Source code for scqubits.core.qubit_base

# This file is part of scqubits: a Python package for superconducting qubits,
# Quantum 5, 583 (2021).
#    Copyright (c) 2019 and later, Jens Koch and Peter Groszkowski
#    All rights reserved.
#    This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
#    LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
Provides the base classes for qubits

import functools
import inspect
import os

from abc import ABC, ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from typing import (

import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp

from matplotlib.axes import Axes
from matplotlib.figure import Figure
from numpy import ndarray
from scipy.sparse import csc_matrix, dia_matrix

import scqubits.core.constants as constants
import scqubits.core.descriptors as descriptors
import scqubits.core.diag as diag
import scqubits.core.units as units
import scqubits.settings as settings
import scqubits.ui.qubit_widget as ui
import scqubits.utils.plotting as plot

from scqubits.core.central_dispatch import DispatchClient
from scqubits.core.discretization import Grid1d
from import DataStore, SpectrumData
from scqubits.settings import IN_IPYTHON, matplotlib_settings
from scqubits.utils.cpu_switch import get_map_method
from scqubits.utils.misc import InfoBar, process_which
from scqubits.utils.spectrum_utils import (

    from tqdm.notebook import tqdm
    from tqdm import tqdm

    from typing_extensions import Literal

    from import WaveFunction

LevelsTuple = Tuple[int, ...]
Transition = Tuple[int, int]
TransitionsTuple = Tuple[Transition, ...]

# annotate the types will inherit from Serializable
QuantumSystemType = TypeVar("QuantumSystemType", bound="QuantumSystem")

# -Generic quantum system container and Qubit base class------------------------------

[docs]class QuantumSystem(DispatchClient, ABC): """Generic quantum system class""" truncated_dim = descriptors.WatchedProperty(int, "QUANTUMSYSTEM_UPDATE") _init_params: List[str] _image_filename: str _sys_type: str # To facilitate warnings in set_units, introduce a counter keeping track of the # number of QuantumSystem instances _quantumsystem_counter: int = 0 # To enable autogeneration of id_str, keep a record of all subclass types and # corresponding counts of instances _instance_counter: Dict[str, int] = {} _subclasses: List[ABCMeta] = [] def __new__(cls: Type[QuantumSystemType], *args, **kwargs) -> QuantumSystemType: QuantumSystem._quantumsystem_counter += 1 if cls.__name__ not in QuantumSystem._instance_counter: QuantumSystem._instance_counter[cls.__name__] = 1 else: QuantumSystem._instance_counter[cls.__name__] += 1 return super().__new__(cls) def __del__(self) -> None: # The following if clause mitigates an issue where upon program exit calls to # this destructor fail because `QuantumSystem` is of NoneType. (Upon program # exit, does the class itself get deleted before class instances are calling # their destructor?) try: QuantumSystem._quantumsystem_counter -= 1 except (NameError, AttributeError): pass def __init__(self, id_str: Union[str, None]): self._sys_type = type(self).__name__ self._id_str = id_str or self._autogenerate_id_str() self._image_filename = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "qubit_img", type(self).__name__ + ".jpg", ) def __init_subclass__(cls): """Used to register all non-abstract _subclasses as a list in `QuantumSystem._subclasses`.""" super().__init_subclass__() if not inspect.isabstract(cls): cls._subclasses.append(cls) def __repr__(self) -> str: if hasattr(self, "_init_params"): init_names = self._init_params else: init_names = list(inspect.signature(self.__init__).parameters.keys())[1:] # type: ignore init_dict = {name: getattr(self, name) for name in init_names} return type(self).__name__ + f"(**{init_dict!r})" def __str__(self) -> str: indent_length = 20 name_prepend = self._sys_type.ljust(indent_length, "-") + "| [{}]\n".format( self._id_str ) output = "" for param_name in self.default_params().keys(): output += "{0}| {1}: {2}\n".format( " " * indent_length, str(param_name), str(getattr(self, param_name)) ) output += "{0}|\n".format(" " * indent_length) output += "{0}| dim: {1}\n".format(" " * indent_length, str(self.hilbertdim())) return name_prepend + output def __eq__(self, other: Any): if not isinstance(other, type(self)): return False return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ def __hash__(self): return super().__hash__() def _autogenerate_id_str(self): name = self._sys_type return "{}_{}".format(name, QuantumSystem._instance_counter[name]) @property def id_str(self): return self._id_str
[docs] def get_initdata(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Returns dict appropriate for creating/initializing a new Serializable object.""" EXCLUDE = [ "evals_method", "evals_method_options", "esys_method", "esys_method_options", ] initdata = { name: getattr(self, name) for name in self._init_params if name not in EXCLUDE } return initdata
[docs] @abstractmethod def hilbertdim(self) -> int: """Returns dimension of Hilbert space"""
[docs] @classmethod def get_operator_names(cls) -> List[str]: """Returns a list of all operator names for the quantum system. Note that this list omits any operators that start with "_". Parameters ---------- subsys: Class instance of quantum system Returns ------- list of operator names """ operator_list = [] for name, val in inspect.getmembers(cls): if "operator" in name and name[0] != "_" and name != "get_operator_names": operator_list.append(name) return operator_list
[docs] @classmethod def create(cls) -> "QuantumSystem": """Use ipywidgets to create a new class instance""" init_params = cls.default_params() instance = cls(**init_params) instance.widget() return instance
[docs] def widget(self, params: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None): """Use ipywidgets to modify parameters of class instance""" init_params = params or self.get_initdata() init_params.pop("id_str", None) ui.create_widget( self.set_params_from_gui, init_params, image_filename=self._image_filename )
[docs] @staticmethod @abstractmethod def default_params() -> Dict[str, Any]: """Return dictionary with default parameter values for initialization of class instance"""
[docs] def set_params_from_gui(self, change): """ Set new parameters through the provided dictionary. """ param_name = change["owner"].name param_val = change["owner"].num_value setattr(self, param_name, param_val)
[docs] def set_params(self, **kwargs): """ Set new parameters through the provided dictionary. """ for param_name, param_val in kwargs.items(): setattr(self, param_name, param_val)
[docs] def supported_noise_channels(self) -> List: """ Returns a list of noise channels this QuantumSystem supports. If none, return an empty list. """ return []
# -QubitBaseClass-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class QubitBaseClass(QuantumSystem, ABC): """Base class for superconducting qubit objects. Provide general mechanisms and routines for plotting spectra, matrix elements, and writing data to files """ # see PEP 526 truncated_dim: int # type:ignore _default_grid: Grid1d _sys_type: str _init_params: list def __init__( self, id_str: Union[str, None], evals_method: Union[str, None] = None, evals_method_options: Union[Dict, None] = None, esys_method: Union[str, None] = None, esys_method_options: Union[Dict, None] = None, ): super().__init__(id_str=id_str) self.evals_method = evals_method self.evals_method_options = evals_method_options self.esys_method = esys_method self.esys_method_options = esys_method_options
[docs] @abstractmethod def hamiltonian(self): """Returns the Hamiltonian"""
def _evals_calc(self, evals_count: int) -> ndarray: hamiltonian_mat = self.hamiltonian() evals = sp.linalg.eigh( hamiltonian_mat, eigvals_only=True, subset_by_index=(0, evals_count - 1), check_finite=False, ) return np.sort(evals) def _esys_calc(self, evals_count: int) -> Tuple[ndarray, ndarray]: hamiltonian_mat = self.hamiltonian() evals, evecs = sp.linalg.eigh( hamiltonian_mat, eigvals_only=False, subset_by_index=(0, evals_count - 1), check_finite=False, ) evals, evecs = order_eigensystem(evals, evecs) return evals, evecs @overload def eigenvals( self, evals_count: int = 6, filename: Optional[str] = None, return_spectrumdata: "Literal[False]" = False, ) -> ndarray: ... @overload def eigenvals( self, evals_count: int, filename: str, return_spectrumdata: "Literal[True]", ) -> SpectrumData: ...
[docs] def eigenvals( self, evals_count: int = 6, filename: Optional[str] = None, return_spectrumdata: bool = False, ) -> Union[SpectrumData, ndarray]: """Calculates eigenvalues using `scipy.linalg.eigh`, returns numpy array of eigenvalues. Parameters ---------- evals_count: number of desired eigenvalues/eigenstates (default value = 6) filename: path and filename without suffix, if file output desired (default value = None) return_spectrumdata: if set to true, the returned data is provided as a SpectrumData object (default value = False) Returns ------- eigenvalues as ndarray or in form of a SpectrumData object """ if not hasattr(self, "evals_method") or self.evals_method is None: evals = self._evals_calc(evals_count) else: diagonalizer = ( diag.DIAG_METHODS[self.evals_method] if isinstance(self.evals_method, str) else self.evals_method ) options = ( {} if self.esys_method_options is None else self.esys_method_options ) evals = diagonalizer(self.hamiltonian(), evals_count, **options) if filename or return_spectrumdata: specdata = SpectrumData( energy_table=evals, system_params=self.get_initdata() ) if filename: specdata.filewrite(filename) return specdata if return_spectrumdata else evals
@overload def eigensys( self, evals_count: int = 6, filename: Optional[str] = None, return_spectrumdata: "Literal[False]" = False, ) -> Tuple[ndarray, ndarray]: ... @overload def eigensys( self, evals_count: int, filename: Optional[str], return_spectrumdata: "Literal[True]", ) -> SpectrumData: ...
[docs] def eigensys( self, evals_count: int = 6, filename: Optional[str] = None, return_spectrumdata: bool = False, ) -> Union[Tuple[ndarray, ndarray], SpectrumData]: """Calculates eigenvalues and corresponding eigenvectors using `scipy.linalg.eigh`. Returns two numpy arrays containing the eigenvalues and eigenvectors, respectively. Parameters ---------- evals_count: number of desired eigenvalues/eigenstates (default value = 6) filename: path and filename without suffix, if file output desired (default value = None) return_spectrumdata: if set to true, the returned data is provided as a SpectrumData object (default value = False) Returns ------- eigenvalues, eigenvectors as numpy arrays or in form of a SpectrumData object """ if not hasattr(self, "esys_method") or self.esys_method is None: evals, evecs = self._esys_calc(evals_count) else: diagonalizer = ( diag.DIAG_METHODS[self.esys_method] if isinstance(self.esys_method, str) else self.esys_method ) options = ( {} if self.esys_method_options is None else self.esys_method_options ) evals, evecs = diagonalizer(self.hamiltonian(), evals_count, **options) if filename or return_spectrumdata: specdata = SpectrumData( energy_table=evals, system_params=self.get_initdata(), state_table=evecs ) if filename: specdata.filewrite(filename) return specdata if return_spectrumdata else (evals, evecs)
[docs] def process_op( self, native_op: Union[ndarray, csc_matrix], energy_esys: Union[bool, Tuple[ndarray, ndarray]] = False, ) -> Union[ndarray, csc_matrix]: """Processes the operator `native_op`: either hand back `native_op` unchanged, or transform it into the energy eigenbasis. (Native basis refers to the basis used internally by each qubit, e.g., charge basis in the case of `Transmon`. Parameters ---------- native_op: operator in native basis energy_esys: If `False` (default), returns operator in the native basis If `True`, the energy eigenspectrum is computed, returns operator in the energy eigenbasis if energy_esys is the energy eigenspectrum, in the form of a tuple containing two ndarrays (eigenvalues and energy eigenvectors), returns operator in the energy eigenbasis, and does not have to recalculate eigenspectrum. Returns ------- `native_op` either unchanged or transformed into eigenenergy basis """ if isinstance(energy_esys, bool): if not energy_esys: return native_op esys = self.eigensys(evals_count=self.truncated_dim) else: esys = energy_esys evectors = esys[1][:, : self.truncated_dim] return get_matrixelement_table(native_op, evectors)
[docs] def process_hamiltonian( self, native_hamiltonian: Union[ndarray, csc_matrix], energy_esys: Union[bool, Tuple[ndarray, ndarray]] = False, ) -> Union[ndarray, csc_matrix]: """Return qubit Hamiltonian in chosen basis: either return unchanged (i.e., in native basis) or transform into eigenenergy basis Parameters ---------- native_hamiltonian: Hamiltonian in native basis energy_esys: If `False` (default), returns Hamiltonian in the native basis If `True`, the energy eigenspectrum is computed, returns Hamiltonian in the energy eigenbasis if energy_esys is the energy eigenspectrum, in the form of a tuple containing two ndarrays (eigenvalues and energy eigenvectors), returns Hamiltonian in the energy eigenbasis, and does not have to recalculate eigenspectrum. Returns ------- Hamiltonian, either unchanged in native basis, or transformed into eigenenergy basis """ if isinstance(energy_esys, bool): if not energy_esys: return native_hamiltonian esys = self.eigensys(evals_count=self.truncated_dim) else: esys = energy_esys evals = esys[0][: self.truncated_dim] if isinstance(native_hamiltonian, ndarray): return np.diag(evals) return dia_matrix(evals).tocsc()
[docs] def anharmonicity(self) -> float: """Returns the qubit's anharmonicity, (E_2 - E_1) - (E_1 - E_0).""" energies = self.eigenvals(evals_count=3) return energies[2] - 2 * energies[1] + energies[0]
[docs] def E01(self) -> float: """Returns the qubit's fundamental energy splitting, E_1 - E_0.""" energies = self.eigenvals(evals_count=2) return energies[1] - energies[0]
@overload def matrixelement_table( self, operator: str, evecs: ndarray = None, evals_count: int = 6, filename: str = None, return_datastore: "Literal[False]" = False, ) -> ndarray: ... @overload def matrixelement_table( self, operator: str, evecs: ndarray, evals_count: int, filename: Optional[str], return_datastore: "Literal[True]", ) -> DataStore: ...
[docs] def matrixelement_table( self, operator: str, evecs: ndarray = None, evals_count: int = 6, filename: str = None, return_datastore: bool = False, ) -> Union[DataStore, ndarray]: """Returns table of matrix elements for `operator` with respect to the eigenstates of the qubit. The operator is given as a string matching a class method returning an operator matrix. E.g., for an instance `trm` of Transmon, the matrix element table for the charge operator is given by `trm.op_matrixelement_table('n_operator')`. When `esys` is set to `None`, the eigensystem is calculated on-the-fly. Parameters ---------- operator: name of class method in string form, returning operator matrix in qubit-internal basis. evecs: if not provided, then the necessary eigenstates are calculated on the fly evals_count: number of desired matrix elements, starting with ground state (default value = 6) filename: output file name return_datastore: if set to true, the returned data is provided as a DataStore object (default value = False) """ if evecs is None: _, evecs = self.eigensys(evals_count=evals_count) operator_matrix = getattr(self, operator)() table = get_matrixelement_table(operator_matrix, evecs) if filename or return_datastore: data_store = DataStore( system_params=self.get_initdata(), matrixelem_table=table ) if filename: data_store.filewrite(filename) return data_store if return_datastore else table
def _esys_for_paramval( self, paramval: float, param_name: str, evals_count: int ) -> Tuple[ndarray, ndarray]: setattr(self, param_name, paramval) if hasattr(self, "hierarchical_diagonalization"): self.update() return self.eigensys(evals_count=evals_count) def _evals_for_paramval( self, paramval: float, param_name: str, evals_count: int ) -> ndarray: setattr(self, param_name, paramval) if hasattr(self, "hierarchical_diagonalization"): self.update() return self.eigenvals(evals_count)
[docs] def get_spectrum_vs_paramvals( self, param_name: str, param_vals: ndarray, evals_count: int = 6, subtract_ground: bool = False, get_eigenstates: bool = False, filename: str = None, num_cpus: Optional[int] = None, ) -> SpectrumData: """Calculates eigenvalues/eigenstates for a varying system parameter, given an array of parameter values. Returns a `SpectrumData` object with `energy_data[n]` containing eigenvalues calculated for parameter value `param_vals[n]`. Parameters ---------- param_name: name of parameter to be varied param_vals: parameter values to be plugged in evals_count: number of desired eigenvalues (sorted from smallest to largest) (default value = 6) subtract_ground: if True, eigenvalues are returned relative to the ground state eigenvalue (default value = False) get_eigenstates: return eigenstates along with eigenvalues (default value = False) filename: file name if direct output to disk is wanted num_cpus: number of cores to be used for computation (default value: settings.NUM_CPUS) """ num_cpus = num_cpus or settings.NUM_CPUS previous_paramval = getattr(self, param_name) tqdm_disable = num_cpus > 1 or settings.PROGRESSBAR_DISABLED target_map = get_map_method(num_cpus) if not get_eigenstates: func_evals = functools.partial( self._evals_for_paramval, param_name=param_name, evals_count=evals_count ) with InfoBar( "Parallel computation of eigensystems [num_cpus={}]".format(num_cpus), num_cpus, ): eigenvalue_table = np.asarray( list( target_map( func_evals, tqdm( param_vals, desc="Spectral data", leave=False, disable=tqdm_disable, ), ) ) ) eigenstate_table = None else: func_esys = functools.partial( self._esys_for_paramval, param_name=param_name, evals_count=evals_count ) with InfoBar( "Parallel computation of eigenvalues [num_cpus={}]".format(num_cpus), num_cpus, ): # Note that it is useful here that the outermost eigenstate object is # a list, as for certain applications the necessary hilbert space # dimension can vary with paramvals eigensystem_mapdata = list( target_map( func_esys, tqdm( param_vals, desc="Spectral data", leave=False, disable=tqdm_disable, ), ) ) eigenvalue_table, eigenstate_table = recast_esys_mapdata( eigensystem_mapdata ) if subtract_ground: for param_index, _ in enumerate(param_vals): eigenvalue_table[param_index] -= eigenvalue_table[param_index][0] setattr(self, param_name, previous_paramval) specdata = SpectrumData( eigenvalue_table, self.get_initdata(), param_name, param_vals, state_table=eigenstate_table, ) if filename: specdata.filewrite(filename) return specdata
def _compute_dispersion( self, dispersion_name: str, param_name: str, param_vals: ndarray, transitions_tuple: TransitionsTuple = ((0, 1),), levels_tuple: Optional[LevelsTuple] = None, point_count: int = 50, num_cpus: Optional[int] = None, ) -> Tuple[ndarray, ndarray]: from scqubits import HilbertSpace, ParameterSweep hilbertspace = HilbertSpace(subsystem_list=[self]) paramvals_by_name = { dispersion_name: np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, point_count), param_name: param_vals, } def update_func(disp_val, sweep_val): setattr(self, dispersion_name, disp_val) setattr(self, param_name, sweep_val) previous_dispval = getattr(self, dispersion_name) previous_paramval = getattr(self, param_name) max_level = ( np.max(transitions_tuple) if not levels_tuple else np.max(levels_tuple) ) sweep = ParameterSweep( hilbertspace, paramvals_by_name, update_func, evals_count=max_level + 1, bare_only=True, num_cpus=num_cpus, ) eigenenergies = sweep["bare_evals"]["subsys":0].toarray() # type:ignore if levels_tuple is None: dispersions = np.empty((len(transitions_tuple), len(param_vals))) for index, (i, j) in enumerate(transitions_tuple): energy_ij = eigenenergies[:, :, i] - eigenenergies[:, :, j] dispersions[index] = np.max(energy_ij, axis=0) - np.min( energy_ij, axis=0 ) else: dispersions = np.empty((len(levels_tuple), len(param_vals))) for index, j in enumerate(levels_tuple): energy_j = eigenenergies[:, :, j] dispersions[index] = np.max(energy_j, axis=0) - np.min(energy_j, axis=0) setattr(self, param_name, previous_paramval) setattr(self, dispersion_name, previous_dispval) return eigenenergies, dispersions
[docs] def get_dispersion_vs_paramvals( self, dispersion_name: str, param_name: str, param_vals: ndarray, ref_param: Optional[str] = None, transitions: Union[Transition, TransitionsTuple] = (0, 1), levels: Optional[Union[int, LevelsTuple]] = None, point_count: int = 50, num_cpus: Optional[int] = None, ) -> SpectrumData: """Calculates eigenvalues/eigenstates for a varying system parameter, given an array of parameter values. Returns a `SpectrumData` object with `energy_data[n]` containing eigenvalues calculated for parameter value `param_vals[n]`. Parameters ---------- dispersion_name: parameter inducing the dispersion, typically 'ng' or 'flux' (will be scanned over range from 0 to 1) param_name: name of parameter to be varied param_vals: parameter values to be plugged in ref_param: optional, name of parameter to use as reference for the parameter value; e.g., to compute charge dispersion vs. EJ/EC, use EJ as param_name and EC as ref_param transitions: integer tuple or tuples specifying for which transitions dispersion is to be calculated (default: = (0,1)) levels: tuple specifying levels (rather than transitions) for which dispersion should be plotted; overrides transitions parameter when given point_count: number of points scanned for the dispersion parameter for determining min and max values of transition energies (default: 50) num_cpus: number of cores to be used for computation (default value: settings.NUM_CPUS) """ if levels is not None: if isinstance(levels, int): # presence of levels argument will overwrite `transitions`; # here: single level levels_tuple: Optional[LevelsTuple] = (levels,) transitions_tuple: TransitionsTuple = (transitions,) # type:ignore elif isinstance(levels, tuple): # presence of levels argument will overwrite `transitions`; # here: multiple levels levels_tuple: Optional[LevelsTuple] = levels transitions_tuple: TransitionsTuple = (transitions,) # type:ignore else: raise ValueError( "Invalid `levels` specification: expect int or tuple " "of int" ) elif isinstance(transitions[0], int): # transitions is inferred to be of form (i, j), so only a single one transitions_tuple = (transitions,) # type:ignore levels_tuple = None elif isinstance(transitions[0], tuple): # transitions is inferred to be of form ((i1, j1), ...) , # there are multiple transitions transitions_tuple = transitions levels_tuple = None else: raise ValueError( "Invalid `transitions` specification: expect either (" "int, int) or ((int, int), ...)" ) eigenenergies, dispersion = self._compute_dispersion( dispersion_name, param_name, param_vals, transitions_tuple=transitions_tuple, levels_tuple=levels_tuple, point_count=point_count, num_cpus=num_cpus, ) if ref_param is not None: param_name += "/" + ref_param param_vals /= getattr(self, ref_param) specdata = SpectrumData( eigenenergies, self.get_initdata(), param_name, param_vals, labels=levels_tuple or transitions_tuple, dispersion=dispersion.T, ) return specdata
[docs] def get_matelements_vs_paramvals( self, operator: str, param_name: str, param_vals: ndarray, evals_count: int = 6, num_cpus: Optional[int] = None, ) -> SpectrumData: """Calculates matrix elements for a varying system parameter, given an array of parameter values. Returns a `SpectrumData` object containing matrix element data, eigenvalue data, and eigenstate data.. Parameters ---------- operator: name of class method in string form, returning operator matrix param_name: name of parameter to be varied param_vals: parameter values to be plugged in evals_count: number of desired eigenvalues (sorted from smallest to largest) (default value = 6) num_cpus: number of cores to be used for computation (default value: settings.NUM_CPUS) """ num_cpus = num_cpus or settings.NUM_CPUS spectrumdata = self.get_spectrum_vs_paramvals( param_name, param_vals, evals_count=evals_count, get_eigenstates=True, num_cpus=num_cpus, ) paramvals_count = len(param_vals) matelem_table = np.empty( shape=(paramvals_count, evals_count, evals_count), dtype=np.complex_ ) paramval_before = getattr(self, param_name) assert spectrumdata.state_table is not None for index, paramval in enumerate(param_vals): evecs = spectrumdata.state_table[index] setattr(self, param_name, paramval) matelem_table[index] = self.matrixelement_table( operator, evecs=evecs, evals_count=evals_count ) setattr(self, param_name, paramval_before) spectrumdata.matrixelem_table = matelem_table return spectrumdata
[docs] @mpl.rc_context(matplotlib_settings) def plot_evals_vs_paramvals( self, param_name: str, param_vals: ndarray, evals_count: int = 6, subtract_ground: bool = False, num_cpus: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs, ) -> Tuple[Figure, Axes]: """Generates a simple plot of a set of eigenvalues as a function of one parameter. The individual points correspond to the a provided array of parameter values. Parameters ---------- param_name: name of parameter to be varied param_vals: parameter values to be plugged in evals_count: number of desired eigenvalues (sorted from smallest to largest) (default value = 6) subtract_ground: whether to subtract ground state energy from all eigenvalues (default value = False) num_cpus: number of cores to be used for computation (default value: settings.NUM_CPUS) **kwargs: standard plotting option (see separate documentation) """ num_cpus = num_cpus or settings.NUM_CPUS specdata = self.get_spectrum_vs_paramvals( param_name, param_vals, evals_count=evals_count, subtract_ground=subtract_ground, num_cpus=num_cpus, ) return plot.evals_vs_paramvals(specdata, which=range(evals_count), **kwargs)
[docs] @mpl.rc_context(matplotlib_settings) def plot_dispersion_vs_paramvals( self, dispersion_name: str, param_name: str, param_vals: ndarray, ref_param: Optional[str] = None, transitions: Union[Transition, TransitionsTuple] = (0, 1), levels: Optional[Union[int, LevelsTuple]] = None, point_count: int = 50, num_cpus: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs, ) -> Tuple[Figure, Axes]: """Generates a simple plot of a set of curves representing the charge or flux dispersion of transition energies. Parameters ---------- dispersion_name: parameter inducing the dispersion, typically 'ng' or 'flux' (will be scanned over range from 0 to 1) param_name: name of parameter to be varied param_vals: parameter values to be plugged in ref_param: optional, name of parameter to use as reference for the parameter value; e.g., to compute charge dispersion vs. EJ/EC, use EJ as param_name and EC as ref_param transitions: integer tuple or tuples specifying for which transitions dispersion is to be calculated (default: = (0,1)) levels: int or tuple specifying level(s) (rather than transitions) for which dispersion should be plotted; overrides transitions parameter when given point_count: number of points scanned for the dispersion parameter for determining min and max values of transition energies (default: 50) num_cpus: number of cores to be used for computation (default value: settings.NUM_CPUS) **kwargs: standard plotting option (see separate documentation) """ specdata = self.get_dispersion_vs_paramvals( dispersion_name, param_name, param_vals, ref_param=ref_param, transitions=transitions, levels=levels, point_count=point_count, num_cpus=num_cpus, ) if levels is not None: levels_tuple = levels if isinstance(levels, tuple) else (levels,) label_list = [str(j) for j in levels_tuple] else: transitions_tuple: TransitionsTuple = ( transitions # type:ignore if isinstance(transitions[0], tuple) else (transitions,) ) label_list = ["{}{}".format(i, j) for i, j in transitions_tuple] return plot.data_vs_paramvals( xdata=specdata.param_vals, # type:ignore ydata=specdata.dispersion, # type:ignore label_list=label_list, xlabel=specdata.param_name, ylabel="energy dispersion [{}]".format(units.get_units()), yscale="log", **kwargs, )
[docs] @mpl.rc_context(matplotlib_settings) def plot_matrixelements( self, operator: str, evecs: ndarray = None, evals_count: int = 6, mode: str = "abs", show_numbers: bool = False, show3d: bool = True, **kwargs, ) -> Union[Tuple[Figure, Tuple[Axes, Axes]], Tuple[Figure, Axes]]: """Plots matrix elements for `operator`, given as a string referring to a class method that returns an operator matrix. E.g., for instance `trm` of Transmon, the matrix element plot for the charge operator `n` is obtained by `trm.plot_matrixelements('n')`. When `esys` is set to None, the eigensystem with `which` eigenvectors is calculated. Parameters ---------- operator: name of class method in string form, returning operator matrix evecs: eigensystem data of evals, evecs; eigensystem will be calculated if set to None (default value = None) evals_count: number of desired matrix elements, starting with ground state (default value = 6) mode: idx_entry from MODE_FUNC_DICTIONARY, e.g., `'abs'` for absolute value (default) show_numbers: determines whether matrix element values are printed on top of the plot (default: False) show3d: whether to show a 3d skyscraper plot of the matrix alongside the 2d plot (default: True) **kwargs: standard plotting option (see separate documentation) """ matrixelem_array = self.matrixelement_table(operator, evecs, evals_count) assert isinstance(matrixelem_array, np.ndarray) if not show3d: return plot.matrix2d( matrixelem_array, mode=mode, show_numbers=show_numbers, **kwargs, ) return plot.matrix( matrixelem_array, mode=mode, show_numbers=show_numbers, **kwargs, )
[docs] @mpl.rc_context(matplotlib_settings) def plot_matelem_vs_paramvals( self, operator: str, param_name: str, param_vals: ndarray, select_elems: Union[int, List[Tuple[int, int]]] = 4, mode: str = "abs", num_cpus: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs, ) -> Tuple[Figure, Axes]: """Generates a simple plot of a set of eigenvalues as a function of one parameter. The individual points correspond to the a provided array of parameter values. Parameters ---------- operator: name of class method in string form, returning operator matrix param_name: name of parameter to be varied param_vals: parameter values to be plugged in select_elems: either maximum index of desired matrix elements, or list [(i1, i2), (i3, i4), ...] of index tuples for specific desired matrix elements (default value = 4) mode: idx_entry from MODE_FUNC_DICTIONARY, e.g., `'abs'` for absolute value (default value = 'abs') num_cpus: number of cores to be used for computation (default value: settings.NUM_CPUS) **kwargs: standard plotting option (see separate documentation) """ num_cpus = num_cpus or settings.NUM_CPUS if isinstance(select_elems, int): evals_count = select_elems else: flattened_list = [index for tupl in select_elems for index in tupl] evals_count = max(flattened_list) + 1 specdata = self.get_matelements_vs_paramvals( operator, param_name, param_vals, evals_count=evals_count, num_cpus=num_cpus ) return plot.matelem_vs_paramvals( specdata, select_elems=select_elems, mode=mode, **kwargs )
[docs] def set_and_return(self, attr_name: str, value: Any) -> "QubitBaseClass": """ Allows to set an attribute after which self is returned. This is useful for doing something like example:: qubit.set_and_return('flux', 0.23).some_method() instead of example:: qubit.flux=0.23 qubit.some_method() Parameters ---------- attr_name: name of class attribute in string form value: value that the attribute is to be set to Returns ------- self """ setattr(self, attr_name, value) return self
# -QubitBaseClass1d------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class QubitBaseClass1d(QubitBaseClass): """Base class for superconducting qubit objects with one degree of freedom. Provide general mechanisms and routines for plotting spectra, matrix elements, and writing data to files. """ # see PEP 526 _default_grid: Grid1d @abstractmethod def potential(self, phi: Union[float, ndarray]) -> Union[float, ndarray]: pass @abstractmethod def wavefunction( self, esys: Optional[Tuple[ndarray, ndarray]], which: int = 0, phi_grid: Grid1d = None, ) -> "WaveFunction": pass
[docs] def wavefunction1d_defaults( self, mode: str, evals: ndarray, wavefunc_count: int ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Plot defaults for plotting.wavefunction1d. Parameters ---------- mode: amplitude modifier, needed to give the correct default y label evals: eigenvalues to include in plot wavefunc_count: number of wave functions to be plotted """ ylabel = r"$\psi_j(\varphi)$" ylabel = constants.MODE_STR_DICT[mode](ylabel) ylabel += ", energy [{}]".format(units.get_units()) options = {"xlabel": r"$\varphi$", "ylabel": ylabel} return options
[docs] @mpl.rc_context(matplotlib_settings) def plot_wavefunction( self, which: Union[int, Iterable[int]] = 0, mode: str = "real", esys: Tuple[ndarray, ndarray] = None, phi_grid: Grid1d = None, scaling: Optional[float] = None, **kwargs, ) -> Tuple[Figure, Axes]: """Plot 1d phase-basis wave function(s). Must be overwritten by higher-dimensional qubits like FluxQubits and ZeroPi. Parameters ---------- which: single index or tuple/list of integers indexing the wave function(s) to be plotted. If which is -1, all wavefunctions up to the truncation limit are plotted. mode: choices as specified in `constants.MODE_FUNC_DICT` (default value = 'abs_sqr') esys: eigenvalues, eigenvectors phi_grid: used for setting a custom grid for phi; if None use self._default_grid scaling: custom scaling of wave function amplitude/modulus **kwargs: standard plotting option (see separate documentation) """ wavefunc_indices = process_which(which, self.truncated_dim) if esys is None: evals_count = max(wavefunc_indices) + 1 esys = self.eigensys(evals_count=evals_count) evals, _ = esys else: evals, _ = esys energies = evals[list(wavefunc_indices)] phi_grid = phi_grid or self._default_grid potential_vals = self.potential(phi_grid.make_linspace()) amplitude_modifier = constants.MODE_FUNC_DICT[mode] wavefunctions = [] for wavefunc_index in wavefunc_indices: phi_wavefunc = self.wavefunction( esys, which=wavefunc_index, phi_grid=phi_grid ) phi_wavefunc.amplitudes = standardize_sign(phi_wavefunc.amplitudes) phi_wavefunc.amplitudes = amplitude_modifier(phi_wavefunc.amplitudes) wavefunctions.append(phi_wavefunc) fig_ax = kwargs.get("fig_ax") or plt.subplots() kwargs["fig_ax"] = fig_ax kwargs = { **self.wavefunction1d_defaults( mode, evals, wavefunc_count=len(wavefunc_indices) # type:ignore ), **kwargs, } # in merging the dictionaries in the previous line: if any duplicates, # later ones survive plot.wavefunction1d( wavefunctions, potential_vals=potential_vals, # type:ignore offset=energies, scaling=scaling, **kwargs, ) return fig_ax