Operator matrix for prefactor(a+a^dag) of size dimension x dimension in sparse matrix representation. |
Operator matrix for prefactor(a+a^dag) of size dimension x dimension in sparse matrix representation. |
Returns a dense matrix of size dimension x dimension representing the annihilation operator in number basis. |
Returns a matrix of size dimension x dimension representing the annihilation operator in the format of a scipy sparse.csc_matrix. |
Operator matrix for cos(prefactor(a+a^dag)) of size dimension x dimension in sparse matrix representation. |
Returns a dense matrix of size dimension x dimension representing the creation operator in number basis. |
Returns a matrix of size dimension x dimension representing the creation operator in the format of a scipy sparse.csc_matrix |
The Hubbard operator \(|j1\rangle>\langle j2|\) is returned as a matrix of linear size dimension. |
Operator matrix for prefactor(ia-ia^dag) of size dimension x dimension as ndarray |
Operator matrix for prefactor(ia-ia^dag) of size dimension x dimension as ndarray |
Number operator matrix of size dimension x dimension in sparse matrix representation. |
Number operator matrix of size dimension x dimension in sparse matrix representation. |
Operator matrix for sin(prefactor(a+a^dag)) of size dimension x dimension in sparse matrix representation. |