Source code for scqubits.settings

scqubits: superconducting qubits in Python

[J. Koch](, [P. Groszkowski](

scqubits is an open-source Python library for simulating superconducting qubits.
It is meant to give the user a convenient way to obtain energy spectra of common
superconducting qubits, plot energy levels as a function of external parameters,
calculate matrix elements etc. The library further provides an interface to QuTiP,
making it easy to work with composite Hilbert spaces consisting of coupled
superconducting qubits and harmonic modes. Internally, numerics within scqubits is
carried out with the help of Numpy and Scipy; plotting capabilities rely on

# This file is part of scqubits: a Python package for superconducting qubits,
# Quantum 5, 583 (2021).
#    Copyright (c) 2019 and later, Jens Koch and Peter Groszkowski
#    All rights reserved.
#    This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
#    LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

import warnings

from typing import Any, Optional, Type, Union

import matplotlib.font_manager as mpl_font
import numpy as np

from cycler import cycler

# Set format for output of warnings
[docs] def warning_on_one_line( message: Union[Warning, str], category: Type[Warning], filename: str, lineno: int, line: Optional[str] = None, ) -> str: return "{}: {}\n {}: {}".format(category.__name__, message, filename, lineno)
warnings.formatwarning = warning_on_one_line # Function checking whether code is run from a jupyter notebook or inside ipython
[docs] def executed_in_ipython(): try: # inside ipython, the function get_ipython is always in globals() shell = get_ipython().__class__.__name__ if shell in ["ZMQInteractiveShell", "TerminalInteractiveShell"]: return True # Jupyter notebook or qtconsole of IPython return False # Other type (?) except NameError: return False # Probably standard Python interpreter
# a switch for displaying of progress bar; default: show only in ipython if executed_in_ipython(): PROGRESSBAR_DISABLED = False IN_IPYTHON = True else: PROGRESSBAR_DISABLED = True IN_IPYTHON = False # use vector graphics display in jupyter if executed_in_ipython(): import matplotlib_inline.backend_inline matplotlib_inline.backend_inline.set_matplotlib_formats("pdf", "svg") # run ParameterSweep directly upon initialization AUTORUN_SWEEP = True # enable/disable the CENTRAL_DISPATCH system DISPATCH_ENABLED = True # For parallel processing -------------------------------------------------------------- # store processing pool once generated POOL: Any = None # number of cores to be used by default in methods that enable parallel processing NUM_CPUS = 1 # Select multiprocessing library # Options: 'multiprocessing' # 'pathos' MULTIPROC = "pathos" # Matplotlib options ------------------------------------------------------------------- # select fonts FONT_SELECTED = None try: font_names = mpl_font.get_font_names() for font in ["IBM Plex Sans", "Roboto", "Arial", "Helvetica"]: if font in font_names: FONT_SELECTED = font break if not FONT_SELECTED: FONT_SELECTED = "sans-serif" except AttributeError: FONT_SELECTED = "sans-serif" # set matplotlib defaults for use in @mpl.rc_context OFF_BLACK = "0.2" matplotlib_settings = { "axes.prop_cycle": cycler( color=[ "#016E82", "#333795", "#2E5EAC", "#4498D3", "#CD85B9", "#45C3D1", "#AA1D3F", "#F47752", "#19B35A", "#EDE83B", "#ABD379", "#F9E6BE", ] ), "": FONT_SELECTED, "font.size": 11, "font.weight": 500, "axes.labelsize": 11, "axes.titlesize": 11, "axes.titleweight": 500, "xtick.labelsize": 10, "ytick.labelsize": 10, "xtick.labelcolor": OFF_BLACK, "ytick.labelcolor": OFF_BLACK, "xtick.color": OFF_BLACK, "ytick.color": OFF_BLACK, "axes.labelcolor": OFF_BLACK, "axes.edgecolor": OFF_BLACK, "axes.titlecolor": OFF_BLACK, } # toggle top and right axes on and off DESPINE = True # This is a setting for number of points in stencil to approximate derivatives STENCIL = 7 # global random number generator for consistent initial state vector v0 in ARPACK _SEED = 63142 _RNG = np.random.default_rng(seed=_SEED) RANDOM_ARRAY = _RNG.random(size=10000000) # toggle fuzzy value-based slicing and warnings about it on and off FUZZY_SLICING = False FUZZY_WARNING = True # Enable/disable warning about default used in t1 coherence calculations T1_DEFAULT_WARNING = True # Overlap threshold in establishing a map between dressed states and bare product states # (lookups need to be manually regenerated for a change by the user to take effect OVERLAP_THRESHOLD = 0.5 # Settings for Circuit and SymbolicCircuit class. # The following determines the threshold for the number of nodes above which the # symbolic inversion of the capacitance matrix is skipped. SYM_INVERSION_MAX_NODES = 3