Source code for scqubits.core.symbolic_circuit

# This file is part of scqubits.
#    Copyright (c) 2019 and later, Jens Koch and Peter Groszkowski
#    All rights reserved.
#    This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
#    LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

import copy
import itertools
import warnings
from symtable import Symbol
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Set, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
import sympy
import sympy as sm
import random

from numpy import ndarray
from sympy import symbols, use
from scqubits.core.circuit_utils import (

import scqubits.io_utils.fileio_serializers as serializers
import scqubits.settings as settings

from scqubits.utils.misc import (
from scqubits.core.circuit_input import (

[docs]class Node: """ Class representing a circuit node, and handled by `Circuit`. The attribute `<Node>.branches` is a list of `Branch` objects containing all branches connected to the node. Parameters ---------- id: int integer identifier of the node marker: int An internal attribute used to group nodes and identify sub-circuits in the method independent_modes. """ def __init__(self, index: int, marker: int): self.index = index self.marker = marker self._init_params = {"id": self.index, "marker": self.marker} self.branches: List[Branch] = [] def __str__(self) -> str: return "Node {}".format(self.index) def __repr__(self) -> str: return "Node({})".format(self.index)
[docs] def connected_nodes(self, branch_type: str) -> List["Node"]: """ Returns a list of all nodes directly connected by branches to the current node, either considering all branches or a specified `branch_type`: "C", "L", "JJ", "all" for capacitive, inductive, Josephson junction, or all types of branches. """ result = [] if branch_type == "all": branch_list = self.branches else: branch_list = [ branch for branch in self.branches if branch.type == branch_type ] for branch in branch_list: if branch.nodes[0].index == self.index: result.append(branch.nodes[1]) else: result.append(branch.nodes[0]) return result
[docs] def is_ground(self) -> bool: """ Returns a bool if the node is a ground node. It is ground if the id is set to 0. """ return True if self.index == 0 else False
def __deepcopy__(self, memo): cls = self.__class__ result = cls.__new__(cls) memo[id(self)] = result for k, v in self.__dict__.items(): setattr(result, k, copy.deepcopy(v, memo)) return result
[docs]def make_branch( nodes_list: List[Node], branch_type: str, node_idx1: int, node_idx2: int, params, aux_params, _branch_count: int, ): params_dict = {} params = [process_param(param) for param in params] if "JJ" in branch_type: for idx, param in enumerate(params[:-1]): params_dict[sm.symbols(f"EJ{idx + 1}" if idx > 0 else "EJ")] = ( param[0] if param[0] is not None else param[1] ) params_dict[sm.symbols("EC")] = ( params[-1][0] if params[-1][0] is not None else params[-1][1] ) if branch_type == "C": params_dict[sm.symbols("EC")] = ( params[-1][0] if params[-1][0] is not None else params[-1][1] ) elif branch_type == "L": params_dict[sm.symbols("EL")] = ( params[-1][0] if params[-1][0] is not None else params[-1][1] ) # return node_idx1, node_idx2, branch_type, list(params_dict.keys()), str(_branch_count), process_param(aux_params) is_grounded = True if any([node.is_ground() for node in nodes_list]) else False node_1 = nodes_list[node_idx1 if is_grounded else node_idx1 - 1] node_2 = nodes_list[node_idx2 if is_grounded else node_idx2 - 1] sym_params_dict = { param[0]: param[1] for param in params if param[0] is not None } # dictionary of symbolic params and the default values return ( Branch( node_1, node_2, branch_type, list(params_dict.values()), str(_branch_count), process_param(aux_params), ), sym_params_dict, )
[docs]class Branch: """ Class describing a circuit branch, used in the Circuit class. Parameters ---------- n_i, n_f: initial and final nodes connected by this branch; branch_type: is the type of this Branch, example "C","JJ" or "L" parameters: list of parameters for the branch, namely for capacitance: {"EC": <value>}; for inductance: {"EL": <value>}; for Josephson Junction: {"EJ": <value>, "ECJ": <value>} aux_params: Dictionary of auxiliary parameters which map a symbol from the input file a numeric parameter. Examples -------- `Branch("C", Node(1, 0), Node(2, 0))` is a capacitive branch connecting the nodes with indices 0 and 1. """ def __init__( self, n_i: Node, n_f: Node, branch_type: str, parameters: Optional[List[Union[float, Symbol, int]]] = None, id_str: Optional[str] = None, aux_params: Dict[Symbol, float] = {}, ): self.nodes = (n_i, n_f) self.type = branch_type self.parameters = parameters self.id_str = id_str # store info of current branch inside the provided nodes # setting the parameters if it is provided if parameters is not None: self.set_parameters(parameters) self.aux_params = aux_params self.nodes[0].branches.append(self) self.nodes[1].branches.append(self) def __str__(self) -> str: return ( "Branch " + self.type + " connecting nodes: (" + str(self.nodes[0].index) + "," + str(self.nodes[1].index) + "); " + str(self.parameters) ) def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"Branch({self.type}, {self.nodes[0].index}, {self.nodes[1].index}, id_str: {self.id_str})" def set_parameters(self, parameters) -> None: if self.type in ["C", "L"]: self.parameters = {f"E{self.type}": parameters[0]} elif "JJ" in self.type: number_of_junc_params = _junction_order(self.type) self.parameters = {} for junc_order in range(1, number_of_junc_params + 1): if junc_order == 1: self.parameters["EJ"] = parameters[0] else: self.parameters[f"EJ{junc_order}"] = parameters[junc_order] self.parameters["ECJ"] = parameters[number_of_junc_params] def node_ids(self) -> Tuple[int, int]: return self.nodes[0].index, self.nodes[1].index
[docs] def is_connected(self, branch) -> bool: """Returns a boolean indicating whether the current branch is connected to the given `branch`""" distinct_node_count = len(set(self.nodes + branch.nodes)) if distinct_node_count < 4: return True return False
[docs] def common_node(self, branch) -> Set[Node]: """Returns the common nodes between self and the `branch` given as input""" return set(self.nodes) & set(branch.nodes)
def __deepcopy__(self, memo): cls = self.__class__ result = cls.__new__(cls) memo[id(self)] = result for k, v in self.__dict__.items(): setattr(result, k, copy.deepcopy(v, memo)) return result
[docs]class SymbolicCircuit(serializers.Serializable): r""" Describes a circuit consisting of nodes and branches. Examples -------- For a transmon qubit, the input file reads: ``` # file_name: transmon_num.inp nodes: 2 branches: C 1,2 1 JJ 1,2 1 10 ``` The `Circuit` object can be initiated using: `Circuit.from_input_file("transmon_num.inp")` Parameters ---------- nodes_list: List[Nodes] List of nodes in the circuit branches_list: List[Branch] List of branches connecting the above set of nodes. basis_completion: str choices are: "heuristic" (default) or "canonical"; selects type of basis for completing the transformation matrix. use_dynamic_flux_grouping: bool set to False by default. Indicates if the flux allocation is done by assuming that flux is time dependent. When set to True, it disables the option to change the closure branches. initiate_sym_calc: bool set to True by default. Initiates the object attributes by calling the function initiate_symboliccircuit method when set to True. """ def __init__( self, nodes_list: List[Node], branches_list: List[Branch], branch_var_dict: Dict[Union[Any, Symbol], Union[Any, float]], basis_completion: str = "heuristic", use_dynamic_flux_grouping: bool = False, initiate_sym_calc: bool = True, input_string: str = "", ): self.branches = branches_list self.nodes = nodes_list self.input_string = input_string self._sys_type = type(self).__name__ # for object description # attributes set by methods self.transformation_matrix: Optional[ndarray] = None self.var_categories: Optional[List[int]] = None self.external_fluxes: List[Symbol] = [] self.closure_branches: List[Branch] = [] self.symbolic_params: Dict[Symbol, float] = branch_var_dict self.hamiltonian_symbolic: Optional[sympy.Expr] = None # to store the internally used lagrangian self._lagrangian_symbolic: Optional[sympy.Expr] = None self.lagrangian_symbolic: Optional[sympy.Expr] = None # symbolic lagrangian in terms of untransformed generalized flux variables self.lagrangian_node_vars: Optional[sympy.Expr] = None # symbolic expression for potential energy self.potential_symbolic: Optional[sympy.Expr] = None self.potential_node_vars: Optional[sympy.Expr] = None # parameters for grounding the circuit self.is_grounded = False self.ground_node = None for node in self.nodes: if node.is_ground(): self.ground_node = node self.is_grounded = True # switch to control the dynamic flux allocation in the loops self.use_dynamic_flux_grouping = use_dynamic_flux_grouping # parameter for choosing matrix used for basis completion in the variable # transformation matrix self.basis_completion = ( basis_completion # default, the other choice is standard ) self.initiate_sym_calc = initiate_sym_calc # Calling the function to initiate the class variables if initiate_sym_calc: self.configure() def is_any_branch_parameter_symbolic(self): return True if len(self.symbolic_params) > 0 else False @staticmethod def _gram_schmidt(initial_vecs: ndarray, metric: ndarray) -> ndarray: def inner_product(u, v, metric): return u @ metric @ v def projection(u, v, metric): """ Projection of u on v Parameters ---------- u : ndarray v : ndarray """ return v * inner_product(v, u, metric) / inner_product(v, v, metric) orthogonal_vecs = [initial_vecs[0]] for i in range(1, len(initial_vecs)): vec = initial_vecs[i] projection_on_orthovecs = sum( [projection(vec, ortho_vec, metric) for ortho_vec in orthogonal_vecs] ) orthogonal_vecs.append(vec - projection_on_orthovecs) return np.array(orthogonal_vecs).T def _orthogonalize_degenerate_eigen_vecs( self, evecs: ndarray, eigs: ndarray, relevant_eig_indices, cap_matrix: ndarray ) -> ndarray: relevant_eigs = eigs[relevant_eig_indices] unique_eigs = np.unique(np.round(relevant_eigs, 10)) close_eigs = [ list(np.where(np.abs(eigs - eig) < 1e-10)[0]) for eig in unique_eigs ] degenerate_indices_list = [ indices for indices in close_eigs if len(indices) > 1 ] orthogonal_evecs = evecs.copy() for degenerate_set in degenerate_indices_list: orthogonal_evecs[:, degenerate_set] = self._gram_schmidt( evecs[:, degenerate_set].T, metric=cap_matrix ) return orthogonal_evecs def purely_harmonic_transformation(self) -> Tuple[ndarray, ndarray]: trans_mat, _ = self.variable_transformation_matrix() c_mat = ( trans_mat.T @ self._capacitance_matrix(substitute_params=True) @ trans_mat ) l_inv_mat = ( trans_mat.T
[docs] @ self._inductance_inverse_matrix(substitute_params=True) @ trans_mat ) if not self.is_grounded: c_mat = c_mat[:-1, :-1] l_inv_mat = l_inv_mat[:-1, :-1] normal_mode_freqs, normal_mode_vecs = sp.linalg.eig(l_inv_mat, c_mat) normal_mode_freqs = normal_mode_freqs.round(10) # rounding to the tenth digit to remove numerical errors in eig calculation # rearranging the vectors idx = normal_mode_freqs.argsort() normal_freq_ids = [ id for id in idx if normal_mode_freqs[id] != 0 and not np.isinf(normal_mode_freqs[id]) ] zero_freq_ids = [id for id in idx if normal_mode_freqs[id] == 0] inf_freq_ids = [id for id in idx if np.isinf(normal_mode_freqs[id])] idx = normal_freq_ids + zero_freq_ids + inf_freq_ids # sorting so that all the zero frequencies show up at the end normal_mode_freqs = normal_mode_freqs[idx] normal_mode_vecs = normal_mode_vecs[:, idx] orthogonalized_normal_mode_vecs = self._orthogonalize_degenerate_eigen_vecs( normal_mode_vecs, normal_mode_freqs, range(len(normal_freq_ids)), c_mat ) # constructing the new transformation trans_mat_new = trans_mat.copy() trans_mat_new[:, : len(c_mat)] = ( trans_mat[:, : len(c_mat)] @ orthogonalized_normal_mode_vecs ) return ( np.real( np.sqrt( [ freq for freq in normal_mode_freqs if not np.isinf(freq) and freq != 0 ] ) ), trans_mat_new, ) def configure( self, transformation_matrix: Optional[ndarray] = None, closure_branches: Optional[List[Branch]] = None, use_dynamic_flux_grouping: Optional[bool] = None, ): """ Method to initialize the CustomQCircuit instance and initialize all the attributes needed before it can be passed on to AnalyzeQCircuit. Parameters ---------- transformation_matrix: array used to set a transformation matrix other than the one generated by the method `variable_transformation_matrix`. closure_branches: List of branches for which the external flux variables will be defined. """ # if the circuit is purely harmonic, then store the eigenfrequencies branch_type_list = [branch.type for branch in self.branches] self.is_purely_harmonic = "JJ" not in "".join(branch_type_list) if use_dynamic_flux_grouping is not None: self.use_dynamic_flux_grouping = use_dynamic_flux_grouping if self.is_purely_harmonic: ( self.normal_mode_freqs, transformation_matrix_normal_mode, ) = self.purely_harmonic_transformation() if transformation_matrix is None: transformation_matrix = transformation_matrix_normal_mode # if the user provides a transformation matrix if transformation_matrix is not None: self.var_categories = self.check_transformation_matrix( transformation_matrix, enable_warnings=not self.is_purely_harmonic ) self.transformation_matrix = transformation_matrix # calculate the transformation matrix and identify the boundary conditions if # the user does not provide a custom transformation matrix else: ( self.transformation_matrix, self.var_categories, ) = self.variable_transformation_matrix() # find the closure branches in the circuit self.closure_branches = closure_branches or self._closure_branches() # setting external flux and offset charge variables self._set_external_fluxes(closure_branches=closure_branches) self.offset_charges = [ symbols(f"ng{index}") for index in self.var_categories["periodic"] ] self.free_charges = [ symbols(f"Qf{index}") for index in self.var_categories["free"] ] # setting the branch parameter variables # calculating the Hamiltonian directly when the number of nodes is less than 3 substitute_params = False if ( len(self.nodes) >= settings.SYM_INVERSION_MAX_NODES or len(self.var_categories["frozen"]) > 0 ): # only calculate the symbolic hamiltonian when the number of nodes is less # than 3. Else, the calculation will be skipped to the end when numerical # Hamiltonian of the circuit is requested. substitute_params = True self.frozen_var_exprs = {} # Calculate the Lagrangian ( self._lagrangian_symbolic, self.potential_symbolic, self.lagrangian_node_vars, self.potential_node_vars, ) = self.generate_symbolic_lagrangian(substitute_params=substitute_params) # replacing energies with capacitances in the kinetic energy of the Lagrangian ( self.lagrangian_symbolic, self.lagrangian_node_vars, ) = self._replace_energies_with_capacitances_L() self.hamiltonian_symbolic = self.generate_symbolic_hamiltonian( substitute_params=substitute_params )
def _replace_energies_with_capacitances_L(self): """ Method replaces the energies in the Lagrangian with capacitances which are arbitrarily generated to make sure that the Lagrangian looks dimensionally correct. """ # Replacing energies with capacitances if any branch parameters are symbolic L = self._lagrangian_symbolic.expand() L_old = self.lagrangian_node_vars if self.is_any_branch_parameter_symbolic(): # finding the unique capacitances uniq_capacitances = [] for c, b in enumerate( [t for t in self.branches if t.type == "C" or "JJ" in t.type] ): if len(set(b.nodes)) > 1: # check to see if branch is shorted if ( b.parameters[_capactiance_variable_for_branch(b.type)] not in uniq_capacitances ): uniq_capacitances.append( b.parameters[_capactiance_variable_for_branch(b.type)] ) for index, var in enumerate(uniq_capacitances): L = L.subs(var, 1 / (8 * symbols(f"C{index + 1}"))) L_old = L_old.subs(var, 1 / (8 * symbols(f"C{index + 1}"))) return L, L_old # Serialize will not currently work for the Circuit class. @staticmethod def default_params() -> Dict[str, Any]: # return {"EJ": 15.0, "EC": 0.3, "ng": 0.0, "ncut": 30, "truncated_dim": 10} return {}
[docs] @staticmethod def are_branchsets_disconnected( branch_list1: List[Branch], branch_list2: List[Branch] ) -> bool: """ Determines whether two sets of branches are disconnected. Parameters ---------- branch_list1: first list of branches branch_list2: second list of branches Returns ------- bool Returns True if the branches have a connection, else False """ node_array1 = np.array([branch.node_ids() for branch in branch_list1]).flatten() node_array2 = np.array([branch.node_ids() for branch in branch_list2]).flatten() return np.intersect1d(node_array1, node_array2).size == 0
@staticmethod def _parse_nodes(branches_list) -> Tuple[Optional[Node], List[Node]]: node_index_list = [] for branch_list_input in branches_list: for idx in [1, 2]: node_idx = branch_list_input[idx] if node_idx not in node_index_list: node_index_list.append(node_idx) node_index_list.sort() return [Node(idx, 0) for idx in node_index_list]
[docs] @classmethod def from_yaml( cls, input_string: str, from_file: bool = True, basis_completion: str = "heuristic", use_dynamic_flux_grouping: Optional[bool] = None, initiate_sym_calc: bool = True, ): """ Constructs the instance of Circuit from an input string. Here is an example of an input string that is used to initiate an object of the class `SymbolicCircuit`: ``` #zero-pi.yaml nodes : 4 # zero-pi branches: - [JJ, 1,2, EJ = 10, 20] - [JJ, 3,4, 10, 20] - [L, 2,3, 0.008] - [L, 4,1, 0.008] - [C, 1,3, 0.02] - [C, 2,4, 0.02] ``` Parameters ---------- input_string: String describing the number of nodes and branches connecting then along with their parameters from_file: Set to True by default, when a file name should be provided to `input_string`, else the circuit graph description in YAML should be provided as a string. basis_completion: choices: "heuristic" or "canonical"; used to choose a type of basis for completing the transformation matrix. Set to "heuristic" by default. use_dynamic_flux_grouping: bool set to False by default. Indicates if the flux allocation is done by assuming that flux is time dependent. When set to True, it disables the option to change the closure branches. initiate_sym_calc: set to True by default. Initiates the object attributes by calling the function `initiate_symboliccircuit` method when set to True. Set to False for debugging. Returns ------- Instance of the class `SymbolicCircuit` """ if from_file: file = open(input_string, "r") circuit_desc = file.close() else: circuit_desc = input_string input_str = remove_comments(circuit_desc) input_str = remove_branchline(input_str) input_str = strip_empty_lines(input_str) parsed_branches = [ parse_code_line(code_line, branch_count) for branch_count, code_line in enumerate(input_str.split("\n")) ] # find and create the nodes nodes_list = cls._parse_nodes(parsed_branches) # if the node indices do not start from 0, raise an error node_ids = [node.index for node in nodes_list] if min(node_ids) not in [0, 1]: raise ValueError("The node indices should start from 0 or 1.") # parse branches branches_list = [] branch_var_dict = {} for parsed_branch in parsed_branches: branch, sym_params = make_branch(nodes_list, *parsed_branch) for sym_param in sym_params: if sym_param in branch_var_dict and sym_params[sym_param] is not None: raise Exception( f"Symbol {sym_param} has already been assigned a value." ) if sym_params[sym_param] is not None: branch_var_dict[sym_param] = sym_params[sym_param] branches_list.append(branch) circuit = cls( nodes_list, branches_list, use_dynamic_flux_grouping=use_dynamic_flux_grouping, branch_var_dict=branch_var_dict, basis_completion=basis_completion, initiate_sym_calc=initiate_sym_calc, input_string=circuit_desc, ) return circuit
def _independent_modes( self, branch_subset: List[Branch], single_nodes: bool = True, basisvec_entries: Optional[List[int]] = None, ): """ Returns the vectors which span a subspace where there is no generalized flux difference across the branches present in the branch_subset. Parameters ---------- single_nodes: if the single nodes are taken into consideration for basis vectors. """ if basisvec_entries is None: basisvec_entries = [1, 0] nodes_copy = copy.copy(self.nodes) # copying self.nodes as it is being modified # making sure that the ground node is placed at the end of the list if self.is_grounded: nodes_copy.pop(0) # removing the ground node nodes_copy = nodes_copy + [ copy.copy(self.ground_node) ] # reversing the order of the nodes for node in nodes_copy: # reset the node markers node.marker = 0 # step 2: finding the maximum connected set of independent branches in # branch_subset, then identifying the sets of nodes in each of those sets branch_subset_copy = branch_subset.copy() max_connected_subgraphs = [] # list containing the maximum connected subgraphs while ( len(branch_subset_copy) > 0 ): # while loop ends when all the branches are sorted b_0 = branch_subset_copy.pop(0) max_connected_subgraph = [b_0] while not self.are_branchsets_disconnected( max_connected_subgraph, branch_subset_copy ): for b1 in branch_subset_copy: for b2 in max_connected_subgraph: if b1.is_connected(b2): max_connected_subgraph.append(b1) branch_subset_copy.remove(b1) break max_connected_subgraphs.append(max_connected_subgraph) # finding the nodes in each of the maximum connected subgraph nodes_in_max_connected_branchsets = [ unique_elements_in_list(sum([branch.nodes for branch in branch_set], ())) for branch_set in max_connected_subgraphs ] # using node.marker to mark the maximum connected subgraph to which a node # belongs for node_set_index, node_set in enumerate(nodes_in_max_connected_branchsets): for node in node_set: if any([n.is_ground() for n in node_set]): node.marker = -1 else: node.marker = node_set_index + 1 # marking ground nodes separately for node in nodes_copy: if node.is_ground(): node.marker = -1 node_branch_set_indices = [ node.marker for node in nodes_copy ] # identifies which node belongs to which maximum connected subgraphs; # different numbers on two nodes indicates that they are not connected through # any of the branches in branch_subset. 0 implies the node does not belong to # any of the branches in max connected branch subsets and -1 implies the max # connected branch set is connected to ground. # step 3: Finding the linearly independent vectors spanning the vector space # represented by branch_set_index basis = [] unique_branch_set_markers = unique_elements_in_list(node_branch_set_indices) # removing the marker -1 as it is grounded. branch_set_markers_ungrounded = [ marker for marker in unique_branch_set_markers if marker != -1 ] for index in branch_set_markers_ungrounded: basis.append( [ basisvec_entries[0] if i == index else basisvec_entries[1] for i in node_branch_set_indices ] ) if single_nodes: # taking the case where the node_branch_set_index is 0 single_node_modes = [] if node_branch_set_indices.count(0) > 0: ref_vector = [ basisvec_entries[0] if i == 0 else basisvec_entries[1] for i in node_branch_set_indices ] positions = [ index for index, num in enumerate(ref_vector) if num == basisvec_entries[0] ] for pos in positions: single_node_modes.append( [ basisvec_entries[0] if x == pos else basisvec_entries[1] for x, num in enumerate(node_branch_set_indices) ] ) for mode in single_node_modes: mat = np.array(basis + [mode]) if np.linalg.matrix_rank(mat) == len(mat): basis.append(mode) if ( self.is_grounded ): # if grounded remove the last column and first row corresponding to the basis = [i[:-1] for i in basis] return basis @staticmethod def _mode_in_subspace(mode, subspace) -> bool: """ Method to check if the vector mode is a part of the subspace provided as a set of vectors Parameters ---------- mode: numpy ndarray of one dimension. subspace: numpy ndarray which represents a collection of basis vectors for a vector subspace """ if len(subspace) == 0: return False matrix = np.vstack([subspace, np.array(mode)]) return np.linalg.matrix_rank(matrix) == len(subspace)
[docs] def check_transformation_matrix( self, transformation_matrix: ndarray, enable_warnings: bool = True ) -> Dict[str, list]: """ Method to identify the different modes in the transformation matrix provided by the user. Parameters ---------- transformation_matrix: numpy ndarray which is a square matrix having the dimensions of the number of nodes present in the circuit. warnings: If False, will not raise the warnings regarding any unidentified modes. It is set to True by default. Returns ------- A dictionary of lists which has the variable indices classified with var indices corresponding to the rows of the transformation matrix """ # basic check to see if the matrix is invertible if np.linalg.det(transformation_matrix) == 0: raise Exception("The transformation matrix provided is not invertible.") # find all the different types of modes present in the circuit. # *************************** Finding the Periodic Modes ********************** selected_branches = [branch for branch in self.branches if branch.type == "L"] periodic_modes = self._independent_modes(selected_branches) # *************************** Finding the frozen modes ********************** selected_branches = [branch for branch in self.branches if branch.type != "L"] frozen_modes = self._independent_modes(selected_branches, single_nodes=True) # *************************** Finding the Cyclic Modes **************** selected_branches = [branch for branch in self.branches if branch.type != "C"] free_modes = self._independent_modes(selected_branches) # ***************************# Finding the LC Modes **************** selected_branches = [branch for branch in self.branches if "JJ" in branch.type] LC_modes = self._independent_modes(selected_branches, single_nodes=False) # ******************* including the Σ mode **************** Σ = [1] * (len(self.nodes) - self.is_grounded) if not self.is_grounded: # only append if the circuit is not grounded mat = np.array(frozen_modes + [Σ]) # check to see if the vectors are still independent if np.linalg.matrix_rank(mat) < len(frozen_modes) + 1: frozen_modes = frozen_modes[1:] + [Σ] else: frozen_modes.append(Σ) # *********** Adding periodic, free and extended modes to frozen ************ modes = [] # starting with the frozen modes for m in ( frozen_modes + free_modes + periodic_modes + LC_modes # + extended_modes ): # This order is important if not self._mode_in_subspace(m, modes): modes.append(m) for m in LC_modes: # adding the LC modes to the basis if not self._mode_in_subspace(m, modes): modes.append(m) var_categories_circuit: Dict[str, list] = { "periodic": [], "extended": [], "free": [], "frozen": [], } for x, mode in enumerate(modes): # calculate the number of periodic modes if self._mode_in_subspace(Σ, [mode]) and not self.is_grounded: continue if self._mode_in_subspace(mode, frozen_modes): var_categories_circuit["frozen"].append(x + 1) continue if self._mode_in_subspace(mode, free_modes): var_categories_circuit["free"].append(x + 1) continue if self._mode_in_subspace(mode, periodic_modes): var_categories_circuit["periodic"].append(x + 1) continue # Any mode which survived the above conditionals is an extended mode var_categories_circuit["extended"].append(x + 1) # Classifying the modes given in the transformation by the user user_given_modes = transformation_matrix.transpose() var_categories_user: Dict[str, list] = { "periodic": [], "extended": [], "free": [], "frozen": [], "sigma": [], } sigma_mode_found = False for x, mode in enumerate(user_given_modes): # calculate the number of periodic modes if self._mode_in_subspace(Σ, [mode]) and not self.is_grounded: sigma_mode_found = True var_categories_user["sigma"].append(x + 1) continue if self._mode_in_subspace(mode, frozen_modes): var_categories_user["frozen"].append(x + 1) continue if self._mode_in_subspace(mode, free_modes): var_categories_user["free"].append(x + 1) continue if self._mode_in_subspace(mode, periodic_modes): var_categories_user["periodic"].append(x + 1) continue # Any mode which survived the above conditionals is an extended mode var_categories_user["extended"].append(x + 1) # comparing the modes in the user defined and the code generated transformation mode_types = ["periodic", "extended", "free", "frozen"] for mode_type in mode_types: num_extra_modes = len(var_categories_circuit[mode_type]) - len( var_categories_user[mode_type] ) if num_extra_modes > 0 and enable_warnings: warnings.warn( "Number of extra " + mode_type + " modes found: " + str(num_extra_modes) + "\n" ) if not self.is_grounded and not sigma_mode_found: raise Exception( "This circuit is not grounded, and so has a sigma mode. This transformation does not have a sigma mode." ) return var_categories_user
[docs] def variable_transformation_matrix(self) -> Tuple[ndarray, Dict[str, List[int]]]: """ Evaluates the boundary conditions and constructs the variable transformation matrix, which is returned along with the dictionary `var_categories` which classifies the types of variables present in the circuit. Returns ------- tuple of transformation matrix for the node variables and `var_categories` dict which classifies the variable types for each variable index """ # **************** Finding the Periodic Modes **************** selected_branches = [branch for branch in self.branches if branch.type == "L"] periodic_modes = self._independent_modes(selected_branches) # **************** Finding the frozen modes **************** selected_branches = [branch for branch in self.branches if branch.type != "L"] frozen_modes = self._independent_modes(selected_branches, single_nodes=True) # **************** Finding the Cyclic Modes **************** selected_branches = [branch for branch in self.branches if branch.type != "C"] free_modes = self._independent_modes(selected_branches) # **************** including the Σ mode **************** Σ = [1] * (len(self.nodes) - self.is_grounded) if not self.is_grounded: # only append if the circuit is not grounded mat = np.array(frozen_modes + [Σ]) # check to see if the vectors are still independent if np.linalg.matrix_rank(mat) < len(frozen_modes) + 1: frozen_modes = frozen_modes[1:] + [Σ] else: frozen_modes.append(Σ) # **************** Finding the LC Modes **************** selected_branches = [branch for branch in self.branches if "JJ" in branch.type] LC_modes = self._independent_modes( selected_branches, single_nodes=False, basisvec_entries=[-1, 1] ) # **************** Adding frozen, free, periodic , LC and extended modes **** modes = [] # starting with an empty list for m in ( frozen_modes + free_modes + periodic_modes + LC_modes # + extended_modes ): # This order is important mat = np.array(modes + [m]) if np.linalg.matrix_rank(mat) == len(mat): modes.append(m) # ********** Completing the Basis **************** # step 4: construct the new set of basis vectors # constructing a standard basis if self.basis_completion == "heuristic": node_count = len(self.nodes) - self.is_grounded standard_basis = [np.ones(node_count)] vector_ref = np.zeros(node_count) if node_count > 2: vector_ref[: node_count - 2] = 1 else: vector_ref[: node_count - 1] = 1 vector_set = ( permutation for permutation in itertools.permutations(vector_ref, node_count) ) # making a generator while np.linalg.matrix_rank(np.array(standard_basis)) < node_count: a = next(vector_set) mat = np.array(standard_basis + [a]) if np.linalg.matrix_rank(mat) == len(mat): standard_basis = standard_basis + [list(a)] standard_basis = np.array(standard_basis) elif self.basis_completion == "canonical": standard_basis = np.identity(len(self.nodes) - self.is_grounded) new_basis = modes.copy() for m in standard_basis: # completing the basis mat = np.array([i for i in new_basis] + [m]) if np.linalg.matrix_rank(mat) == len(mat): new_basis.append(m) new_basis = np.array(new_basis) # sorting the basis so that the free, periodic and frozen variables occur at # the beginning. if not self.is_grounded: pos_Σ = [i for i in range(len(new_basis)) if new_basis[i].tolist() == Σ] else: pos_Σ = [] pos_free = [ i for i in range(len(new_basis)) if i not in pos_Σ if new_basis[i].tolist() in free_modes ] pos_periodic = [ i for i in range(len(new_basis)) if i not in pos_Σ if i not in pos_free if new_basis[i].tolist() in periodic_modes ] pos_frozen = [ i for i in range(len(new_basis)) if i not in pos_Σ if i not in pos_free if i not in pos_periodic if new_basis[i].tolist() in frozen_modes ] pos_rest = [ i for i in range(len(new_basis)) if i not in pos_Σ if i not in pos_free if i not in pos_periodic if i not in pos_frozen ] pos_list = pos_periodic + pos_rest + pos_free + pos_frozen + pos_Σ # transforming the new_basis matrix new_basis = new_basis[pos_list].T # saving the variable identification to a dict var_categories = { "periodic": [ i + 1 for i in range(len(pos_list)) if pos_list[i] in pos_periodic ], "extended": [ i + 1 for i in range(len(pos_list)) if pos_list[i] in pos_rest ], "free": [i + 1 for i in range(len(pos_list)) if pos_list[i] in pos_free], "frozen": [ i + 1 for i in range(len(pos_list)) if pos_list[i] in pos_frozen ], "sigma": ( [i + 1 for i in range(len(pos_list)) if pos_list[i] == pos_Σ[0]] if not self.is_grounded else [] ), } return np.array(new_basis), var_categories
[docs] def update_param_init_val(self, param_name, value): """ Updates the param init val for param_name """ for index, param in enumerate(list(self.symbolic_params.keys())): if param_name == self.symbolic_params[param] = value break if self.is_purely_harmonic: ( self.normal_mode_freqs, self.transformation_matrix, ) = self.purely_harmonic_transformation() self.configure()
def _junction_terms(self): terms = 0 # looping over all the junction terms junction_branches = [ branch for branch in self.branches if "JJ" in branch.type and "JJs" not in branch.type ] junction_branch_order = [ _junction_order(branch.type) for branch in junction_branches ] for branch_idx, jj_branch in enumerate(junction_branches): # adding external flux phi_ext = 0 if jj_branch in self.closure_branches: if not self.use_dynamic_flux_grouping: index = self.closure_branches.index(jj_branch) phi_ext += self.external_fluxes[index] if self.use_dynamic_flux_grouping: flux_branch_assignment = self._time_dependent_flux_distribution() phi_ext += flux_branch_assignment[int(jj_branch.id_str)] # if loop to check for the presence of ground node for order in range(1, junction_branch_order[branch_idx] + 1): junction_param = "EJ" if order == 1 else f"EJ{order}" if jj_branch.nodes[1].index == 0: terms += -jj_branch.parameters[junction_param] * sympy.cos( (order) * (-sympy.symbols(f{jj_branch.nodes[0].index}") + phi_ext) ) elif jj_branch.nodes[0].index == 0: terms += -jj_branch.parameters[junction_param] * sympy.cos( (order) * (sympy.symbols(f{jj_branch.nodes[1].index}") + phi_ext) ) else: terms += -jj_branch.parameters[junction_param] * sympy.cos( (order) * ( ( sympy.symbols(f{jj_branch.nodes[1].index}") - sympy.symbols(f{jj_branch.nodes[0].index}") ) + phi_ext ) ) return terms def _JJs_terms(self): """To add terms for the sawtooth josephson junction""" terms = 0 # looping over all the junction terms junction_branches = [branch for branch in self.branches if "JJs" in branch.type] # defining a function for sawtooth saw = sympy.Function("saw", real=True) for branch_idx, jj_branch in enumerate(junction_branches): # adding external flux phi_ext = 0 if jj_branch in self.closure_branches: if not self.use_dynamic_flux_grouping: index = self.closure_branches.index(jj_branch) phi_ext += self.external_fluxes[index] if self.use_dynamic_flux_grouping: flux_branch_assignment = self._time_dependent_flux_distribution() phi_ext += flux_branch_assignment[int(jj_branch.id_str)] # if loop to check for the presence of ground node junction_param = "EJ" if jj_branch.nodes[1].index == 0: terms += jj_branch.parameters[junction_param] * saw( (-sympy.symbols(f{jj_branch.nodes[0].index}") + phi_ext) ) elif jj_branch.nodes[0].index == 0: terms += jj_branch.parameters[junction_param] * saw( (sympy.symbols(f{jj_branch.nodes[1].index}") + phi_ext) ) else: terms += jj_branch.parameters[junction_param] * saw( ( ( sympy.symbols(f{jj_branch.nodes[1].index}") - sympy.symbols(f{jj_branch.nodes[0].index}") ) + phi_ext ) ) return terms def _inductance_inverse_matrix(self, substitute_params: bool = False): """ Generate a inductance matrix for the circuit Parameters ---------- substitute_params: when set to True all the symbolic branch parameters are substituted with their corresponding attributes in float, by default False Returns ------- _type_ _description_ """ branches_with_inductance = [ branch for branch in self.branches if branch.type == "L" ] param_init_vals_dict = self.symbolic_params # filling the non-diagonal entries if not self.is_grounded: num_nodes = len(self.nodes) - self.is_grounded else: num_nodes = len(self.nodes) - self.is_grounded + 1 if not self.is_any_branch_parameter_symbolic() or substitute_params: L_mat = np.zeros([num_nodes, num_nodes]) else: L_mat = sympy.zeros(num_nodes) for branch in branches_with_inductance: if len(set(branch.nodes)) > 1: # branch if shorted is not considered inductance = branch.parameters["EL"] if type(inductance) != float and substitute_params: inductance = param_init_vals_dict[inductance] if self.is_grounded: L_mat[branch.nodes[0].index, branch.nodes[1].index] += -inductance else: L_mat[ branch.nodes[0].index - 1, branch.nodes[1].index - 1 ] += -inductance if not self.is_any_branch_parameter_symbolic() or substitute_params: L_mat = L_mat + L_mat.T - np.diag(L_mat.diagonal()) else: L_mat = L_mat + L_mat.T - sympy.diag(*L_mat.diagonal()) for i in range(L_mat.shape[0]): # filling the diagonal entries L_mat[i, i] = -np.sum(L_mat[i, :]) if self.is_grounded: # if grounded remove the 0th column and row from L_mat L_mat = L_mat[1:, 1:] return L_mat def _capacitance_matrix(self, substitute_params: bool = False): """ Generate a capacitance matrix for the circuit Parameters ---------- substitute_params: when set to True all the symbolic branch parameters are substituted with their corresponding attributes in float, by default False Returns ------- _type_ _description_ """ branches_with_capacitance = [ branch for branch in self.branches if ("C" == branch.type or "JJ" in branch.type) ] param_init_vals_dict = self.symbolic_params # filling the non-diagonal entries if not self.is_grounded: num_nodes = len(self.nodes) - self.is_grounded else: num_nodes = len(self.nodes) - self.is_grounded + 1 if not self.is_any_branch_parameter_symbolic() or substitute_params: C_mat = np.zeros([num_nodes, num_nodes]) else: C_mat = sympy.zeros(num_nodes) for branch in branches_with_capacitance: if len(set(branch.nodes)) > 1: # branch if shorted is not considered capacitance = branch.parameters[ _capactiance_variable_for_branch(branch.type) ] if type(capacitance) != float and substitute_params: capacitance = param_init_vals_dict[capacitance] if self.is_grounded: C_mat[branch.nodes[0].index, branch.nodes[1].index] += -1 / ( capacitance * 8 ) else: C_mat[ branch.nodes[0].index - 1, branch.nodes[1].index - 1 ] += -1 / (capacitance * 8) if not self.is_any_branch_parameter_symbolic() or substitute_params: C_mat = C_mat + C_mat.T - np.diag(C_mat.diagonal()) else: C_mat = C_mat + C_mat.T - sympy.diag(*C_mat.diagonal()) for i in range(C_mat.shape[0]): # filling the diagonal entries C_mat[i, i] = -np.sum(C_mat[i, :]) if self.is_grounded: # if grounded remove the 0th column and row from C_mat C_mat = C_mat[1:, 1:] return C_mat def _capacitor_terms(self): terms = 0 branches_with_capacitance = [ branch for branch in self.branches if branch.type == "C" or "JJ" in branch.type ] for c_branch in branches_with_capacitance: if c_branch.nodes[1].index == 0: terms += ( 1 / ( 16 * c_branch.parameters[ _capactiance_variable_for_branch(c_branch.type) ] ) * (symbols(f"vφ{c_branch.nodes[0].index}")) ** 2 ) elif c_branch.nodes[0].index == 0: terms += ( 1 / ( 16 * c_branch.parameters[ _capactiance_variable_for_branch(c_branch.type) ] ) * (-symbols(f"vφ{c_branch.nodes[1].index}")) ** 2 ) else: terms += ( 1 / ( 16 * c_branch.parameters[ _capactiance_variable_for_branch(c_branch.type) ] ) * ( symbols(f"vφ{c_branch.nodes[1].index}") - symbols(f"vφ{c_branch.nodes[0].index}") ) ** 2 ) return terms def _inductor_terms(self, substitute_params: bool = False): terms = 0 for l_branch in [branch for branch in self.branches if branch.type == "L"]: # adding external flux phi_ext = 0 if l_branch in self.closure_branches: if not self.use_dynamic_flux_grouping: index = self.closure_branches.index(l_branch) phi_ext += self.external_fluxes[index] if self.use_dynamic_flux_grouping: flux_branch_assignment = self._time_dependent_flux_distribution() phi_ext += flux_branch_assignment[int(l_branch.id_str)] if l_branch.nodes[0].index == 0: terms += ( 0.5 * l_branch.parameters["EL"] * (symbols(f{l_branch.nodes[1].index}") + phi_ext) ** 2 ) elif l_branch.nodes[1].index == 0: terms += ( 0.5 * l_branch.parameters["EL"] * (-symbols(f{l_branch.nodes[0].index}") + phi_ext) ** 2 ) else: terms += ( 0.5 * l_branch.parameters["EL"] * ( symbols(f{l_branch.nodes[1].index}") - symbols(f{l_branch.nodes[0].index}") + phi_ext ) ** 2 ) # substitute params if necessary if substitute_params and terms != 0: for symbol in self.symbolic_params: terms = terms.subs(, self.symbolic_params[symbol]) return terms def _spanning_tree(self): r""" Returns a spanning tree (as a list of branches) for the given instance. Notice that if the circuit contains multiple capacitive islands, the returned spanning tree will not include the capacitive twig between two capacitive islands. This function also returns all the branches that form superconducting loops, and a list of lists of nodes (node_sets), which keeps the generation info for nodes, e.g., for the following spanning tree: /---Node(2) Node(1)---' '---Node(3)---Node(4) has the node_sets returned as [[Node(1)], [Node(2),Node(3)], [Node(4)]] Returns ------- A list of spanning trees in the circuit, which does not include capacitor branches, a list of branches that forms superconducting loops for each tree, and a list of lists of nodes (node_sets) for each tree (which keeps the generation info for nodes of branches on the path) and list of closure branches for each tree. """ # Make a copy of self; do not need symbolic expressions etc., so do a minimal # initialization only circ_copy = copy.deepcopy(self) # adding an attribute for node list without ground circ_copy._node_list_without_ground = circ_copy.nodes if circ_copy.is_grounded: circ_copy._node_list_without_ground.remove(circ_copy.ground_node) # **************** removing all the capacitive branches and updating the nodes * # identifying capacitive branches capacitor_branches = [ branch for branch in list(circ_copy.branches) if branch.type == "C" ] for c_branch in capacitor_branches: for ( node ) in ( c_branch.nodes ): # updating the branches attribute for each node that this branch # connects node.branches = [b for b in node.branches if b is not c_branch] circ_copy.branches.remove(c_branch) # removing the branch num_float_nodes = 1 while num_float_nodes > 0: # breaks when no floating nodes are detected num_float_nodes = 0 # setting for node in circ_copy._node_list_without_ground: if len(node.branches) == 0: circ_copy._node_list_without_ground.remove(node) num_float_nodes += 1 continue if len(node.branches) == 1: branches_connected_to_node = node.branches[0] circ_copy.branches.remove(branches_connected_to_node) for new_node in branches_connected_to_node.nodes: if new_node != node: new_node.branches = [ i for i in new_node.branches if i is not branches_connected_to_node ] num_float_nodes += 1 continue else: circ_copy._node_list_without_ground.remove(node) if circ_copy._node_list_without_ground == []: return { "list_of_trees": [], "loop_branches_for_trees": [], "node_sets_for_trees": [], "closure_branches_for_trees": [], } # ***************************************************************************** # **************** Constructing the node_sets *************** node_sets_for_trees = [] # seperate node sets for separate trees if circ_copy.is_grounded: node_sets = [[circ_copy.ground_node]] else: node_sets = [ [circ_copy._node_list_without_ground[0]] ] # starting with the first set that has the first node as the only element node_sets_for_trees.append(node_sets) num_nodes = len(circ_copy._node_list_without_ground) # this needs to be done as the ground node is not included in self.nodes if circ_copy.is_grounded: num_nodes += 1 # finding all the sets of nodes and filling node_sets node_set_index = 0 tree_index = 0 while ( len(flatten_list_recursive(node_sets_for_trees)) < num_nodes # checking to see if all the nodes are present in node_sets ): node_set = [] for node in node_sets_for_trees[tree_index][node_set_index]: node_set += node.connected_nodes("all") node_set = [ x for x in unique_elements_in_list(node_set) if x not in flatten_list_recursive( node_sets_for_trees[tree_index][: node_set_index + 1] ) ] if node_set: node_set.sort(key=lambda node: node.index) # code to handle two different capacitive islands in the circuit. if node_set == []: node_sets_for_trees.append([]) for node in circ_copy._node_list_without_ground: if node not in flatten_list_recursive( node_sets_for_trees[tree_index] ): tree_index += 1 node_sets_for_trees[tree_index].append([node]) node_set_index = 0 break continue node_sets_for_trees[tree_index].append(node_set) node_set_index += 1 # *************************** # **************** constructing the spanning tree ########## def connecting_branches(n1: Node, n2: Node): return [branch for branch in n1.branches if branch in n2.branches] def is_same_branch(branch_1: Branch, branch_2: Branch): return branch_1.id_str == branch_2.id_str def fetch_same_branch_from_circ(branch: Branch, circ: SymbolicCircuit): for b in circ.branches: if is_same_branch(b, branch): return b def fetch_same_node_from_circ(node: Node, circ: SymbolicCircuit): for n in circ.nodes: if n.index == node.index: return n list_of_trees = [] for node_sets in node_sets_for_trees: tree = [] # tree having branches of the instance that is copied # find the branch connecting this node to another node in a previous node set. for index, node_set in enumerate(node_sets): if index == 0: continue for node in node_set: for prev_node in node_sets[index - 1]: if len(connecting_branches(node, prev_node)) != 0: tree.append(connecting_branches(node, prev_node)[0]) break list_of_trees.append(tree) # as the capacitors are removed to form the spanning tree, and as a result # floating branches as well, the set of all branches which form the # superconducting loops would be in circ_copy. closure_branches_for_trees = [[] for tree in list_of_trees] loop_branches_for_trees = [] for tree_idx, tree in enumerate(list_of_trees): loop_branches = tree.copy() nodes_in_tree = flatten_list_recursive(node_sets_for_trees[tree_idx]) for branch in [ branch for branch in circ_copy.branches if branch not in tree ]: if len([node for node in branch.nodes if node in nodes_in_tree]) == 2: loop_branches.append(branch) closure_branches_for_trees[tree_idx].append(branch) loop_branches_for_trees.append(loop_branches) # get branches from the original circuit for tree_idx, tree in enumerate(list_of_trees): list_of_trees[tree_idx] = [ fetch_same_branch_from_circ(branch, self) for branch in tree ] loop_branches_for_trees[tree_idx] = [ fetch_same_branch_from_circ(branch, self) for branch in loop_branches_for_trees[tree_idx] ] closure_branches_for_trees[tree_idx] = [ fetch_same_branch_from_circ(branch, self) for branch in closure_branches_for_trees[tree_idx] ] node_sets_for_trees[tree_idx] = [ [fetch_same_node_from_circ(node, self) for node in node_set] for node_set in node_sets_for_trees[tree_idx] ] # if the closure branches are manually set, then the spanning tree would be all # the superconducting loop branches except the closure branches if self.closure_branches != []: closure_branches_for_trees = [ [] for loop_branches in loop_branches_for_trees ] list_of_trees = [] for tree_idx, loop_branches in enumerate(loop_branches_for_trees): list_of_trees.append( [ branch for branch in loop_branches if branch not in self.closure_branches ] ) closure_branches_for_trees[tree_idx] = [ branch for branch in loop_branches if branch in self.closure_branches ] return { "list_of_trees": list_of_trees, "loop_branches_for_trees": loop_branches_for_trees, "node_sets_for_trees": node_sets_for_trees, "closure_branches_for_trees": closure_branches_for_trees, } def _closure_branches(self, spanning_tree_dict=None): r""" Returns and stores the closure branches in the circuit. """ return flatten_list_recursive( (spanning_tree_dict or self._spanning_tree())["closure_branches_for_trees"] ) def _time_dependent_flux_distribution(self): # constructing the constraint matrix R = np.zeros([len(self.branches), len(self.closure_branches)]) # constructing branch capacitance matrix C_diag = np.identity(len(self.branches)) * 0 # constructing the matrix which transforms node to branch variables W = np.zeros([len(self.branches), len(self.nodes) - self.is_grounded]) for closure_brnch_idx, closure_branch in enumerate(self.closure_branches): loop_branches = self._find_loop(closure_branch) # setting the loop direction from the direction of the closure branch R_prev_brnch = 1 for b_idx, branch in enumerate(loop_branches): R_elem = 1 if b_idx == 0: start_node = list(branch.common_node(loop_branches[1]))[0] start_node_idx = branch.nodes.index(start_node) if start_node_idx == 0: R_elem *= -1 if b_idx > 0: start_node_idx = 1 if R_prev_brnch > 0 else 0 start_node = loop_branches[b_idx - 1].nodes[start_node_idx] R_elem = R_prev_brnch if branch.node_ids()[start_node_idx] == start_node.index: R_elem *= -1 R_prev_brnch = R_elem R[self.branches.index(branch), closure_brnch_idx] = R_elem if R[self.branches.index(closure_branch), closure_brnch_idx] < 0: R[:, closure_brnch_idx] = R[:, closure_brnch_idx] * -1 for idx, branch in enumerate(self.branches): if branch.type == "C" or "JJ" in branch.type: EC = ( branch.parameters["EC"] if branch.type == "C" else branch.parameters["ECJ"] ) if isinstance(EC, sympy.Expr): EC = self.symbolic_params[EC] C_diag[idx, idx] = 1 / (EC * 8) for node_idx, node in enumerate(branch.nodes): if node.is_ground(): continue n_id = self.nodes.index(node) - self.is_grounded W[idx, n_id] = (-1) ** node_idx M = np.vstack([(W.T @ C_diag), R.T]) I = np.vstack( [ np.zeros( [len(self.nodes) - self.is_grounded, len(self.closure_branches)] ), np.identity(len(self.closure_branches)), ] ) B = (np.linalg.pinv(M)) @ I return B.round(10) @ self.external_fluxes def _find_path_to_root( self, node: Node, spanning_tree_dict=None ) -> Tuple[int, List["Node"], List["Branch"]]: r""" Returns all the nodes and branches in the spanning tree path between the input node and the root of the spanning tree. Also returns the distance (generation) between the input node and the root node. The root of the spanning tree is node 0 if there is a physical ground node, otherwise it is node 1. Notice that the branches that sit on the boundaries of capacitive islands are not included in the branch list. Parameters ---------- node: Node Node variable which is the input Returns ------- An integer for the generation number, a list of ancestor nodes, and a list of branches on the path """ # extract spanning trees node_sets (to determine the generation of the node) tree_info_dict = spanning_tree_dict or self._spanning_tree() # find out the generation number of the node in the spanning tree for tree_idx, tree in enumerate(tree_info_dict["list_of_trees"]): node_sets = tree_info_dict["node_sets_for_trees"][tree_idx] tree = tree_info_dict["list_of_trees"][tree_idx] # generation number begins from 0 for igen, nodes in enumerate(node_sets): nodes_id = [node.index for node in nodes] if node.index in nodes_id: generation = igen break # find out the path from the node to the root current_node = node ancestor_nodes_list = [] branch_path_to_root = [] root_node = node_sets[0][0] if root_node == node: return (0, [], [], tree_idx) tree_perm_gen = (perm for perm in itertools.permutations(tree)) while root_node not in ancestor_nodes_list: ancestor_nodes_list = [] branch_path_to_root = [] current_node = node try: tree_perm = next(tree_perm_gen) except StopIteration: break # finding the parent of the current_node, and the branch that links the # parent and current_node for branch in tree_perm: common_node_list = [ n for n in branch.nodes if n not in [current_node] ] if ( len(common_node_list) == 1 and common_node_list[0] not in ancestor_nodes_list ): second_node = common_node_list[0] ancestor_nodes_list.append(second_node) branch_path_to_root.append(branch) current_node = second_node if current_node.index == root_node.index: break if root_node in ancestor_nodes_list: break ancestor_nodes_list.reverse() branch_path_to_root.reverse() return generation, ancestor_nodes_list, branch_path_to_root, tree_idx def _find_loop( self, closure_branch: Branch, spanning_tree_dict=None ) -> List["Branch"]: r""" Find out the loop that is closed by the closure branch Parameters ---------- closure_branch: Branch The input closure branch Returns ------- A list of branches that corresponds to the loop closed by the closure branch """ # find out ancestor nodes, path to root and generation number for each node in the # closure branch tree_info_dict = spanning_tree_dict or self._spanning_tree() _, _, path_1, tree_idx_0 = self._find_path_to_root( closure_branch.nodes[0], tree_info_dict ) _, _, path_2, tree_idx_1 = self._find_path_to_root( closure_branch.nodes[1], tree_info_dict ) # find branches that are not common in the paths, and then add the closure # branch to form the loop path_1 = unique_elements_in_list(path_1) path_2 = unique_elements_in_list(path_2) loop = ( [branch for branch in path_1 if branch not in path_2] + [branch for branch in path_2 if branch not in path_1] + [closure_branch] ) return self._order_branches_in_loop(loop) def _order_branches_in_loop(self, loop_branches): branches_in_order = [loop_branches[0]] branch_node_ids = [branch.node_ids() for branch in loop_branches] prev_node_id = branch_node_ids[0][0] while len(branches_in_order) < len(loop_branches): for branch in [ brnch for brnch in loop_branches if brnch not in branches_in_order ]: if prev_node_id in branch.node_ids(): branches_in_order.append(branch) break prev_node_id = [idx for idx in branch.node_ids() if idx != prev_node_id][0] return branches_in_order def _set_external_fluxes(self, closure_branches: List[Branch] = None): # setting the class properties if self.is_purely_harmonic: self.external_fluxes = [] self.closure_branches = [] return 0 closure_branches = closure_branches or self._closure_branches() closure_branches = [branch for branch in closure_branches if branch.type != "C"] if len(closure_branches) > 0: self.closure_branches = closure_branches self.external_fluxes = [ symbols("Φ" + str(i + 1)) for i in range(len(closure_branches)) ] def _branch_sym_expr( self, branch: Branch, return_charge: bool = False, substitute_params: bool = True, ): """ Returns the voltage across the branch in terms of the charge operators Args: branch (Branch): A branch of the instance """ transformation_matrix = self.transformation_matrix if return_charge: frozen_indices = [ i - 1 for i in self.var_categories["frozen"] + self.var_categories["sigma"] ] # generating the C_mat_θ by inverting the capacitance matrix if self.is_any_branch_parameter_symbolic() and not substitute_params: C_mat_θ = ( transformation_matrix.T * self._capacitance_matrix() * transformation_matrix ) relevant_indices = [ i for i in range(C_mat_θ.shape[0]) if i not in frozen_indices ] C_mat_θ = C_mat_θ[relevant_indices, relevant_indices] EC_mat_θ = C_mat_θ.inv() else: C_mat_θ = ( transformation_matrix.T
[docs] @ self._capacitance_matrix(substitute_params=substitute_params) @ transformation_matrix ) C_mat_θ = np.delete(C_mat_θ, frozen_indices, 0) C_mat_θ = np.delete(C_mat_θ, frozen_indices, 1) EC_mat_θ = np.linalg.inv(C_mat_θ) p_θ_vars = [ ( symbols(f"Q{i}") if i not in self.var_categories["free"] else symbols(f"Qf{i}") ) for i in np.sort( self.var_categories["periodic"] + self.var_categories["extended"] + self.var_categories["free"] ) # replacing the free charge with 0, as it would not affect the circuit # Lagrangian. ] node_id1, node_id2 = [ node.index - (1 if not self.is_grounded else 0) for node in branch.nodes ] voltages = list(EC_mat_θ * sympy.Matrix(p_θ_vars)) # insert the voltages for frozen modes for index in self.var_categories["sigma"]: voltages.insert(index, 0) # substitute expressions for frozen variables for index in self.var_categories["frozen"]: frozen_var_expr = self.frozen_var_exprs[index] frozen_var_expr = frozen_var_expr.subs( [ (var_sym, f"Q{get_trailing_number(}") for var_sym in frozen_var_expr.free_symbols ] ) voltages.insert(index, round_symbolic_expr(frozen_var_expr, 10)) node_voltages = list(transformation_matrix * sympy.Matrix(voltages)) if self.is_grounded: node_voltages = [0] + node_voltages branch_voltage_expr = node_voltages[node_id1] - node_voltages[node_id2] # adding the offset charge variables for var_index in self.var_categories["periodic"]: branch_voltage_expr = branch_voltage_expr.subs( symbols(f"Q{var_index}"), symbols(f"n{var_index}") + symbols(f"ng{var_index}"), ) return branch_voltage_expr * ( 1 / (8 * branch.parameters["EC"]) if branch.type == "C" else 1 / (8 * branch.parameters["ECJ"]) ) node_id1, node_id2 = [node.index for node in branch.nodes] expr_node_vars = symbols(f{node_id2}") - symbols(f{node_id1}") expr_node_vars = expr_node_vars.subs( "φ0", 0 ) # substituting node flux of ground to zero num_vars = len(self.nodes) - self.is_grounded new_vars = [ ( symbols(f{index}") if index not in self.var_categories["frozen"] else self.frozen_var_exprs[index] ) for index in range(1, 1 + num_vars) ] # free variables do not show up in the branch flux expression for inductors, assuming capacitances do not depend on the flux, but charge expression old_vars = [symbols(f{index}") for index in range(1, 1 + num_vars)] transformed_expr = # add external flux phi_ext = 0 if branch in self.closure_branches: if not self.use_dynamic_flux_grouping: index = self.closure_branches.index(branch) phi_ext += self.external_fluxes[index] if self.use_dynamic_flux_grouping: flux_branch_assignment = self._time_dependent_flux_distribution() phi_ext += flux_branch_assignment[int(branch.id_str)] for idx, var in enumerate(old_vars): expr_node_vars = expr_node_vars.subs(var, transformed_expr[idx]) return round_symbolic_expr(expr_node_vars + phi_ext, 12) def generate_symbolic_lagrangian( self, substitute_params: bool = False ) -> Tuple[sympy.Expr, sympy.Expr, sympy.Expr, sympy.Expr]: r""" Returns four symbolic expressions: lagrangian_θ, potential_θ, lagrangian_φ, potential_φ, where θ represents the set of new variables and φ represents the set of node variables """ transformation_matrix = self.transformation_matrix # defining the φ variables φ_dot_vars = [ symbols(f"vφ{i}") for i in range(1, len(self.nodes) - self.is_grounded + 1) ] # defining the θ variables θ_vars = [ symbols(f{i}") for i in range(1, len(self.nodes) - self.is_grounded + 1) ] # defining the θ dot variables θ_dot_vars = [ symbols(f"vθ{i}") for i in range(1, len(self.nodes) - self.is_grounded + 1) ] # writing φ in terms of θ variables φ_vars_θ =θ_vars) # writing φ dot vars in terms of θ variables φ_dot_vars_θ =θ_dot_vars) # C_terms = self._C_terms() C_mat = self._capacitance_matrix() if not self.is_any_branch_parameter_symbolic(): # in terms of node variables C_terms_φ =φ_dot_vars).dot(φ_dot_vars) * 0.5 # in terms of new variables C_terms_θ =φ_dot_vars_θ).dot(φ_dot_vars_θ) * 0.5 else: C_terms_φ = (sympy.Matrix(φ_dot_vars).T * C_mat * sympy.Matrix(φ_dot_vars))[ 0 ] * 0.5 # in terms of node variables C_terms_θ = ( sympy.Matrix(φ_dot_vars_θ).T * C_mat * sympy.Matrix(φ_dot_vars_θ) )[ 0 ] * 0.5 # in terms of new variables inductor_terms_φ = self._inductor_terms(substitute_params=substitute_params) JJ_terms_φ = self._junction_terms() + self._JJs_terms() lagrangian_φ = C_terms_φ - inductor_terms_φ - JJ_terms_φ potential_φ = inductor_terms_φ + JJ_terms_φ potential_θ = ( potential_φ.copy() if potential_φ != 0 else symbols("x") * 0 ) # copying the potential in terms of the old variables to make substitutions for index in range( len(self.nodes) - self.is_grounded ): # converting potential to new variables potential_θ = potential_θ.subs(symbols(f{index + 1}"), φ_vars_θ[index]) # eliminating the frozen variables for frozen_var_index in self.var_categories["frozen"]: frozen_expr = sympy.solve( potential_θ.diff(symbols(f{frozen_var_index}")), symbols(f{frozen_var_index}"), )[0] self.frozen_var_exprs[frozen_var_index] = frozen_expr potential_θ = potential_θ.replace( symbols(f{frozen_var_index}"), frozen_expr ) lagrangian_θ = C_terms_θ - potential_θ return lagrangian_θ, potential_θ, lagrangian_φ, potential_φ
[docs] def generate_symbolic_hamiltonian( self, substitute_params=False, reevaluate_lagrangian: bool = False ) -> sympy.Expr: r""" Returns the Hamiltonian of the circuit in terms of the new variables :math:`\theta_i`. Parameters ---------- substitute_params: When set to True, the symbols defined for branch parameters will be substituted with the numerical values in the respective Circuit attributes. """ if reevaluate_lagrangian: _, potential_symbolic, _, _ = self.generate_symbolic_lagrangian( substitute_params=substitute_params ) else: potential_symbolic = self.potential_symbolic transformation_matrix = self.transformation_matrix frozen_indices = [ i - 1 for i in self.var_categories["frozen"] + self.var_categories["sigma"] ] # generating the C_mat_θ by inverting the capacitance matrix if self.is_any_branch_parameter_symbolic() and not substitute_params: C_mat_θ = ( transformation_matrix.T * self._capacitance_matrix() * transformation_matrix ) relevant_indices = [ i for i in range(C_mat_θ.shape[0]) if i not in frozen_indices ] C_mat_θ = C_mat_θ[relevant_indices, relevant_indices] C_mat_θ = C_mat_θ.inv() else: C_mat_θ = ( transformation_matrix.T @ self._capacitance_matrix(substitute_params=substitute_params) @ transformation_matrix ) C_mat_θ = np.delete(C_mat_θ, frozen_indices, 0) C_mat_θ = np.delete(C_mat_θ, frozen_indices, 1) C_mat_θ = np.linalg.inv(C_mat_θ) p_φ_vars = [ ( symbols(f"Q{i}") if i not in self.var_categories["free"] else symbols(f"Qf{i}") ) for i in np.sort( self.var_categories["periodic"] + self.var_categories["extended"] + self.var_categories["free"] ) # replacing the free charge with 0, as it would not affect the circuit # Lagrangian. ] ### NOTE: sorting the variable indices in the above step is important as the transformation ### matrix already takes care of defining the appropriate momenta in the new variables. So, the above variables should be ### in the node variable order. # generating the kinetic energy terms for the Hamiltonian if not self.is_any_branch_parameter_symbolic(): C_terms_new = ( C_mat_θ.dot(p_φ_vars).dot(p_φ_vars) * 0.5 ) # in terms of new variables else: C_terms_new = (sympy.Matrix(p_φ_vars).T * C_mat_θ * sympy.Matrix(p_φ_vars))[ 0 ] * 0.5 # in terms of new variables hamiltonian_symbolic = C_terms_new + potential_symbolic # adding the offset charge variables for var_index in self.var_categories["periodic"]: hamiltonian_symbolic = hamiltonian_symbolic.subs( symbols(f"Q{var_index}"), symbols(f"n{var_index}") + symbols(f"ng{var_index}"), ) return round_symbolic_expr(hamiltonian_symbolic.expand(), 12)