

The Zero-Pi qubit [Brooks2013] [Dempster2014], when decoupled from the zeta mode, is described by the Hamiltonian

\[\begin{split}H &= -2E_\text{CJ}\partial_\phi^2+2E_{\text{C}\Sigma}(i\partial_\theta-n_g)^2 +2E_{C\Sigma}dC_J\,\partial_\phi\partial_\theta\\ &\qquad -2E_\text{J}\cos\theta\cos(\phi-\varphi_\text{ext}/2)+E_L\phi^2+2E_\text{J} + E_J dE_J \sin\theta\sin(\phi-\varphi_\text{ext}/2)\end{split}\]

expressed in phase basis. The definition of the relevant charging energies \(E_\text{CJ}\), \(E_{\text{C}\Sigma}\), Josephson energies \(E_\text{J}\), inductive energies \(E_\text{L}\), and relative amounts of disorder \(dC_\text{J}\), \(dE_\text{J}\) follows [Groszkowski2018].

Internally, the ZeroPi class formulates the Hamiltonian matrix by discretizing the phi variable, and using charge basis for the theta variable.

An instance of the Zero-Pi qubit is created as follows:

phi_grid = scqubits.Grid1d(-6*np.pi, 6*np.pi, 200)

zero_pi = scqubits.ZeroPi(grid = phi_grid,
                           EJ   = 0.25,
                           EL   = 10.0**(-2),
                           ECJ  = 0.5,
                           EC   = None,
                           ECS  = 10.0**(-3),
                           ng   = 0.1,
                           flux = 0.23,
                           ncut = 30)

Here, flux is given in units of the flux quantum, i.e., in the form \(\Phi_\text{ext}/\Phi_0\). In the above example, the disorder parameters dEJ and dCJ are not specified, and hence take on the default value zero (no disorder).

From within Jupyter notebook, a fluxonium instance can alternatively be created with:

zero_pi = scqubits.ZeroPi.create()

This functionality is enabled if the ipywidgets package is installed, and displays GUI forms prompting for the entry of the required parameters.

Wavefunctions and visualization of eigenstates#

scqubits.ZeroPi.wavefunction([esys, which, ...])

Returns a zero-pi wave function in phi, theta basis

scqubits.ZeroPi.plot_wavefunction([esys, ...])

Plots 2d phase-basis wave function.

Implemented operators#

The following operators are implemented for use in matrix element calculations.


Operator \(i d/d\phi\).


Returns \(\phi\) operator in the native or eigenenergy basis.


Returns \(n_\theta\) operator in the native or eigenenergy basis.


Returns \(\cos(\theta)\) operator in the native or eigenenergy basis.


Returns \(\sin(\theta)\) operator in the native or eigenenergy basis.

Computation and visualization of matrix elements#


Returns table of matrix elements for operator with respect to the eigenstates of the qubit.


Plots matrix elements for operator, given as a string referring to a class method that returns an operator matrix.


Calculates matrix elements for a varying system parameter, given an array of parameter values.


Generates a simple plot of a set of eigenvalues as a function of one parameter.

Utility method for setting charging energies#


Helper function to set EC by providing ECS, keeping ECJ constant.

Estimation of coherence times#


Show plots of coherence for various channels supported by the qubit as they vary as a function of a changing parameter.


Plot effective \(T_1\) coherence time (rate) as a function of changing parameter.


Plot effective \(T_2\) coherence time (rate) as a function of changing parameter.

scqubits.ZeroPi.t1(i, j, noise_op, ...[, T, ...])

Calculate the transition time (or rate) using Fermi's Golden Rule due to a noise channel with a spectral density spectral_density and system noise operator noise_op.


Calculate the effective \(T_1\) time (or rate).

scqubits.ZeroPi.t1_flux_bias_line([i, j, M, ...])

Noise due to a bias flux line.

scqubits.ZeroPi.t1_inductive([i, j, Q_ind, ...])

\(T_1\) due to inductive dissipation in a superinductor.


Calculate the effective \(T_2\) time (or rate).

scqubits.ZeroPi.tphi_1_over_f(A_noise, i, j, ...)

Calculate the 1/f dephasing time (or rate) due to arbitrary noise source.

scqubits.ZeroPi.tphi_1_over_f_cc([A_noise, ...])

Calculate the 1/f dephasing time (or rate) due to critical current noise.


Calculate the 1/f dephasing time (or rate) due to flux noise.