Takes spectral data of energy eigenvalues and returns the absorption spectrum relative to a state of given index. |
For a given bare energy value, this returns the closest lying dressed energy value from an array. |
Takes a qutip eigenstates array, as obtained with .eigenstates(), and converts it into a pure numpy array. |
Wrapper method for scipy.sparse.linalg.eigsh which ensures the following. |
Takes spectral data of energy eigenvalues and returns the emission spectrum relative to a state of given index. |
Extracts global phase from complex_array at given position. |
Based on a bare state label (i1, i2, ...) with i1 being the excitation level of subsystem 1, i2 the excitation level of subsystem 2 etc., generate a list of new bare state labels. |
For given list of qutip states, find index of the state that has largest overlap with the qutip ket reference_state_qobj. |
Calculates a table of matrix elements. |
Takes the operator belonging to subsystem and "wraps" it in identities. |
Calculate the matrix element <state1|operator|state2>. |
Takes eigenvalues and corresponding eigenvectors and orders them (in place) according to the eigenvalues (from smallest to largest; real valued eigenvalues are assumed). |
Takes data generated by a map of eigensystem calls and returns the eigenvalue and eigenstate tables |
Uses extract_phase to obtain global phase from array and returns standardized array with global phase factor standardized. |
Standardizes the sign of a real-valued wavefunction by calculating the sign of the sum of all amplitudes up to the wavefunctions mid-position and making it positive. |