Source code for scqubits.core.operators

# This file is part of scqubits: a Python package for superconducting qubits,
# Quantum 5, 583 (2021).
#    Copyright (c) 2019 and later, Jens Koch and Peter Groszkowski
#    All rights reserved.
#    This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
#    LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

from typing import Optional, Union

import numpy as np
import scipy as sp

from numpy import ndarray
from scipy.sparse import csc_matrix

[docs]def annihilation(dimension: int) -> ndarray: """ Returns a dense matrix of size dimension x dimension representing the annihilation operator in number basis. """ offdiag_elements = np.sqrt(range(1, dimension)) return np.diagflat(offdiag_elements, 1)
[docs]def annihilation_sparse(dimension: int) -> csc_matrix: """Returns a matrix of size dimension x dimension representing the annihilation operator in the format of a scipy sparse.csc_matrix. """ offdiag_elements = np.sqrt(range(dimension)) return sp.sparse.dia_matrix( (offdiag_elements, [1]), shape=(dimension, dimension) ).tocsc()
[docs]def creation(dimension: int) -> ndarray: """ Returns a dense matrix of size dimension x dimension representing the creation operator in number basis. """ return annihilation(dimension).T
[docs]def creation_sparse(dimension: int) -> csc_matrix: """Returns a matrix of size dimension x dimension representing the creation operator in the format of a scipy sparse.csc_matrix """ return annihilation_sparse(dimension).transpose().tocsc()
[docs]def hubbard_sparse(j1: int, j2: int, dimension: int) -> csc_matrix: """The Hubbard operator :math:`|j1\\rangle>\\langle j2|` is returned as a matrix of linear size dimension. Parameters ---------- dimension: j1, j2: indices of the two states labeling the Hubbard operator Returns ------- sparse number operator matrix, size dimension x dimension """ hubbardmat = sp.sparse.dok_matrix((dimension, dimension), dtype=np.float_) hubbardmat[j1, j2] = 1.0 return hubbardmat.asformat("csc")
[docs]def number( dimension: int, prefactor: Optional[Union[float, complex]] = None ) -> ndarray: """Number operator matrix of size dimension x dimension in sparse matrix representation. An additional prefactor can be directly included in the generation of the matrix by supplying 'prefactor'. Parameters ---------- dimension: matrix dimension prefactor: prefactor multiplying the number operator matrix Returns ------- number operator matrix, size dimension x dimension """ diag_elements = np.arange(dimension, dtype=np.float_) if prefactor: diag_elements *= prefactor return np.diagflat(diag_elements)
[docs]def number_sparse( dimension: int, prefactor: Optional[Union[float, complex]] = None ) -> csc_matrix: """Number operator matrix of size dimension x dimension in sparse matrix representation. An additional prefactor can be directly included in the generation of the matrix by supplying 'prefactor'. Parameters ---------- dimension: matrix size prefactor: prefactor multiplying the number operator matrix Returns ------- sparse number operator matrix, size dimension x dimension """ diag_elements = np.arange(dimension, dtype=np.float_) if prefactor: diag_elements *= prefactor return sp.sparse.dia_matrix( (diag_elements, [0]), shape=(dimension, dimension), dtype=np.float_ ).tocsc()
[docs]def a_plus_adag_sparse( dimension: int, prefactor: Union[float, complex, None] = None ) -> csc_matrix: """Operator matrix for prefactor(a+a^dag) of size dimension x dimension in sparse matrix representation. Parameters ---------- dimension: matrix size prefactor: prefactor multiplying the number operator matrix (if not given, this defaults to 1) Returns ------- prefactor * (a + a^dag) as sparse operator matrix, size dimension x dimension """ prefactor = prefactor if prefactor is not None else 1.0 return prefactor * (annihilation_sparse(dimension) + creation_sparse(dimension))
[docs]def a_plus_adag( dimension: int, prefactor: Union[float, complex, None] = None ) -> ndarray: """Operator matrix for prefactor(a+a^dag) of size dimension x dimension in sparse matrix representation. Parameters ---------- dimension: matrix size prefactor: prefactor multiplying the number operator matrix (if not given, this defaults to 1) Returns ------- prefactor (a + a^dag) as ndarray, size dimension x dimension """ return a_plus_adag_sparse(dimension, prefactor=prefactor).toarray()
[docs]def cos_theta_harmonic( dimension: int, prefactor: Union[float, complex, None] = None ) -> ndarray: """Operator matrix for cos(prefactor(a+a^dag)) of size dimension x dimension in sparse matrix representation. Parameters ---------- dimension: matrix size prefactor: prefactor multiplying the number operator matrix (if not given, this defaults to 1) Returns ------- prefactor (a + a^dag) as ndarray, size dimension x dimension """ return sp.linalg.cosm(a_plus_adag_sparse(dimension, prefactor=prefactor).toarray())
[docs]def sin_theta_harmonic( dimension: int, prefactor: Union[float, complex, None] = None ) -> ndarray: """Operator matrix for sin(prefactor(a+a^dag)) of size dimension x dimension in sparse matrix representation. Parameters ---------- dimension: matrix size prefactor: prefactor multiplying the number operator matrix (if not given, this defaults to 1) Returns ------- prefactor (a + a^dag) as ndarray, size dimension x dimension """ return sp.linalg.sinm(a_plus_adag_sparse(dimension, prefactor=prefactor).toarray())
[docs]def iadag_minus_ia_sparse( dimension: int, prefactor: Union[float, complex, None] = None ) -> csc_matrix: """Operator matrix for prefactor(ia-ia^dag) of size dimension x dimension as ndarray Parameters ---------- dimension: matrix size prefactor: prefactor multiplying the number operator matrix (if not given, this defaults to 1) Returns ------- prefactor (ia - ia^dag) as sparse operator matrix, size dimension x dimension """ prefactor = prefactor if prefactor is not None else 1.0 return prefactor * ( 1j * creation_sparse(dimension) - 1j * annihilation_sparse(dimension) )
[docs]def iadag_minus_ia( dimension: int, prefactor: Union[float, complex, None] = None ) -> ndarray: """Operator matrix for prefactor(ia-ia^dag) of size dimension x dimension as ndarray Parameters ---------- dimension: matrix size prefactor: prefactor multiplying the number operator matrix (if not given, this defaults to 1) Returns ------- prefactor (ia - ia^dag) as ndarray, size dimension x dimension """ return iadag_minus_ia_sparse(dimension, prefactor=prefactor).toarray()
[docs]def sigma_minus() -> np.ndarray: return sigma_plus().T
[docs]def sigma_plus() -> np.ndarray: return np.asarray([[0.0, 1.0], [0.0, 0.0]])
[docs]def sigma_x() -> np.ndarray: return np.asarray([[0.0, 1.0], [1.0, 0.0]])
[docs]def sigma_y() -> np.ndarray: return np.asarray([[0.0, -1j], [1j, 0.0]])
[docs]def sigma_z() -> np.ndarray: return np.asarray([[1.0, 0.0], [0.0, -1.0]])