): if item in string: string = string.replace(item, value) return string def run_string_code( self, expression: str, idwrapped_ops_by_name: Dict[str, qt.Qobj] ) -> qt.Qobj: expression = self.parse_qutip_functions(expression) idwrapped_ops_by_name["Qobj"] = qt.Qobj main = importlib.import_module("__main__") answer = eval( expression, {**main.__dict__, **idwrapped_ops_by_name, **self.const} ) return answer def id_wrap_all_ops( self, subsys_list: List[QuantumSys], bare_esys: Optional[Dict[int, ndarray]] = None, ) -> Dict[str, qt.Qobj]: idwrapped_ops_by_name = {} for subsys_index, name, op in self.operator_list: if bare_esys and subsys_index in bare_esys: evecs = bare_esys[subsys_index][1] else: evecs = None idwrapped_ops_by_name[name] = spec_utils.identity_wrap( op, subsys_list[subsys_index], subsys_list, evecs=evecs ) return idwrapped_ops_by_name
[docs] def hamiltonian( self, subsystem_list: List[QuantumSys], bare_esys: Optional[Dict[int, ndarray]] = None, ) -> qt.Qobj: """ Parameters ---------- subsystem_list: list of all quantum systems in HilbertSpace calling ``hamiltonian``, needed for identity wrapping bare_esys: optionally, the bare eigensystems for each subsystem can be provided to speed up computation; these are provided in dict form via <subsys>: esys) """ idwrapped_ops_by_name = self.id_wrap_all_ops( subsystem_list, bare_esys=bare_esys ) idwrapped_ops_by_name.update( { item[0]: item[1](bare_esys=bare_esys) for item in self.id_wrapped_operator_list } ) hamiltonian = self.run_string_code(self.expr, idwrapped_ops_by_name) if not self.add_hc: return hamiltonian else: return hamiltonian + hamiltonian.dag()
[docs]class HilbertSpace( spec_lookup.SpectrumLookupMixin, dispatch.DispatchClient, serializers.Serializable ): """Class holding information about the full Hilbert space, usually composed of multiple subsystems. The class provides methods to turn subsystem operators into operators acting on the full Hilbert space, and establishes the interface to qutip. Returned operators are of the `qutip.Qobj` type. The class also provides methods for obtaining eigenvalues, absorption and emission spectra as a function of an external parameter. Parameters ---------- subsystem_list: List of all quantum systems comprising the composite Hilbert space interaction_list: (optional) typically, interaction terms are added one by one by means of the `add_interaction` method. Alternatively, a list of interaction term objects can be supplied here upon initialization of a `HilbertSpace` instance. esys_method: method for esys diagonalization, callable or string representation esys_method_options: dictionary with esys diagonalization options evals_method: method for evals diagonalization, callable or string representation evals_method_options: dictionary with evals diagonalization options """ _lookup_exists = False osc_subsys_list = descriptors.ReadOnlyProperty(OscillatorList) qbt_subsys_list = descriptors.ReadOnlyProperty(QubitList) interaction_list = descriptors.WatchedProperty( Tuple[Union[InteractionTerm, InteractionTermStr], ...], "INTERACTIONLIST_UPDATE" ) def __init__( self, subsystem_list: List[QuantumSys], interaction_list: List[Union[InteractionTerm, InteractionTermStr]] = None, ignore_low_overlap: bool = False, evals_method: Union[Callable, str, None] = None, evals_method_options: Union[dict, None] = None, esys_method: Union[Callable, str, None] = None, esys_method_options: Union[dict, None] = None, ) -> None: if has_duplicate_id_str(subsystem_list): raise ValueError( "Subsystem list must not contain multiple objects with " "the same `id_str` name." ) self._subsystems: List[QuantumSys] = subsystem_list self._subsys_by_id_str = { obj._id_str: self[index] for index, obj in enumerate(self) } if interaction_list: self.interaction_list = interaction_list else: self.interaction_list: List[InteractionTerm] = [] self._interaction_term_by_id_str = { "InteractionTerm_{}".format(index): interaction_term for index, interaction_term in enumerate(self.interaction_list) } self._osc_subsys_list = [ subsys for subsys in self if isinstance(subsys, osc.Oscillator) or (hasattr(subsys, "is_purely_harmonic") and subsys.is_purely_harmonic) ] self._qbt_subsys_list = [ subsys for subsys in self if subsys not in self._osc_subsys_list ] self.evals_method = evals_method self.evals_method_options = evals_method_options self.esys_method = esys_method self.esys_method_options = esys_method_options # The following attributes are for compatibility with SpectrumLookupMixin self._data: Dict[str, Any] = {} self._parameters = Parameters({"dummy_parameter": np.array([0])}) self._ignore_low_overlap = ignore_low_overlap self._current_param_indices = 0 self._evals_count = self.dimension self._out_of_sync = False # end attributes for compatibility with SpectrumLookupMixin dispatch.CENTRAL_DISPATCH.register("QUANTUMSYSTEM_UPDATE", self) dispatch.CENTRAL_DISPATCH.register("INTERACTIONTERM_UPDATE", self) dispatch.CENTRAL_DISPATCH.register("INTERACTIONLIST_UPDATE", self) @overload def __getitem__(self, key: int) -> QuantumSys: ... @overload def __getitem__( self, key: str ) -> Union[QuantumSys, InteractionTerm, InteractionTermStr]: ... def __getitem__( self, key: Union[int, str] ) -> Union[QuantumSys, InteractionTerm, InteractionTermStr]: if isinstance(key, int): return self._subsystems[key] if key in self._subsys_by_id_str: return self._subsys_by_id_str[key] if key in self._interaction_term_by_id_str: return self._interaction_term_by_id_str[key] if key in self._data.keys(): return self._data[key] raise KeyError( "Unrecognized key: {}. Key must be an integer index or a " "string specifying a subsystem or interaction term part of " "HilbertSpace.".format(key) ) def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[QuantumSys]: return iter(self._subsystems) def __repr__(self) -> str: init_dict = self.get_initdata() return type(self).__name__ + f"(**{init_dict!r})" def __str__(self) -> str: output = "HilbertSpace: subsystems\n" output += "-------------------------\n" for subsystem in self: output += f"\n{subsystem}\n" if self.interaction_list: output += "\n\n" output += "HilbertSpace: interaction terms\n" output += "--------------------------------\n" for id_str, interaction_term in self._interaction_term_by_id_str.items(): indent_length = 25 term_output = "InteractionTerm".ljust(indent_length, "-") term_output += f"| [{id_str}]\n" term_output += "\n".join(str(interaction_term).splitlines()[1:]) term_output += "\n\n" output += term_output return output def __len__(self): return len(self._subsystems) @property def hilbertspace(self) -> HilbertSpace: """[Legacy] Auxiliary reference to self for compatibility with SpectrumLookupMixin class.""" return self @property @utils.DeprecationMessage( "`subsys_list` is deprecated. Use `subsystem_list` instead." ) def subsys_list(self) -> List[QuantumSys]: return list(self._subsystems) def subsys_by_id_str(self, id_str: str) -> QuantumSys: return self._subsys_by_id_str[id_str] ################################################################################### # HilbertSpace: file IO methods ###################################################################################
[docs] @classmethod def deserialize(cls, io_data: "IOData") -> HilbertSpace: """ Take the given IOData and return an instance of the described class, initialized with the data stored in io_data. """ alldata_dict = io_data.as_kwargs() alldata_dict["ignore_low_overlap"] = alldata_dict.pop("_ignore_low_overlap") data = alldata_dict.pop("_data", {}) new_hilbertspace: HilbertSpace = cls(**alldata_dict) new_hilbertspace._data = data return new_hilbertspace
[docs] def serialize(self) -> "IOData": """ Convert the content of the current class instance into IOData format. """ init_parameters = self._init_params.copy() init_parameters.remove("ignore_low_overlap") init_parameters.append("_ignore_low_overlap") initdata = {name: getattr(self, name) for name in init_parameters} if self._data: initdata = {**initdata, "_data": self._data} iodata = serializers.dict_serialize(initdata) iodata.typename = type(self).__name__ return iodata
[docs] def get_initdata(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Returns dict appropriate for creating/initializing a new HilbertSpace object.""" return { "subsystem_list": self._subsystems, "interaction_list": self.interaction_list, }
################################################################################### # HilbertSpace: creation via GUI ################################################################################### @classmethod def create(cls) -> HilbertSpace: hilbertspace = cls([]) scqubits.ui.hspace_widget.create_hilbertspace_widget(hilbertspace.__init__) return hilbertspace ################################################################################### # HilbertSpace: methods for CentralDispatch ###################################################################################
[docs] def receive(self, event: str, sender: Any, **kwargs) -> None: if event == "QUANTUMSYSTEM_UPDATE" and sender in self: self.broadcast("HILBERTSPACE_UPDATE") if self.lookup_exists(): self._out_of_sync = True elif event == "INTERACTIONTERM_UPDATE" and sender in self.interaction_list: self.broadcast("HILBERTSPACE_UPDATE") if self.lookup_exists(): self._out_of_sync = True elif event == "INTERACTIONLIST_UPDATE" and sender is self: self.broadcast("HILBERTSPACE_UPDATE") if self.lookup_exists(): self._out_of_sync = True
################################################################################### # HilbertSpace: subsystems, dimensions, etc. ###################################################################################
[docs] def get_subsys_index(self, subsys: QuantumSys) -> int: """ Return the index of the given subsystem in the HilbertSpace. """ return self._subsystems.index(subsys)
@property def subsystem_list(self) -> List[QuantumSys]: return self._subsystems @property def subsystem_dims(self) -> List[int]: """Returns list of the Hilbert space dimensions of each subsystem""" return [subsystem.truncated_dim for subsystem in self] @property def dimension(self) -> int: """Returns total dimension of joint Hilbert space""" return @property def subsystem_count(self) -> int: """Returns number of subsystems composing the joint Hilbert space""" return len(self._subsystems) ################################################################################### # HilbertSpace: generate SpectrumLookup ###################################################################################
[docs] def generate_lookup(self, update_subsystem_indices: List[int] = None) -> None: self._lookup_exists = True bare_esys_dict = self.generate_bare_esys( update_subsystem_indices=update_subsystem_indices ) dummy_params = self._parameters.paramvals_by_name evals, evecs = self.eigensys( evals_count=self.dimension, bare_esys=bare_esys_dict ) # The following workaround ensures that eigenvectors maintain QutipEigenstates # view when getting placed inside an outer array evecs_wrapped = np.empty(shape=1, dtype=object) evecs_wrapped[0] = evecs self._data["evals"] = NamedSlotsNdarray(np.array([evals]), dummy_params) self._data["evecs"] = NamedSlotsNdarray(evecs_wrapped, dummy_params) self._data["dressed_indices"] = spec_lookup.SpectrumLookupMixin.generate_lookup( self )
def lookup_exists(self) -> bool: return self._lookup_exists def generate_bare_esys(self, update_subsystem_indices: List[int] = None) -> dict: # update all the subsystems when update_subsystem_indices is set to None if update_subsystem_indices is None: update_subsystem_indices = list(range(self.subsystem_count)) bare_evals = np.empty((self.subsystem_count,), dtype=object) bare_evecs = np.empty((self.subsystem_count,), dtype=object) bare_esys_dict = {} for subsys_index, subsys in enumerate(self): # generate bare_esys for the subsystem as well if necessary if ( hasattr(subsys, "hierarchical_diagonalization") and subsys.hierarchical_diagonalization ): subsys.hilbert_space.generate_bare_esys( update_subsystem_indices=subsys.affected_subsystem_indices ) # diagonalizing only those subsystems present in update_subsystem_indices if subsys_index in update_subsystem_indices: bare_esys = subsys.eigensys(evals_count=subsys.truncated_dim) else: bare_esys = ( self["bare_evals"][subsys_index][0], self["bare_evecs"][subsys_index][0], ) bare_esys_dict[subsys_index] = bare_esys bare_evals[subsys_index] = NamedSlotsNdarray( np.asarray([bare_esys[0].tolist()]), self._parameters.paramvals_by_name, ) bare_evecs[subsys_index] = NamedSlotsNdarray( np.asarray([bare_esys[1].tolist()]), self._parameters.paramvals_by_name, ) self._data["bare_evals"] = NamedSlotsNdarray( bare_evals, {"subsys": np.arange(self.subsystem_count)} ) self._data["bare_evecs"] = NamedSlotsNdarray( bare_evecs, {"subsys": np.arange(self.subsystem_count)} ) return bare_esys_dict ################################################################################### # HilbertSpace: energy spectrum ##################################################################################
[docs] def eigenvals( self, evals_count: int = 6, bare_esys: Optional[Dict[int, Union[ndarray, List[ndarray]]]] = None, ) -> ndarray: """Calculates eigenvalues of the full Hamiltonian. Qutip's `qutip.Qobj.eigenenergies()` is used by default, unless `self.evals_method` has been set to something other than `None`. Parameters ---------- evals_count: number of desired eigenvalues/eigenstates bare_esys: optionally, the bare eigensystems for each subsystem can be provided to speed up computation; these are provided in dict form via <subsys>: esys """ # hamiltonian_mat = self.hamiltonian(bare_esys=bare_esys) # type:ignore # return hamiltonian_mat.eigenenergies(eigvals=evals_count) hamiltonian_mat = self.hamiltonian(bare_esys=bare_esys) # type:ignore if not hasattr(self, "evals_method") or self.evals_method is None: evals = hamiltonian_mat.eigenenergies(eigvals=evals_count) else: diagonalizer = ( diag.DIAG_METHODS[self.evals_method] if isinstance(self.evals_method, str) else self.evals_method ) evals = diagonalizer( hamiltonian_mat, evals_count=evals_count, **( {} if self.evals_method_options is None else self.evals_method_options ), ) return evals
[docs] def eigensys( self, evals_count: int = 6, bare_esys: Optional[Dict[int, Union[ndarray, List[ndarray]]]] = None, ) -> Tuple[ndarray, QutipEigenstates]: """Calculates eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the full Hamiltonian. Qutip's `qutip.Qobj.eigenenergies()` is used by default, unless `self.evals_method` has been set to something other than `None`. Parameters ---------- evals_count: number of desired eigenvalues/eigenstates bare_esys: optionally, the bare eigensystems for each subsystem can be provided to speed up computation; these are provided in dict form via <subsys>: esys Returns ------- eigenvalues and eigenvectors """ hamiltonian_mat = self.hamiltonian(bare_esys=bare_esys) # type:ignore if not hasattr(self, "esys_method") or self.esys_method is None: evals, evecs = hamiltonian_mat.eigenstates(eigvals=evals_count) else: diagonalizer = ( diag.DIAG_METHODS[self.esys_method] if isinstance(self.esys_method, str) else self.esys_method ) evals, evecs = diagonalizer( hamiltonian_mat, evals_count=evals_count, **( {} if self.esys_method_options is None else self.esys_method_options ), ) evecs = evecs.view(scqubits.io_utils.fileio_qutip.QutipEigenstates) return evals, evecs
def _esys_for_paramval( self, paramval: float, update_hilbertspace: Callable, evals_count: int, bare_esys: Optional[Dict[int, Union[ndarray, List[ndarray]]]] = None, ) -> Tuple[ndarray, QutipEigenstates]: update_hilbertspace(paramval) return self.eigensys(evals_count, bare_esys=bare_esys) def _evals_for_paramval( self, paramval: float, update_hilbertspace: Callable, evals_count: int, bare_esys: Optional[Dict[int, Union[ndarray, List[ndarray]]]] = None, ) -> ndarray: update_hilbertspace(paramval) return self.eigenvals(evals_count, bare_esys=bare_esys) ################################################################################### # HilbertSpace: Hamiltonian (bare, interaction, full) #######################################################
[docs] def hamiltonian( self, bare_esys: Optional[Dict[int, ndarray]] = None, ) -> qt.Qobj: """ Parameters ---------- bare_esys: optionally, the bare eigensystems for each subsystem can be provided to speed up computation; these are provided in dict form via <subsys>: esys Returns ------- Hamiltonian of the composite system, including the interaction between components """ hamiltonian = self.bare_hamiltonian(bare_esys=bare_esys) hamiltonian += self.interaction_hamiltonian(bare_esys=bare_esys) return hamiltonian
[docs] def bare_hamiltonian( self, bare_esys: Optional[Dict[int, ndarray]] = None ) -> qt.Qobj: """ Parameters ---------- bare_esys: optionally, the bare eigensystems for each subsystem can be provided to speed up computation; these are provided in dict form via <subsys>: esys Returns ------- composite Hamiltonian composed of bare Hamiltonians of subsystems independent of the external parameter """ bare_hamiltonian = ( qt.Qobj(0, dims=[self.subsystem_dims] * 2) if qt.__version__ >= "5.0.0" else qt.Qobj(0) ) for subsys_index, subsys in enumerate(self): if bare_esys is not None and subsys_index in bare_esys: evals = bare_esys[subsys_index][0] else: evals = subsys.eigenvals(evals_count=subsys.truncated_dim) bare_hamiltonian += self.diag_hamiltonian(subsys, evals) return bare_hamiltonian
[docs] def interaction_hamiltonian( self, bare_esys: Optional[Dict[int, ndarray]] = None ) -> qt.Qobj: """ Returns the interaction Hamiltonian, based on the interaction terms specified for the current HilbertSpace object Parameters ---------- bare_esys: optionally, the bare eigensystems for each subsystem can be provided to speed up computation; these are provided in dict form via <subsys>: esys Returns ------- interaction Hamiltonian """ if not self.interaction_list: return ( qt.Qobj(0, dims=[self.subsystem_dims] * 2) if qt.__version__ >= "5.0.0" else qt.Qobj(0) ) operator_list = [] for term in self.interaction_list: if isinstance(term, qt.Qobj): operator_list.append(term) elif isinstance(term, (InteractionTerm, InteractionTermStr)): operator_list.append( term.hamiltonian(self.subsystem_list, bare_esys=bare_esys) ) else: raise TypeError( "Expected an instance of InteractionTerm, InteractionTermStr, " "or Qobj; got {} instead.".format(type(term)) ) hamiltonian = sum(operator_list) return hamiltonian
[docs] def diag_hamiltonian(self, subsystem: QuantumSys, evals: ndarray = None) -> qt.Qobj: """Returns a `qutip.Qobj` which has the eigenenergies of the object `subsystem` on the diagonal. Parameters ---------- subsystem: Subsystem for which the Hamiltonian is to be provided. evals: Eigenenergies can be provided as `evals`; otherwise, they are calculated. """ evals_count = subsystem.truncated_dim if evals is None: evals = subsystem.eigenvals(evals_count=evals_count) diag_qt_op = qt.Qobj(np.diagflat(evals[0:evals_count])) # type:ignore return spec_utils.identity_wrap(diag_qt_op, subsystem, self.subsystem_list)
################################################################################### # HilbertSpace: identity wrapping, operators ###################################################################################
[docs] def diag_operator(self, diag_elements: ndarray, subsystem: QuantumSys) -> qt.Qobj: """For given diagonal elements of a diagonal operator in `subsystem`, return the `Qobj` operator for the full Hilbert space (perform wrapping in identities for other subsystems). Parameters ---------- diag_elements: diagonal elements of subsystem diagonal operator subsystem: subsystem where diagonal operator is defined """ dim = subsystem.truncated_dim index = range(dim) diag_matrix = np.zeros((dim, dim), dtype=np.float_) diag_matrix[index, index] = diag_elements return spec_utils.identity_wrap(diag_matrix, subsystem, self.subsystem_list)
[docs] def hubbard_operator(self, j: int, k: int, subsystem: QuantumSys) -> qt.Qobj: """Hubbard operator :math:`|j\\rangle\\langle k|` for system `subsystem` Parameters ---------- j,k: eigenstate indices for Hubbard operator subsystem: subsystem in which Hubbard operator acts """ dim = subsystem.truncated_dim operator = qt.states.basis(dim, j) * qt.states.basis(dim, k).dag() return spec_utils.identity_wrap(operator, subsystem, self.subsystem_list)
[docs] def annihilate(self, subsystem: QuantumSys) -> qt.Qobj: """Annihilation operator a for `subsystem` Parameters ---------- subsystem: specifies subsystem in which annihilation operator acts """ dim = subsystem.truncated_dim operator = qt.destroy(dim) return spec_utils.identity_wrap(operator, subsystem, self.subsystem_list)
################################################################################### # HilbertSpace: spectrum sweep ###################################################################################
[docs] def get_spectrum_vs_paramvals( self, param_vals: ndarray, update_hilbertspace: Callable, evals_count: int = 10, get_eigenstates: bool = False, param_name: str = "external_parameter", num_cpus: Optional[int] = None, ) -> SpectrumData: """Return eigenvalues (and optionally eigenstates) of the full Hamiltonian as a function of a parameter. Parameter values are specified as a list or array in `param_vals`. The Hamiltonian `hamiltonian_func` must be a function of that particular parameter, and is expected to internally set subsystem parameters. If a `filename` string is provided, then eigenvalue data is written to that file. Parameters ---------- param_vals: array of parameter values update_hilbertspace: update_hilbertspace(param_val) specifies how a change in the external parameter affects the Hilbert space components evals_count: number of desired energy levels (default value = 10) get_eigenstates: set to true if eigenstates should be returned as well (default value = False) param_name: name for the parameter that is varied in `param_vals` (default value = "external_parameter") num_cpus: number of cores to be used for computation (default value: settings.NUM_CPUS) """ num_cpus = num_cpus or settings.NUM_CPUS target_map = cpu_switch.get_map_method(num_cpus) if get_eigenstates: func = functools.partial( self._esys_for_paramval, update_hilbertspace=update_hilbertspace, evals_count=evals_count, ) with utils.InfoBar( "Parallel computation of eigenvalues [num_cpus={}]".format(num_cpus), num_cpus, ): eigensystem_mapdata = list( target_map( func, tqdm( param_vals, desc="Spectral data", leave=False, disable=(num_cpus > 1) or settings.PROGRESSBAR_DISABLED, ), ) ) eigenvalue_table, eigenstate_table = spec_utils.recast_esys_mapdata( eigensystem_mapdata ) else: func = functools.partial( self._evals_for_paramval, # type:ignore update_hilbertspace=update_hilbertspace, evals_count=evals_count, ) with utils.InfoBar( "Parallel computation of eigensystems [num_cpus={}]".format(num_cpus), num_cpus, ): eigenvalue_table = np.asarray( list( target_map( func, tqdm( param_vals, desc="Spectral data", leave=False, disable=(num_cpus > 1) or settings.PROGRESSBAR_DISABLED, ), ) ) ) eigenstate_table = None # type: ignore return storage.SpectrumData( eigenvalue_table, self.get_initdata(), param_name, param_vals, state_table=eigenstate_table, )
[docs] def standardize_eigenvector_phases(self) -> None: """ Standardize the phases of the (dressed) eigenvectors. """ for idx, evec in enumerate(self._data["evecs"][0]): array = utils.Qobj_to_scipy_csc_matrix(evec) phase = spec_utils.extract_phase(array) self._data["evecs"][0][idx] = evec * np.exp(-1j * phase)
[docs] def op_in_dressed_eigenbasis( self, op_callable_or_tuple: Union[ Tuple[Union[np.ndarray, csc_matrix], QuantumSys], Callable ], truncated_dim: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs, ) -> qt.Qobj: """ Express a subsystem operator in the dressed eigenbasis of the full system (as opposed to both the "native basis" or "bare eigenbasis" of the subsystem). The returned operator should not retain memory of the Hilbert-space sizes of the underlying subsystems, thus we modify the dims of the returned operator. truncated_dim should be set to the cutoff Hilbert-space size of the dressed system: if it is set to the default value None, no cutoff of the resulting operator is made but the dims of the resulting Qobj will be [[dimension], [dimension]] `op_in_dressed_eigenbasis(...)` offers two different interfaces: 1. subsystem operators may be expressed as Callables signature:: .op_in_dressed_eigenbasis(op=<Callable>, truncated_dim=<int>) 2. subsystem operators may be passed as arrays, along with the corresponding subsystem. In this case the user must additionally specify if the operator is in the native, subsystem-internal basis or the subsystem bare eigenbasis:: .op_in_dressed_eigenbasis(op=(<ndarray>, <subsys>), truncated_dim=<int>, op_in_bare_eigenbasis=<Bool>) """ if truncated_dim is None: truncated_dim = self.dimension if isinstance(op_callable_or_tuple, tuple): op, subsys = op_callable_or_tuple op_in_bare_eigenbasis = kwargs.pop("op_in_bare_eigenbasis", False) subsys_index = self.get_subsys_index(subsys) else: assert callable(op_callable_or_tuple) op = op_callable_or_tuple op_in_bare_eigenbasis = False subsys_index = self.get_subsys_index(op.__self__) bare_evecs = self._data["bare_evecs"][subsys_index][0] id_wrapped_op = spec_utils.identity_wrap( op, self.subsystem_list[subsys_index], self.subsystem_list, op_in_eigenbasis=op_in_bare_eigenbasis, evecs=bare_evecs, ) dressed_evecs = self._data["evecs"][0] dressed_op_data = utils.Qobj_to_scipy_csc_matrix( id_wrapped_op.transform(dressed_evecs) ) dressed_op_truncated = qt.Qobj( dressed_op_data[0:truncated_dim, 0:truncated_dim], dims=[[truncated_dim], [truncated_dim]], ) return dressed_op_truncated
################################################################################### # HilbertSpace: add interaction and parsing arguments to .add_interaction ###################################################################################
[docs] def add_interaction( self, check_validity=True, id_str: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs ) -> None: """ Specify the interaction between subsystems making up the `HilbertSpace` instance. `add_interaction(...)` offers three different interfaces: * Simple interface for operator products * String-based interface for more general interaction operator expressions * General Qobj interface 1. Simple interface for operator products Specify `ndarray`, `csc_matrix`, or `dia_matrix` (subsystem operator in subsystem-internal basis) along with the corresponding subsystem signature:: .add_interaction(g=<float>, op1=(<ndarray>, <QuantumSystem>), op2=(<csc_matrix>, <QuantumSystem>), …, add_hc=<bool>) Alternatively, specify subsystem operators via callable methods. signature:: .add_interaction(g=<float>, op1=<Callable>, op2=<Callable>, …, add_hc=<bool>) 2. String-based interface for more general interaction operator expressions Specify a Python expression that generates the desired operator. The expression enables convenience use of basic qutip operations:: .add_interaction(expr=<str>, op1=(<str>, <ndarray>, <subsys>), op2=(<str>, <Callable>), …) 3. General Qobj operator Specify a fully identity-wrapped `qutip.Qobj` operator. Signature:: .add_interaction(qobj=<Qobj>) Parameters ---------- check_validity: optional bool indicating whether to check the validity of the interaction; switch this off for speed if you are sure the interaction is valid id_str: optional string by which this instance can be referred to in `HilbertSpace` and `ParameterSweep`. If not provided, an id is auto-generated. """ if "expr" in kwargs: interaction: Union[InteractionTerm, InteractionTermStr] = ( self._parse_interactiontermstr(**kwargs) ) elif "qobj" in kwargs: interaction = self._parse_qobj(**kwargs) elif "op1" in kwargs: interaction = self._parse_interactionterm(**kwargs) else: raise TypeError( "Invalid combination and/or types of arguments for `add_interaction`" ) if self.lookup_exists(): self._out_of_sync = True self.interaction_list.append(interaction) id_str = id_str or "Interaction_{}".format(len(self.interaction_list)) self._interaction_term_by_id_str[id_str] = interaction if not check_validity: return None try: _ = self.interaction_hamiltonian() except Exception as inst: self.interaction_list.pop() del self._interaction_term_by_id_str[id_str] raise ValueError(f"Invalid Interaction Term. Exception: {inst}")
def _parse_interactiontermstr(self, **kwargs) -> InteractionTermStr: expr = kwargs.pop("expr") add_hc = kwargs.pop("add_hc", False) const = kwargs.pop("const", None) operator_list = [] id_wrapped_operator_list = [] for key in kwargs.keys(): if callable(kwargs[key][1]) and not hasattr(kwargs[key][1], "__self__"): id_wrapped_operator_list.append(kwargs[key]) continue if re.match(r"op\d+$", key) is None: raise TypeError("Unexpected keyword argument {}.".format(key)) operator_list.append(self._parse_str_based_op(kwargs[key])) if id_wrapped_operator_list == []: id_wrapped_operator_list = None return InteractionTermStr( expr, operator_list, id_wrapped_operator_list=id_wrapped_operator_list, const=const, add_hc=add_hc, ) def _parse_interactionterm(self, **kwargs) -> InteractionTerm: g = kwargs.pop("g", None) if g is None: g = kwargs.pop("g_strength") add_hc = kwargs.pop("add_hc", False) operator_list = [] for key in kwargs.keys(): if re.match(r"op\d+$", key) is None: raise TypeError("Unexpected keyword argument {}.".format(key)) subsys_index, op = self._parse_non_strbased_op(kwargs[key]) operator_list.append((subsys_index, op)) return InteractionTerm(g, operator_list, add_hc=add_hc) @staticmethod def _parse_qobj(**kwargs) -> qt.Qobj: op = kwargs["qobj"] if len(kwargs) > 1 or not isinstance(op, qt.Qobj): raise TypeError("Cannot interpret specified operator {}".format(op)) return kwargs["qobj"] def _parse_str_based_op( self, keyword_value: Union[Tuple[str, ndarray, QuantumSys], Tuple[str, Callable]], ) -> Tuple[int, str, Union[ndarray, csc_matrix, dia_matrix, Callable]]: if not isinstance(keyword_value, tuple): raise TypeError( "Cannot interpret specified operator {}".format(keyword_value) ) if len(keyword_value) == 3: # format expected: (<op name as str>, <op as array>, <subsys as QuantumSystem>) return ( self.get_subsys_index(keyword_value[2]), keyword_value[0], keyword_value[1], ) # format expected (<op name as str)>, <QuantumSystem.method callable>) return ( self.get_subsys_index(keyword_value[1].__self__), keyword_value[0], keyword_value[1], ) def _parse_non_strbased_op( self, op: Union[Callable, Tuple[Union[ndarray, csc_matrix], QuantumSys]], ) -> Tuple[int, Union[ndarray, csc_matrix, Callable]]: if callable(op): return ( self.get_subsys_index(op.__self__), op, ) # store op here, not op() [v3.2] if not isinstance(op, tuple): raise TypeError("Cannot interpret specified operator {}".format(op)) if len(op) == 2: # format expected: (<op as array>, <subsys as QuantumSystem>) return self.get_subsys_index(op[1]), op[0] raise TypeError("Cannot interpret specified operator {}".format(op))